Quote of the Day – September 20, 2012

“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe ”
— Marilyn Vos Savant

How much of your knowledge do you own? By owning of course i mean the same as Robert Heinlein meant by the term ‘Groking’ in his book Stranger in a Strange Land Do we espouse lines of thought merely rented…they sound good so we present them as conviction but we have yet to gain true understanding? Quite often I see people, including myself at times espousing and identifying with viewpoints they don’t fully Grok (own). When challenged, rather than being willing to look at another viewpoint which at the least will enable them to understand their own better they fight tooth and nail to avoid that critical thought.
Many people believe that everyone has their truth and that they are all equal. Is there a difference tho between true understanding and beliefs that we espose because they feel good to us?
Just a few questions rolling through my mind these days.
Blessings, G

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Rise of the Indigo by G A Rosenberg

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