“We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.”
― Santosh Kalwar
I believe I like the converse of this statement even more. As we change our thoughts, we change our life. I don’t necessarily mean in a Law of Attraction type way that the book the Secret talks about. Oh in many cases that works as long as you keep in mind that there are other universal laws that figure into the mix, The Law of Karma etc. Still its amazing how much of our lives derive from our views. It may be as simple as do we see a beautiful flower growing in the sun or do we see a noxious weed cutting off our tomato plants? Is that woman over there a wrinkled old bag or a wise elder with a beauty highlighted by the lines of experience on her face? Is that guy over there weird or delightfully different. Even something as simple as does my life suck or am I a bit unhappy at the moment tho my life is great overall? All of the above examples were extremes where there is a wide spectrum of other possibilities within each of them. How many different viewpoint can you adopt at any given point of your day. Try shifting your viewpoint and see how your reality changes.. Out of such exercises comes a foundation of magic.
Blessings, G
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King of Swords by G A Rosenberg
head and sword borrowed over an ordinary man, does not make him the king 😉
But an ordinary man may rise to kingship….look at half the fairy tales out there =)
Yes..he may rise..and then he has risen to the level of King..therefore..he is special and no more ordinary