Card of the Day – December 2 2009 – V of Swords

Geburah in Air
First Decan of Aquarius

Now the battle has been won
He collects the swords of the vanquished, us.
He walks on determined,
all but oblivious to our shame
He may be weary, we are for sure
with wounds to lick
This day too shall pass
and we may yet win out
tho for now we taste Ashes
Another day will come
V of Swords- Legacy of the Divine Tarot

I Ching:47 K’un “Oppression”
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The image is of a lake above water–the lake is dried up– the “superior” man is held down by the “inferior” tho there is an implication that by sticking to his truth, the superior man will win out with perseverance.

The card itself refers to defeat. It shows the victor in the foreground tho usually that represents that which the querent is facing…
There are implications of not only defeat but a loss of face and humiliation. This can also be seen as a warning about going into a contest with a defeatist attitude.

When the card comes out reversed it tends to indicate moving beyond past defeats and starting anew..

The First Decan of Aquarius energy tends to add to the persistent shining out one’s unique self quality.

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