Notes on: The Prince of Cups
(Time’s Paladin)
Artist’s Notes:
The Crowned and helmeted prince remains in contemplation. At any point, he is ready to act based on his most current understanding. If his helmet covers his eyes, it is because he much prefers his inner vision to his outer and his intuition often proves to be a better guide than his eyes. He is led by curiosity and the need to understand. He is drawn to those with deep understanding and commitment to their cause and for brief times can be drawn in their wake. He is constantly finding keys to new understandings which he then holds concurrently within the framework of lessons both past and future.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two people and that of friends and companions. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy. The transmission of emotion is seldom done through action but through words and expression. The Prince of Cups takes in the emotions, understands them, and feels deeply yet he shows what he wishes others to see holding the rest inside until it becomes either necessary or desirable to let them out. He is often artistic, using his emotions as yet another palette on which to draw. He is able to elicit emotions from others and sees things that others do not.
Having such a deep internal life, it is often difficult to get the Prince of Cups to take action on a practical level. He has a deep sense of the aesthetic yet seldom wants to get his hands dirty. In these and so many other ways, he is a study in contrasts. This is at least partly due to the fact that he often can see and hold two or more contradictory viewpoints or attributes. Due to this, he often ends up surprising even those closest to him by doing or espousing something radically different from what he had the day before.
Astrological Correspondence:
21° Libra – 20° Scorpio
Elemental: Air of Water
This combination of Libra’s communication skills, enjoyment of those considered friends, and energy combined with Scorpio’s magnetism, secrecy, and artistic flair yield an artist who loves to hide in plain sight. He will work obsessively to convey ideas and visions that will leave people scratching their heads. They love people and are very romantic often giving much of themselves to those they love yet they demand as much in return and can become resentful at what they see as a lack of loyalty.
In a Reading:
When the Prince of Cups turns up in a reading, he may represent a person, interest, or passion that while not practical sweeps you off your feet in a most romantic way. Someone may feel like the answer to all your dreams but are you sure you understand what their investment is? The force of this card may be addictive in its intensity.
He may represent a lover (male or female) who has serious commitment issues as they wish to experience it all and feel it deeply. The Prince of Cups may also be suggesting that a time when it is necessary to address the balance between dreaming and taking action in our own lives. Both dreaming and acting on these dreams are important
Reversed or Badly aspected, the Prince of Cups often speaks of the desire to avoid responsibility. This may come as a reaction to feeling like there is too much expected or it may come out of a sense of disillusionment with the world. It may also refer to someone who is manipulative and who uses our emotions and attractions against us. This person will tend to value the effect of what he (or she) says over truth or honesty. The Reversed Prince of Cups may also mean that we feel not that there is too much expected of us but that there is too much for us at this time. The Prince reversed may also refer to a time when we are letting our emotions pull us in any given situation.
Fate’s Whisper:
Many boast of travelling through time as if it is a great passion. While the concept of time seems ever elusive its presence is absolute in many ways. Thankfully time isn’t linear as that is what makes it so hard to grasp. Every possible will happen at some point whether is holds meaning is up to the beholder.
The moments that hold great meaning to us and our existence are meant to be cherished. The Order of Everflow was created to aid Time in ensuring that moment that made each person protected. Resolute and highly trained there is little record of their deeds. This is for the better after all those emotions we develop on the path are only one source of power we have.