Quote of the Day – August 21 2011

‎”I am a cup in the hands of love.
If you don’t believe me look in my eyes.
or better still, listen to my heart, beating like crazy.
But watch out! This love is not the pale and slender type.
She is drinking in all the lovers right now!”

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More in the sky by G A Rosenberg

The Shadow Knows


Just putting that in and letting it sit there in its incredible wrongness…

Lots of stray thoughts tonight. Part and parcel of the strange energy this past week. Lots of good art coming out of it but it does seem like there is a whole lot of clearing going on. Many different aspects of my psyche coming up, screaming to be heard. Funny tho, at one point some of the more (aesthetically? , ethically) negative ones would have had me a lot more freaked out…At some point, I finally learned that what we keep hidden causes the most damage not what we let expose itself in the light. I deny none of my thoughts or feelings. Do I need to act on them? Hades, no but much better to see the shadow then to try to keep it inside. Exposed, standing out naked in my psyche, they tend to loose whatever power they may have had over me.

Also if I don’t face my own bullshit, however can i have any compassion for that of others? As it is, wow, i am surprised at the amount of ugly thoughts that still find their way through this cranium…so much negative programming. and the debugging continues….

Not that all the surprises seem negative. Occasionally they just illuminate aspects that I don’t usually identify with. Still I am large, I contain multitudes or something like that. I love the weird stuff, I love the good stuff, I even love the darkest shadows of my being. They teach me to love others.

Everything happens Now!


Quote of the Day – August 14 2011

“It is singular how soon we lose the impression of what ceases to be constantly before us. A year impairs, a luster obliterates. There is little distinct left without an effort of memory, then indeed the lights are rekindled for a moment – but who can be sure that the Imagination is not the torch-bearer?
—Lord Byron


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Memory Wave Theory by G A Rosenberg

Renegotiating Reciprocity

This afternoon we had lunch with Norman and his wife Emma. Norman is among other things a family therapist. One of the things that came up in the conversation was the term Renegotiating Reciprocity. That term has spent the rest of the day kind of dancing around in my skull. It seems to have so many ramifications and defines so many things for me. After all what is our spiritual journey if not a constant renegotiation of reciprocity between ourself and the universe. As our capacity increases, so does our responsibility. We receive more and we give more, more light, more knowledge, more love. Also noteworthy is how we renegotiate reciprocity with ourselves and our own being. This is definitely contained in our relationship with the universe (from many viewpoints it may indeed be our relationship with our own being may BE our relationship with the universe.
The list goes on and on. The more awareness we have within any relationship (universe, being, deity, boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, child), the more the idea of reciprocity comes up.
It is not so much a duty or obligation to me as a necessity. The more I have been given, the more I need to give back, if not to the source of my gifts than to whomever I can. As my needs and my capacity change, than what i can and need to give out changes.

Staring into the flames 3

It seems almost everyone I’ve met has their own internal rulebook. This rulebook contains each individual’s concept of the way life works.
Many inherit their rulebooks from their parents. Occasionally they’ll take something out or write something in but overall it stays the same sometimes for generations. Some get theirs from social groups they belong to. It might fit like a mismatched wrongsized old suit and yet these poor beings claim it fits them just fine and why not? It saves them the trouble of looking inside and living according to their own sovereign spirit. What’s more this behavior is encouraged by the very people these rule books put in authority over them.
People who in turn are directed by agendas that might be self-serving or worse.
Other people have shorter rule bold. They realize that answers that work for others don’t necessarily work for them. They have done the necessary work and have started learning a way more in tune with their own true natures. Perhaps parts of this reflects knowledge they’ve learned from others. If it does, it is only because each part has been truth scanned. Even then many of us write at least some of these words with spiritual pencil and we keep
An eraser handy.
