Expression is Key

Thanks to an online fellow traveller on the parallel converging spiritual paths (i love mixing metaphors and find it almost impossible not to when talking about this stuff. There exists One Path yet each entity must travel his/her /its own ;D) i believe i have found a new mantra / affirmation. Thanks Mayan Monkey
But what meaning attaches to it? It uses a form of “to be” so Aristotelean identity would say that there is a key-ness inherent in Expression. What does a key do? It unlocks…doors, locks, codes… hmmmm so what code does expression provide the key to breaking? well it seems that One provides the answer to almost any question πŸ˜‰ there exists only one code so how does expression provide the key to it.
Old Zen story: The tale goes like this: A student went to visit a famous Zen master. The master served tea and rice while the student talked about his desire to learn Zen. The master filled up the rice bowl up to the brim until it overflowed. Finally, distracted, the student blurted: β€œIt’s too full! No more will go in!” The Zen Master sighed, saying: β€œYou are like this bowl. How can I show you Zen until you first empty this bowl?”

That seems surprisingly clear. When I have absorbed experience, knowledge, information, wisdom, music, art (not sure bur I find several, if not all of the above words synonymous with each other) how do i empty my bowl? hmmm could it be…..Expression? (bells, whistles, a duck comes down) πŸ™‚

hmmm I sense truth here.

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