Notes on: The Five of Swords

(Taste of Defeat)

Artist’s Notes:
One sword, so long unchallenged that generations of spiders have made their webs around it. The vanquished swords lie on the ground, their owners consigned to dirt and ignominy. Yet what did the victor have to surrender in order to win? How did he compromise himself? Perhaps ultimately his defeated foes lost with greater integrity while he had to become something else in order to emerge victorious. At the end, when all that remains are swords, myths and shadows, who can say who won the greater prize?
About the Archetype:
The suit of swords represents thoughts, ideas, plans, and conflicts. Fives stand for conflict, change, and breaking through to higher thought. The five of swords thus represents defeat, whether in battle or in inner conflicts. It often means the defeat that comes when we realize how much we have betrayed our own principles in the desire to win. Ultimately no matter how the conflict ends, we end up defeated having lost the intent that gave rise to the conflict in the first place.
Is winning worth abandoning our principles and corrupting our values?
Astrological Correspondence:
Venus in Aquarius – Venus in Aquarius is innovative in how it chooses to love. Often a loner, it is energy drawn towards the new and different and hates any aspect of getting caught in a rut. This can result in sensitivity to the feelings and desires of others but a tendency to get bored and so they may sabotage their relationships in the search for innovation.
In a Reading:
When the Five of Swords turns up in a reading, it often refers to a loss, usually one that feels somewhat humiliating. It may also represent a loss when someone has won through unethical or unfair means and has become humiliated because of it. If it refers to an event that has not happened yet, it could be a warning against going into an unwinnable battle or one where winning it will turn into a humiliating defeat
When the Five of Swords comes up reversed or bad aspect, it normally refers to losses in the past that the person has not recovered from and still has a lot of energy about that is causing us to be reluctant to reengage.
Fate’s Whisper:
How do you defeat a foe that is superior in every fashion? This is the question the Spider has asked many who came to him with their inquiries. Before you live you have been presented a foe that will always be better, no matter how much you grow or the time you spend expanding your horizons. The warriors will use it to become greater versions of themselves while the weak will use it to justify their poor decisions. Regardless of the path, the victory you get from it will always be hollow. When you are presented this foe what will be a victim or muse?


Notes on: The Four of Swords

(Centered in Between)

Artist’s Notes:
A rest between battles can take many forms. Do we spend it catching up on needed sleep with a sword ready to use at our side? Do we sit in reflective contemplation and meditation, replaying the last battles and see how we can improve both our game and the outcome? Do we travel deeply within ourselves until the call comes once before?
How do you define a battle? Is it an argument or a skirmish either between us and another one-on-one or between two sides, one of which we are part of? Could it be the simple battle of existence and the calm between battles that we face each night, each day bringing new growth opportunities and new challenges? On a larger scale may it not even be an incarnation, a lifetime of growth with the rest time in between beginning when our bodies expire?
Each level reflects those below and those above. Still, rest is a good thing.
About the Archetype:
The suit of swords represents thoughts, ideas, plans, and conflicts. Fours express stability and the manifestation of the energy involved.
There are times when our thoughts become too much for us and the inherent conflicts and battles that arise feel like a never-ending battle. We need to establish a truce, a withdrawal from conflict to meditate and be silent within ourselves, to gain further energy with which we will return and find resolution or synthesis of the ongoing struggle. The four of swords represent this time of withdrawal and meditation.
Astrological Correspondent:
Jupiter in Libra- The Jupiter in Libra energy is impartial, fair and open-minded, and willing to consider all sides. It seeks harmony and resolution but at times can become indecisive when there is not a clear solution that will benefit all. Jupiter wishes to expand truthfully while the Libra energy tends to be diplomatic and wants everyone to be happy. These two energies can often bring one to a deadlock at which time it benefits one to meditate on the solution
In a Reading:
When the Four of Swords occurs in a reading, a moment of rest occurs in a conflict. This does not mean that the conflict has gone away as much as that it is time to take stock and look at possible outcomes and solutions before the battle starts up again. It is best not to fool oneself that things have resolved as this card does not mean peace but a brief pause for healing and reflection. Further effort will be necessary
When the Four of Swords shows up reversed or badly aspected,, it may mean that the truce is over and that it is time to return and resolve the conflicts at hand. If the inner work has been done during the truce time then the resolution will be possible.
Fate’s Whisper:
In a time when divination wasn’t born what defined fate? In the words of the Spider, he would say this.
“Purpose and conviction are two sides of the same coin. Both entail a concept greater than what we can grok. Time may assist at times but True Fate is timeless. You may postpone what i weave but that doesn’t mean you are home-free. Fate waits for when you forget even if that means waiting till your higher self forces this burden on you. After all the more you fight the more energy you waste.”
To be held captive by our conviction is the greatest gift and curse that has been bestowed on those tied to fate. The more we sit in our power the more we achieve but we are held responsible for the personal gains as well. Each life will define its karmic weight through its actions. So what will you do? Become a legend puppet or and waste of thread?


