Quote of the Day – March 25 2013

“Live life fully while you’re here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You’re going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don’t try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.”
― Anthony Robbins


I read this and I just want to say YES. How often in my life have I second guessed myself or stopped myself from doing something because I was worried either about what someone else might think or that I would not do it correctly? How many experiences have I avoided not because I did not want to experience them but out of fear or avoidance.  Honestly tho, I’ve let myself do a lot and I’ve made huge mistakes and can look at them now and laugh from the other side.

I can guarantee that not only myself but everyone reading this will make several mistakes between now and when we go on. That’s awesome. Mistakes are there so that we can plumb the depths of our ignorance and learn. They are necessary parts of our journey and we should rejoice in them. They may suck at the time particularly the ones where we or others who we care about get hurt but in the mutual healing there is much that can be learned. These mistakes are part of the human journey and wow am I grateful for that.

I’m going to leave off with two questions tonight that I’d love to hear answers from. What inspires you? What feeds you and allows you to go further faster? What is one thing you would like to try that you haven’t yet?
Blessings, G


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INGMRF-00005584-001Ripples of Remembered Love by G A Rosenberg


LifenetLifenet by G A Rosenberg

Sunday Art Explosion

Kaleidoscopic Thoughts
Patterns and Colours elicit memories
that keep returning in small measure
Fractal repeating tropes
that resolve sometimes in local fashion
more often in infinite expression.


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Electric AztecElectric Aztec by G A Rosenberg


Electric Water LilyWater-Lilly by G A Rosenberg


Black Light ExplosionBlack Light Explosion by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 24 2013

“Do you have any advice for your readers?”

“Lead the life that’s yours instead of faking someone else’s.”
― Sandy Nathan


That’s some amazing advice from Sandy Nathan.  For so many years I felt insecure about being myself around people. I would find role models, usually peers and model myself after them in how I spoke and my general demeanour. I had the hardest time understanding why every couple of months while I was doing that I would have an almost total break down and descent into a pretty black mood. My authentic self was rattling at the door of the cage I had put it in trying to break free. I had some amazing adventures along the way and each time as I would loose another adapted persona, more and more of who I really am emerged.
No one can hide from themselves and the world forever. We can try to pretend to be someone else (a teacher, a performer we admire, a religious leader).  We can even try to become one of the many identity tags we take on (lawyer, doctor, catholic, jew, gay, female) and be an exemplary cliche of how we believe that someone with that identity should act. If it is not authentic, it will fall apart in time. That’s ok, whenever that happens, our real selves get closer. After all, its not only someone else’s life that we can’t get away with faking, it is our own as well.
Blessings, G




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PresencePresence by G A Rosenberg


Tiger SketchTiger Sketch by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 23 2013

“In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”
― Bertrand Russell


Are the things we take for granted anything more than the stories we tell ourselves?  We paint ourselves as hero or victim, seldom villain, at least for most people. I have tried to describe myself as an innocent bystander in my story more often than not only to discover that I wasn’t either of those things. Still this quote has given me an idea. The next time I am feeling sad or angry about something that has transpired, perhaps I can step back and look at things from a different perspective. Perhaps its not the story that’s at fault but the way its being told. If something happened that made me angry, how would the story sound if everyone involved was wearing clown suits or in their underwear? How about if the story was being told in retrospect from six months in the future or even six years? How would the story be told by someone watching it unfold or from the point of view of the jerk who was arguing with me? Could I actually Have been the jerk who was arguing with him? I will try each of these things and report back. This may be interesting to say the least.
Blessings, G


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Electric TendrilsElectric Tendrils by G A Rosenberg


PanDimensional VisitPan-Dimensional Visit by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles (Success)

Six of PentaclesSix of Pentacles (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


An Act of balance

Receive then pay it forward

Move forward, give back.


