See Free!


“Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say I understand who you want me to be, but I’m going to show you who I actually am.”
— Anthony Anaxagorou


See me
Not the me who follows
arbitrary rules
as a husband, a parent, a societal role
but the me who dreams
who breathes
who feels things outside the box
and looks to expand beyond
eat, work, sleep, buy, buy waste
Look at me and throw off your own chains
as I seek to loosen mine
We can create something new
and transform ourselves from the mouldy mould.
See yourself
not as a role
but as a being being free.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Hart in a Storm (Furfur)Hart in a Storm (Furfur) by G A Rosenberg


Asleep in the CaveAsleep in the Cave by G A Rosenberg


Between Love and Bloodshed (Glasya-Labolas)Between Love and Bloodshed (Glasya-Labolas) by G A Rosenberg


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