Each (K)night’s Reflection by G A Rosenberg

I kneel here
holding vigil
as the changes occur around me
I search for strength within, without
and to find my way
through the maelstrom
I know I will
never see things
as I see them now
Tomorrow I see through new eyes,
that hoary cliche and yet so true,
a new world’s journey begun
What will become of the man
who kneels here
and what will continue onwards?
Who would be this dreamer
searching for his way
as he dreams in the new world?

Tarot Card of the Day – Nov 13 2010

Nine of Wands

Yesod in Fire
Moon (☽) in Sagittarius ( ♐)

“Of all important doctrines concerning equilibrium, this is the easiest to understand, that change is stability; that stability is guaranteed by change; that if anything
should stop changing for the fraction of a split second, it would go to pieces.”

— Aleister Crowley, Book of Thoth

Click on image to see full-size

Nine of Wands-Strength by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Card of the Day — November 10 2010

Eight of Swords – Interference

“I never told a victim story about my imprisonment. Instead, I told a transformation story – about how prison changed my outlook, about how I saw that communication, truth, and trust are at the heart of power.
–Fernando Flores

Click on image to see full-size

Eight of Swords- Interference by G A Rosenberg

Reaching Out

Reaching out
to those who haven’t yet
found the freedom to be
They seem trapped by the
value they place on the
views of others
The inner voice whispers
and yet…
it is drowned out by rage, pain and sorrow
They hear empty promises
of better times
yet noone says when those times will come
Sometimes hope cannot be heard
and peace can’t be believed….
–G A Rosenberg

RIP Brandon Bitner

Thoughts on a Sea Otter Sunset

I have a friend on YouTube, seaottersoup who does these amazing videos. This short piece was inspired by a time-lapse video of clouds at sunset….

Fractal clouds glowing
rainbow colours
set on fire by spirit sun

forms morphing
elemental kaleidoscope
the shapes i see
subject of my lens perception
showing me the symbols I need
to carry on…

— G A Rosenberg