Notes on: The Three of Swords

(The Last Connection)

Artist’s Notes:
Two beings are in conflict and then a third decisively ends it, severing the strong negative attraction. Still, both beings are feeling somewhat bereft. They might not understand why it had to end.
Yet, from the point of view of fate, everything happens in its time. We are left to pick up the pieces when the bubble pops. The best way is by looking at the attachment dispassionately. Was it necessary to have that conflict in our lives? It was definitely intense and few things are as drug-like as strong emotions. A period of reflection to understand the nature of the connection and how to form new ones without toxicity might be in order. One question to ask always is whether the lesson was worth the price. We don’t ask this to recriminate or obsess over the past as much as to understand and develop our own values.
About the Archetype:
The suit of swords represents thoughts, ideas, plans, and conflicts. Threes deal with maturity, accomplishment, and transmission of the energy involved. Thought separates one thing from another for the purposes of comparing and contrasting, breaking down, and analyzing. What is that energy of separation in its maturity but that of sorrow and loss? When we find separation from those we loved and cherished we feel grief. When we find that we can no longer hold on to things we once innocently believed there is grief as well. Knowledge replaces faith and we grow wiser but sometimes it hurts. In the long run, the separation itself is an illusion tho. Every relationship (whether it be with beliefs, places, or people) still exists and we still learn from it. They have just moved into the past.
Astrological Correspondence:
Saturn in Libra- Saturn is the planet of hard lessons and when in Libra, the focus of the lessons is our relationships and partnerships. When our relationships come under scrutiny, then we notice the flaws, and what we need to learn from them becomes apparent. This can often result in learning the lesson and moving on or learning the lesson and rebuilding the relationship using what we have learned.
In a Reading:
When the Three of Swords comes up in a reading, it often means separating from something or someone the querent has loved and the ensuing grief that that provides. Heartache. It may be helpful to give some time needed to reflect and heal.
Threes can also represent a balance. In this case, if there is an imbalance between two plans, ideas, or people and a tendency for one to be subsumed within the other, the Three of Swords can clearly if painfully state “This is your stuff and this is mine and this is what we need to work on before harmony can happen”
When the Three of Swords comes out reversed or badly aspected in a reading, it may mean a clinging to old hurts and separations and an inability to move on and put them in the past. It can show someone who has not yet accepted the ‘gift’ of insight the separation gives.
The Inversed Three may also mean that one is trying so hard to keep a bad relationship going that they are subsuming themselves rather than showing who they honestly are. This in the long term is seldom healthy.
Fate’s Whisper:
The weight of our burdens will come crashing down one day whether we like it or not. This moment when the line was crossed for the Spider was when his life mate was murdered in the first dragon war. In the pits of all his despair for the loss of his only anchor, the first horror of Magick was born, the Word of Power Death. A single utterance gave awareness and power to a new force, mortality, in a world thought to be undying.
This was only the beginning, however. In a short span of time, all began to age as time gained an immense foothold and importance in reality as it affect both mortal and immortal alike.
When that last straw falls and it breaks your back you are forced to act to ensure you will live on. Claw your true power out of the hole you left it in. Take the blood, sweat, and tears and swallow your pride for even the greatest forces must act when it is their time. So what will you do crumble or perish?


