Gnosis (February 2018)


“As understanding deepens, the further removed it becomes from knowledge.”
― C.G. Jung


“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”


I used to be a seeker after knowledge. More and more I seek understanding. That doesn’t mean that I will discard any knowledge I come across in my travels. In many ways it is the trade currency that will gain more understanding. In order to understand something deeply, old knowledge has to be cast off. This makes sense in a way, for what is knowledge but a snapshot of how a certain subject looked at a certain moment in time. Understanding feels more dynamic however.


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Answers Forthcoming (redux) by GAR


In the Eye by GAR


A Successful Working (redux) by GAR


Far From Normal (February 2018)


I find I have a gut reaction towards the word normal. Normal? Normal? Normal would equate to what one experiences most of the time. Think about that for a moment. Who wants to experience the same thing most of the time? Even the best of everything when it becomes routine would cause most to find something less enjoyable to break that routine if nothing else. Anything when it becomes normal becomes something to get away from!
I seriously rebel against anything ever becoming routine. One of the worse things that can happen to a practitioner in my opinion is when their ritual practice becomes normal… when they can do rituals in their sleep… because then passion becomes lost and ritual without passion is empty.. That is just one example of what I mean.
I believe that applies to every aspect of our life. As soon as we start sleepwalking through it.. it loses meaning… thus I will always rebel against the normal
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Nara-Guhs by GAR


Serpentine-Rebirth by GAR


Through Flames, Gnosis by GAR


Using What Is Before You (February 2018)


Sip from the venomous cup
ingest its poisons
use the tools at your command
and summon strange gods
learn what they may teach you
tear the veil and step through
lose the all and gain the not
I’ll see you on the other side


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Envenomed Chalice by GAR


Magician – Alt (Redux) by GAR


Duality Ignition by GAR