

“Do actions agree with words? There’s your measure of reliability. Never confine yourself to the words.”
― Frank Herbert


“If you say you’re going to do something you have to do it.” Each day this point gets driven through to me. From work commitments to following though on stated consequences for teenagers. Our word starts to mean less each time we fail to follow through. In work or relationships especially family ones this can lead to disaster. What’s worse is that not keeping our word can all too easily become a habit. We break it in small things and then gradually the big things stop mattering as much. There is a reason why it is called integrity and that is because without it, it becomes a lot harder to keep things together. This is one of those lessons that far too often is learned the hard way.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Mandala of Partial ConnectionsMandala of Partial Connections by G A Rosenberg


Sigil of EmergenceSigil of Emergence by G A Rosenberg


Do I Dare?


Do I dare Disturb the universe?”
― T.S. Eliot


If a whisper shatters mountains
and a wave destroys the sea
if a word can break my heart
and a touch can set me free
If a child’s laughter
can restore an old man’s health
Do I dare disturb the universe
that lies within myself.


If a book brings down a government
and a sigh can start a war
If a mother’s tears of grief
can no longer be ignored
If a song sets armies watching
with conviction in their heart
Can I change some folk’s awareness
with a single work of art?


If a murmured ritual
can change the world outside
If showing you new confidence
means you never have to hide
If I can share some secrets
that I never thought I’d share
Then I dare disturb the universe
by letting go of fear
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on the images to see full-sized:


Archetypes from Another PlaceArchetypes From Other Place by G A Rosenberg


Mother of SpidersMother of Spiders by G A Rosenberg


Stilted Elemental Poetry


“I shall continue to exist. I may assume other disguises, other forms, but I shall try to exist.”
— Vladimir Nabokov


Sometimes just being is enough
spirited like fire
fluid like water
thoughts spreading like air
while grounded.
Existence can be rough
Day to day struggles
and the need to relate
reconciling paradox
and all that surrounds us.
Yet still I’ll continue
finding things that inspire
touching new hearts
learning and exposing
and creating
In the old finding new
paths i’m exploring
companions meeting
new thoughts thinking
new awareness stating.
— G A Rosenberg

<h4 Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Time FlowTime Flow by G A Rosenberg


Camouflaged GoatCamouflaged Goat by G A Rosenberg