Notes on: The Two of Swords

(Held to Truth)

Artist’s Notes:
A Male Figure with the head of fox spars with his reflection in a cavern. He is working at conceiving of and countering any move that an opponent may utilize against him. In a very literal sense, he has his sword at his own neck, ever seeking to improve his skills and his strategy so that when the time comes he will know when to act and the best way in which to do so. Above him is the i Ching hexagram which corresponds to this energy T’ai or Peace where both the Earth trigram and the Heaven Trigram are in balance in each other’s natural place.
It often feels in these times as if life is pushing us not to act in ways that would be beneficial to our progress and growth, but to react, following other people’s agendas and not our own.
It helps then, to prepare ourselves and challenge ourselves each step of the way. Is this really the time to act? Is this what I want to do? Will this benefit me and others in the long run or is it just surrender to Adrenaline and the mood of the moment?
Sometimes, the best course of action is to not act until the time is absolutely right and then to act fearlessly without any self-doubt whatsoever.
About the Archetype:
The suit of swords represents thought, ideas, and plans. Twos represent duality, subject, and object. What do we do when two separate ideas are presented to us. We can let them battle themselves into the ground and engage in endless debate or we can sit with them first contemplating one and then the other, thesis and antithesis until we reach a synthesis that integrates the best aspects of both. The forming of this synthesis can bring total release and peace. Of course, then a new antithesis to the synthesis appears and the process continues.
Astrological Correspondent:
Moon in Libra – The Moon in Libra is all about peaceful aesthetics. People with this placement tend to be aware of all sides of a situation and are able to find a compromise (synthesis) with all. Again though this synthesis comes from a full understanding of all sides of the equation.
In a Reading:
When the Two of Swords shows up in a reading things are at an impasse and it might be time to withdraw and consider both paths. There is an inherent tension between Thesis and Antithesis so eventually, it will need to resolve but time can be taken to look at both and arrive at the optimum solution. (Compare this then the Two of Wands which suggests immediate action)
When the Two of Swords shows up reversed or badly aspected in reading then the weight of the decision has become too much. Either matter have fallen out of our hands or things have collapsed because of the inherent tension.
Fate’s Whisper:
The Spider once told me that his definition of friendship was someone who always had his sword at your throat forcing you to grow.
Another time he told me that this symbolized the three points of the friendship sword and that friends should have swords at the heart and groin as well.
The Spider doesn’t have many friends.
Nor is he wrong.


Notes on: The Ace of Swords

(Seed of Fate and Air)

Artist’s Notes:
There are few things as mighty as a new idea or viewpoint. Indeed it shines as a beacon in the night as it looks to either become part of the collective web of thoughts out there or to break through. Each must stand or fall according to its own merit though some may be helped along by the encouragement of various beings.
About the Archetype:
The suit of swords represents thought, ideas, and plans. The Ace of Swords reveals a new way of thinking and a clear direction. It represents discernment, new insights, and new direction. In discernment, we transcend duality. No matter how clear the path our discernment shows us we still need to follow through. The aces are after all but seeds. How well we are prepared and whether we find our way to its end is up to us.
Astrological Correspondence:
Swords represent the element of air. Air both represents thought and intellect as well as communication of all kinds. It tends to be a swift-moving, aloof element. The three air signs are Gemini, which tends to be pure intellect, Libra, which represents aesthetic intellect, and Aquarius which is involved with social construction and breaking away from what has come before.
In a Reading:
In a reading, the Ace of Swords can represent both a new way of looking at things or seeing something that we were missing before. It can show a new clarity of thought or perception. It can also represent a new conflict that has arisen and a new challenge to be faced. It can represent something new that we are attempting to learn.
There may also be some kind of message or communication that is coming to us from a new source or direction.
When reversed or badly aspected, the clarity of the sword has been obscured. It may feel like the path ahead cannot be seen clearly. The Ace reversed can also represent delusional thinking where our prejudices and preconceptions are interfering with clear thought. It can also refer to someone trying to change their outlook or learning something new but hitting roadblocks.
Fate’s Whisper:
Among the pillars, it was the Spider who held the most malice. It was he who started the cycle of war by breaking the peace the other Pillars held. Pledged to end cycles and start new one he became bound to the force we call Fate. The father of magick and language he holds the communication of reality together with his fabled web. Little is known of its power but it is reported by the other pillars that purpose only came after he made it.
Every cycle must start to ensure new ideas can come into being. Bound tightly to our greater purpose, we all are bound to Fate’s web. Though it is important we take our first step on that journey. How will you start yours?


