Cheetah Love…

Your eyes reflect the moonlit night
I see myself as you see me
and feel the night’s contentment.

With you
I am more myself
than I’ve been in my solitude

Together we fulfill
the promise of the night.

Click on image to see full-size

Cheetah Love by G A Rosenberg

16 thoughts on “Cheetah Love…”

    1. *Sigh* you’re the second person who has pointed that out and you are correct. I thank you and will change it now =)

  1. Cheetahs are such lovely creatures… They happen to be a favourite of mine. Their intensity for life is second to none. They persevere under such cruel conditions, and their love and commitment to their young is extraordinary..
    Your poem is beautiful…. 😉

    1. I love your insights into animals. They always prove uplifting =)
      A friend of mine told me that Cheetahs are often single mothers which gave way to one of the more atrocious puns i perpetrated in this past week 🙂

      1. Yes, the female takes care of her young alone… she is a stalwart and a brave mother indeed.
        “which gave way to one of the more atrocious puns i perpetrated in this past week” –
        I have taken a look however; I’ve not found this atrocious pun… ?

        1. Oh… just that the cause of that may be that the father is a cheetah as well (as i said atrocious) 🙂

  2. I just love this one so much. I swiped it and put it on my desktop because I wanted to look at it over and over….thanks Gary 🙂

    1. Thanks T. … Glad you liked it. I hope you got the image from here rather than FB as the resolution is better and it can be blown up more 🙂

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