Strength Reading

1-How am I strong? VI of Wands VI of Wands
2-How am I weak? VI of Swords (rev) IV of Swords
3-When do I need to be strong? IX of Wands IX of Wands
4-When do I need to be weak? VII of Wands VII of Wands
5-What strengthens me? X of Pentacles X of Pentacles
6-What weakens me? X of Wands ]X of Wands

How am I strong? VI of Wands” Passion, Romance or shared enthusiasms. Situations that are exciting and harmonious at the same time. Confidence and optimism, the ability to inspire others” Well, cool, sounds like a good program to run. OK this is how i am. Confident, optimistic, Inspiring and Passionate. Sounds like part of the Merlin program I am running

How am I weak? IV of Swords(rev)” Confusion over whether or not to intervene in a situation. Intuitive thinking rather than logic””Too soon to involve others, Don’t repeat mistakes””Wise to stay away from other people’s problems. Things will settle down soon” Ok, that makes too much sense. I tend to want to be helpful and I need to accept that everyone is responsible for their own universe. I am belittling them by trying to intervene even if they ask me too. Especially when I can sense what is going on for the other person (well they do express part of myself otherwise I wouldn’t be aware of the situation)

When do I need to be strong? IX of Wands” Courage and Strength in a tense situation.” Don’t Leave yourself open to criticism, check your plans carefully””Take a broader view, encompass the problems, see it as others might” So when planning, I need to check things over so I can have confidence in my plans

When do I need to be weak? VII of Wands ” There is a need to open ourselves to fire rather than use it against others or simply to stay on top” “You can make it! you can meet the challenge. Examine resources take your time. Regain balance than act” about the only meaning i can see for this telling me when i need to be weak is that I need to hesitate rather than rushing at my foes. I can succeed as long as I take the breath to see how first. So have confidence to know, i don’t have to be the aggressor in the battle. I am strong enough to take the blows”

What strengthens me? X of Pentacles ” A feeling of security. Now you have a solid base. To reach your point of destiny you must go through the port of satisfaction” “Don’t wait for something to happen. Continue with plans. Further prosperity developing” so the stability of being married and having a family and a stable base strengthens me. Wow i’ve created the life i’m in for all kinds of reasons.

What weakens me? X of Wands ” Drop unnecessary obligations” “Feeling overburdened by obligations” Translation: When too much is going on I feel put upon. It’s not the workload that weakens me as much as the feeling that I shouldn’t be dealing with it

So My strengths are optimism and confidence, Inspiration and Passion, I need to use my strength when there are challenges to be met and the very domesticity I tend to rail against makes me strong.
My weakness tends to be my instinct to want to help others and the fact that tho i have the intuition to know what they need, i can’t always back it up with a chain of logic. I need to use my weakness for others when i am defending myself and them and have to learn when and how to stand up and take the situation first (only after assessing it 😉 ) I have the ability to bounce back from a situation better than most. What wakens me is when I have created a situation where i have taken on too much.

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