Conversations Leading to Action (February 2018)


““To a magician, there is very little difference between a mirror and a door.”
— Susanna Clarke


Through these doors and mirrors, we bring ourselves. Oh perhaps we’ll adopt a new face and a new persona in hopes of impressing whoever we may meet but inside its ourselves. No matter what door we go through. Our perceptions will be us coloured. Of course, if we know ourselves we know exactly what that shade is and can compensate. Removing just that amount from what we perceive that we react to more of the reality behind the veil.. behind our being… Of course it takes so long to figure that out and by the time it has, our colour may have shifted…


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Conversation in the Jewelled Fountain (redux) by GAR


Tearing the Veil by GAR


What do you See (redux) by GAR


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