“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”
–Mahatma Gandhi
Maybe I’ve been going at this all wrong. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been working up towards expressing some thoughts on this blog that are difficult. I’ve been reaching for words only to feel my mind pull back that it is not time yet, reaching and finding that my sentences lacked clarity and things that I could articulate in my head moments before were now twisting and bending on their way to the screen. Perhaps it hasn’t been time for me to express them yet, perhaps I need to know my heart before it can find its way to words. I’m not sure but reading Gandhi’s words, I have more confidence that if my heart is there then the words will come
Blessings, G
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Flame Man’s Vision by G A Rosenberg
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I think this is the most important insight you have had.
if you ask writers how they improve their writing
they have 2 key responses
1. To take time to write every day
2. a writer is also a reader
But most of the time, it misses heart
one good thing about improv writing is that the mind doesn’t get in the way
but as you know with me, I often write when I am roused with a force of directness
and often wait for it
which I would actually like to be able to switch on and off lol
I agree. My best work comes from the heart.