The Magician Wisdom Reading

It never fails. Every time I do a reading that with the cards that I think is incredibly off, it turns out that the cards are right and that I am off.

Tonight I did the first of the Magician spreads that Rachel Pollack suggests in her book Tarot Wisdom. At first the cards just seemed really odd in how they came out. Then i started really looking and things became a bit more illuminated.

The Magician Wisdom Spread
1) What is Magic? Card VIII of Cups(reversed)
2) How does it act in the world? V of Pentacles
3) How do we find it? VIII of Wands
4) How do we use it? XVI The Tower
5) How do we become magicians IX of Wands (reversed)

Ok Using 90% of Rachel Pollack’s written meanings for the cards. (Her spread, might as well use her interpretation, besides the fact that my intuition has consistently agreed with her over the years

1) What is Magic? VIII of Cups Reversed RWCups08
“Not the time to leave a situation, Need for connection between head and heart; breaking a pattern in relationships.”

So magic then would deal with appropriated timing, uniting the heart and the head (will) and using that will to form new patterns and relationships (new attractive bonds)

2) How does it act in the world? V of Pentacles RW5ofpenticles
“People helping each other when society fails them; Changing physical situations; finding greater meaning in the daily struggle of life”
So in the world, magic acts in the world to help people; change situations and illuminate deeper meaning in life.

3)How can we find magic? VIII of Wands

“Movement; heading towards stability; acting from ideals and constructions of the right thing to do; coming to a conclusion or resolution

so we find magic by deciding what the thing needed to be done is; developing the conviction that it is right and making it happen

4)How do we use magic? XVi-The Tower RW Tower

The Tower is all about dispelling our illusions and our wrongful concepts of how reality works

We use magic to help us remove our old outmoded ways of thinking and clear out old destructive behaviours so that something, new , healthier and boundless can be created

5) How do we become magicians? IX of Wands (reversed)

“finding it difficult to get close to others; a different way to deal with problems; starting something new”
So we become Magicians by setting ourselves up some mental (if not physical) space from others; remove our old patterns of thinking and discover new ways of dealing with problems

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