Quote of the Day – March 4 2013

“If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come”
— Arapaho saying


I don’t understand it and yet I wonder at it quite a bit. Why are so many people reluctant to wonder? At what point in our lives do we stop questioning and start to fight valiantly way beyond cognitive dissonance to hold on to our current belief systems. I love discovering I was wrong about something because it gives me something new to explore. If I truly believe that at best we can only gain a BETTER perspective on truth and not an ABSOLUTE perspective (at least not while in these physical bodies) than it stops becoming a matter of right or wrong but a matter of how right an answer can we find? How close to universal principles? It also means that at any given time there is something that we are mistaken about. I wonder what it can be? But then the imagi-nation has always been my favourite country
Blessings, G


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Green Flame Dancing
Green Fire Dancing by G A Rosenberg


Getting ClearGetting Clear by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 3 2013

“Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish.

~ Jean de La Fontaine


Hey man hate to bother you but I got this need
I can’t seem to get by without it
I remember when I could take it or leave it
but now I can’t make it through the day…
So you got … or can you help me get…
some inspiration?
Used to be I was like everyone else you see
working, playing, watching tv
but then a friend said “Hey check this out”
and showed me a sunset
and I was hooked
before I knew it I was listening to music
even without WORDS
and seeking out new ideas
Man that stuff was EVERYWHERE!!!!
I went for it all
whether natural out in the woods
or store bought
my bookseller became my connection man
These days it feels a bit harder tho
So man, whatcha got?

Blessings, G


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View Outside My Window
View Outside My Window by G A Rosenberg


Tree in the MistTree in the Mist by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 2 2013

“By sharing something, I realize that I’m not alone, that there are a lot of people that share with me the same preoccupations, the same ideas, the same ideals and the same quest for a meaning for this life.”
— Paulo Coelho


Sometimes lonely but never alone. How can I be when there are so many sharing the journey with me? Oh they walk their own paths but more often than not paths intersect and I am joined by wondrous beings. Some of them are caught up in struggles as I have been, as I will be and if I can help  I do for interaction and mutual aid are key on this journey. Sometimes a kind word can mean everything. Sometimes the best intentioned of help is rebuffed. That’s ok, trying to force another to accept help is a sucker’s game tho sometimes they may curse us now and bless us afterwards. Retroactive consent is part of the journey as well.
Blessings, G


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Buddha in the Garden
Buddha in the Garden by G A Rosenberg

Crop Circles Beyond 3D

Crop Circles Going Beyond 3D by G A Rosenberg

Meditation – Creation (Redux)


i can let go of anything

i choose what i wish to have

feel my heArt
sorrow no more
tho you can if you wish

anger no more
tho it has fuelled you
other things can help you further faster

let go of fear
tho it has taught you
there are better things to learn

Noone can take away who you are
tho you can give it away

Game On!

Looks like i’m gonna surprise you

we imagine we create and we reflect


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energy blue spiral

Meditation – Creation by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 1 2013

“To bare our souls is all we ask, to give all we have
to life and the beings surrounding us.
Here the nature spirits are intense and we appreciate them,
make offerings to them – these nature spirits who call us here –
sealing our fate with each other,
celebrating our love.”
– Alex Grey


To bare my soul, to speak my truth without fear, to scream out who i am even when unhappy even when I despair tho I know that is of the moment. To admit that I don’t always love those whom I should as much as I should and sometimes I feel the strain. To speak of the unbearable joy that can be found in a moment of creation, of surrendering my hands to whatever part of me creates. To know and own each bit of love, of bliss, of anger, of joy of fear. Damn it that’s the hardest, owning the fear, so much easier of pushing it away and aside tho it casts such a big shadow. maybe I can’t love and maybe I am unloveable yet no evidence for either exists…maybe I’m not good enough, strong enough, wise enough…but then a wiser part speaks out, “enough for whom, you are what you need to be now, you are growing and improving, if some lessons return, then those are the ones you need” I am grateful for that voice…
Blessings, G


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Velocity Mandala
Velocity Mandala by G A Rosenberg
Mind Field 4Mind Field #4  (Grey Eggshells) by G A Rosenberg