“Acquainted with the Night
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain—and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night.”
― Robert Frost
This poem speaks for I know what it is to walk in my night. The shadows long and the moon holding riddles with a hazy mist around everything. Nothing is quite clear yet I will not give into sadness or despair. I will walk it out and see what I will and perhaps find answers that will stand out. Each vision teaches me something when I see them even if quite what is not clear. There will be time enough to meditate on it. If no visions arise then I will enjoy the quiet mystery, the empty streets and the echoing footsteps. Inevitably for both the world and myself the morning will come. I say this not without regret for there is something in me that needs that nighttime stillness.
Blessings, G
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Cosmic Dance by G A Rosenberg
Trident Emanations by G A Rosenberg