Tarot Card of the Day – December 12 2009

VIII of Cups

Hod in Water
Saturn in Pisces

Long have I stayed here
drinking deeply of the pleasures offered
Now my soul longs for more
Cups lie empty strewn around me.
Surely there must be more!
I look out and feel a yearning
a calling- some message
telling me…what?
that I can be more than this mundane creature
with neither needs nor ambition
that there is purpose and meaning
once I give it such.
I know I will be changed
by what lies ahead
Do I have a choice?
Stay here and become not
bur remain that which I’ve been
or follow the pull
on mind heart and being
no choice at all
I reach out and
I’m gone


VIII Cups from Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

I Ching : 41 Sun, “Decrease”


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Ken (Keeping Still) Mountain over Tui (Joyous) The Lake – What is below is decreased to what is above, one is resisting the call of the Lake and hearing more the Lure of the mountain. There is something about male adolescence in this card if you think about the lake in terms of the feminine maternal and the mountain as the masculine. One must be careful not to try to ascend too quickly however as in increasing the top of a edifice at the expense of the foundation can cause instability.
“Decrease combined with sincerity –success no blame”. There comes a point for everyone where the time is right to move on. This is best done if the time is right and it is done with honesty rather than emotional drama as in having to create a scene to make it easier to leave.”

Saturn in Pisces also carries forth the idea of going out in the world. One must overcome irrational fears such as the differences between people in terms of poverty, affliction, race, etc and learn how to develop in service to all. There is the potential for a deep spiritual understanding with this force.

In readings this card is something of an elephant among blind men, with different people seeing it different ways. Aleister Crowley speaks of it as being “the German Measles of Christian Mysticism” (LOL) and describes it as the morning after a night that did not occur. The host tried to throw a party beyond his means. At any rate, very often when this card comes up, it means that the time has come to move on, usually to more serious or spiritual pursuits from the pleasant, perhaps a relationship has run its course, perhaps the time has just arrived to go.
Reversed Readings: It means that things are not yet over and there is still something that needs to be learned in the situation, This is not necessarily a pleasant thing. It can also be time to break up one’s patterns of relationships as one is not getting what one wishes to from it..

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