I see a need
that I can answer
No! Value exchanged
balance maintained
Payment always forward
as we are never the same
we give and receive
which is harder?
grace or graciousness
It’s all flow
we assign the worth
and so transform lives
especially our own
I see a need that I can answer
You appreciate the chance to give back
we both exchange value
and balance is maintained

— G A Rosenberg

The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Sixes represent balance and harmony. What does it mean to balance out practical matters? A large part of it has to do with how we interact with others, how we give and how we receive. Do we give because we perceive needs that we can fulfill and it only makes sense that we do so. Perhaps we remember when others have helped us out and by paying it forward we realize we can keep the cycle going. Perhaps we realize that even tho there is a perceived inequality that it is illusory, we gain as much in the giving as in the receiving. The scales balance out. Do we also realize that we need to learn to give in a way that will prove enabling and empowering to another as opposed to overbearing and disempowering. Sometimes in turn we help out more by not visibly helping. Determining those times requires discernment.
Can we receive without resentment? Can we admit that we are vulnerable and have needs that can only be fulfilled by others? Can we realize that in one way or another the scales always seem to balance and to realize we are custodians of the help received and will one day pass it on in turn?


Astrological Correspondence – Moon in Taurus – The Moon in Taurus energy is one that is confident and centred. It does not like interruptions to its routines but in its zone it excels. People with the Moon in Taurus in their charts tend to be generous with both their possessions and their advice which is often practical and methodical. It is an energy that tends to be resistant to change and to new things.


I Ching Correspondence – 42) Yi – Increasing –

___ ___
___ ___
___ ___


The trigram for wind is over that of Thunder. The image is that of something below increasing at the expense of something above to the benefit of all. It is beneficial for this gain to be done with a greater purpose in mind. It is a good thing to help others make it through the day. It is an amazing thing to help others either build or rebuild their lives from the ground up. This does not mean doing the work for them as much as giving them the opportunity to do the work on their own..

When the Six of Pentacles comes up in a reading, it most often means that there is financial help being offered to those who need it and that it is an equitable exchange. It can mean that the person involved , who is usually someone who has found some success in their life is letting money flow through them, ie giving so that more can be received. The card can refer to success earned and success shared tho the success may be a transitory one.


When the Six of Pentacles is reversed in a reading, it may mean that the current period of success is coming to a close and it may help to look for a way to make it last, such as investment. It can also mean that one has gotten too caught up in material values and needs to attend more to higher pursuits as well

Quote of the Day – March 22 2013

“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you. ”
― Oprah Winfrey


If you’re very lucky, you find love in whatever you do. As I experience more and more of life, I find that my capacity for love and enjoyment grows. I realize that that is not necessarily true of all people or even most tho I do have hopes that joy and love may be contagious. I definitely know of people who infect others with their sheer delight in life and I aspire to that.
I have been contemplating today what it means to succeed. Does it mean having enough of the energy that people associate with currency to do what ever whim strikes you? Does it mean a sense of fulfilment and self-actualization that is apart from any material considerations? I believe it is the latter much more than the former. Oh I have nothing against money. It has its uses.Seldom have I seen ownership of a great amount of it producing happiness, quite often quite the contrary.
I will trade in love, joy, abundance and gratitude and will have riches beyond measure
Blessings, G


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Pyramid Skies
Pyramid Skies by G A Rosenberg



Om-Maze ing by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 21 2013

“The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh



I love being alive at this time on this planet!!! I am so thankful for it. In this moment I feel joy and a sense of satisfaction. That doesn’t mean I’m not aware of the million of injustices that go on at any given time nor that I don’t feel the pain of others. Pain and joy are not exclusive of each other and allowing myself to celebrate each moment does not negate compassion. Indeed it gives me the strength to help others and the drive to find opportunities to do so. Compassion feeds compassion and it spreads like a virus… So does joy.
Blessings, G


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Cool Inversion Mandala smCrown Mandala by G A Rosenberg


Sometimes the Path ObscuredSometimes the Path Obscured, and Then the Road is Cleared by G A Rosenberg