Earned Pain Understanding

Please don’t take away my pain
I’ve earned it
I’ve walked through the fire
I’ve felt the burn
I needed to
How else could I understand the pain of others?

If you feel friendship towards me
let me have this.
Tell me “It get’s better”
even “I’ve felt it too”
but don’t try to remove this hurt from me
just understand
I asked for this lesson
I brought myself to this
so that I would know this feeling
and am grateful

When you feel the fire
I’ll be there for you
for that is what we’ve built
Sharing tears, joy, pain and laughter
building understanding

One day I won’t need this
but for now
leave this to me
It is as much a part of me
as the joy I’ve felt
ant the love we share.

The Ferryman by G A Rosenberg

The ferryman has been my most constant teacher. Lately he has been manifesting in my art when I have created something that contains a lesson that I need to learn. He watches, silently and understands everything that comes within his field of vision.

What does a ferryman do? He transports people across the water. He guides the ship through the rough parts deftly missing or sideswiping obstacles in his path.

He’s done that for me a lot of late. As I stand at each crossroads wondering which direction to take he stands with me. He offers neither advice nor suggestion yet somehow I know that he travels with me.  I wonder, knowing that water is a symbol of the unconscious, what shoals he sees in my path. He definitely seems to know a lot more about the destination than I do.

I have never seen his face. Even within my dreamscapes, his back is turned. Looking out at what is to come, silently understanding the path of the journey, the rough waters I will have to navigate, the beings I’ll encounter and the lessons I need to learn.  If he did turn to me, I do know exactly the face that I would see.