The Land of Never Be or Roads Not Taken

“The man i’ll never be,
Who remembers him?”
― Stephen Sondheim


We start out as seeds
with potential unlimited
then choices come in
and one by one the never-be’s depart from us
Oh not as fast as we may think.
After all, adventures and new pathways open
up at all times
but go they do and we remain
I find that I cannot mourn
these strangers who’s path diverged
that drains the juice from the life I live
tho still late at night
I talk with their reflections
we share joy and pain
and refracted outlooks
yet I would not trade
my life for theirs
even when I face dark nights and darker days
for I know the wheel spins for all
and that my life will shine anew…
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


The Edifice CrumblesThe Edifice Crumbles by G A Rosenberg


Love and Beauty in the Heart of the MachineLove and Beauty in the Heart of the Machine by G A Rosenberg

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