Semantics–Reaching An Understanding

Semantics is the study of meanings of words. From what I’ve noticed, quite often even tho we believe we’re speaking the same language, we seem to be making the same sounds but for each of us, the meanings can differ hugely.
easy words this applies to:
Light, Dark, Conservative, Democrat, Liberal, God, the Devil, justice, work, job, mission,
I could go on and on…
it seems to me that so much of the conflicts between either individuals or groups of people tends to be the mistaken belief that the other person’s meanings are the same as ours…
Can we forge agreements? Beforehand, say for me this word means this, what does it mean for you?i believe that short of full telepathic conversation,This may be the only way for communication to have a hope of working =)
or perhaps asking as we go along, when you use this word, what do you mean?
because expecting agreement to last or remembering that this is what we agreed on can be difficult… sometimes we almost need to have person to person dictionaries in our head.. then once body language and expression is thrown in……

Most often, I delight in the fact that communication happens at all

What it keeps boiling down to for me is that working to understand another’s heart takes me further than working to understand their words

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