Notes on: The Princess of Cups

(Open to Wonder)

Artist’s Notes:
A Young water elemental looks on, interested in everything that goes on around her. Around her, there are the natural treasures of the deep, golden and blue flowers and green coral. Fish swim around and in every direction lie new things to invoke one’s sense of wonder.
In this card, the boundary between innocence and inner sense dissolves.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
Princesses represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involved. Water is the medium for crystallization. When enough of a substance is combined with water it crystallizes and a new substance is born. The questions that come from an innocent mind can often form new realizations in even the most jaded of hearts.
The Princess of Cups has many of the best qualities we associate with childhood. She is open-hearted and imaginative, sympathetic, and seeking to understand and learn. Often they exhibit psychic abilities and can be very dreamlike. The archetype that springs immediately to mind is The Little Prince in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s book of the same name. There is much inspiration and realizations sparked by the questions and play of our inner child if we were to listen.
Astrological Correspondence:
(Earth of Water) -When water becomes laden with enough particles, crystalization occurs. In a similar way when our emotional natures become too intense, there is bound to be some acting out or concrete behavioural episode that will result. This can result in something beautiful or artistic or some horrifying act.
As the seed of water, we can find within the Princess of Cups, elements of the signs of Cancer, (Nurturing), Scorpio (Protection), and Pisces (Psychic, Dreamlike awareness).
In a Reading:
When the Princess of Cups is seen in a reading, it often tells us that we need to access the child within and take time out to dream and play. It may also be telling us that we need to rely on our intuition and what’s more to trust it. The card may also be suggesting that it is time to gain a greater spiritual understanding either within the system we followed when we were younger or in a new direction that will re-spark our inner life. The Princess of Cups may refer to a child coming into our lives who will reawaken our sense of wonder.
The Princess of Cups reversed or badly aspected in a reading may refer to a time when we have let ourselves play a little too much. Perhaps we have confused our inner and outer realities and have caused discomfort to ourselves and others. We may be acting impulsively and ignoring some of the consequences of our actions. The card may also refer to either ourselves or someone around us becoming disturbed by psychic flashes or visions that they are having. It indicates that it is a good time for a reality check.
Fate’s Whisper:
The bias of time is one of the 4 Absolute energy biases to form before creation was formed. While many would say it is cruel, this bias is the one that is constantly making everything move. Cracking the whip at every turn it moulds the flow of reality so that the lesser biases act accordingly. It expresses its absolute desire to always stay moving regardless of the hurt or joy we are feeling. This endless motion is the reason for its powerful healing properties.
We all have the ability to move on from an injury. To drop the torch we once held and move to another that is better for us. Step forward till it hurts no more and let the damage pass. In due time all vanishes after all this is the true essence of time.


Notes on: The Prince of Cups

(Time’s Paladin)

Artist’s Notes:
The Crowned and helmeted prince remains in contemplation. At any point, he is ready to act based on his most current understanding. If his helmet covers his eyes, it is because he much prefers his inner vision to his outer and his intuition often proves to be a better guide than his eyes. He is led by curiosity and the need to understand. He is drawn to those with deep understanding and commitment to their cause and for brief times can be drawn in their wake. He is constantly finding keys to new understandings which he then holds concurrently within the framework of lessons both past and future.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two people and that of friends and companions. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy. The transmission of emotion is seldom done through action but through words and expression. The Prince of Cups takes in the emotions, understands them, and feels deeply yet he shows what he wishes others to see holding the rest inside until it becomes either necessary or desirable to let them out. He is often artistic, using his emotions as yet another palette on which to draw. He is able to elicit emotions from others and sees things that others do not.
Having such a deep internal life, it is often difficult to get the Prince of Cups to take action on a practical level. He has a deep sense of the aesthetic yet seldom wants to get his hands dirty. In these and so many other ways, he is a study in contrasts. This is at least partly due to the fact that he often can see and hold two or more contradictory viewpoints or attributes. Due to this, he often ends up surprising even those closest to him by doing or espousing something radically different from what he had the day before.
Astrological Correspondence:
21° Libra – 20° Scorpio
Elemental: Air of Water
This combination of Libra’s communication skills, enjoyment of those considered friends, and energy combined with Scorpio’s magnetism, secrecy, and artistic flair yield an artist who loves to hide in plain sight. He will work obsessively to convey ideas and visions that will leave people scratching their heads. They love people and are very romantic often giving much of themselves to those they love yet they demand as much in return and can become resentful at what they see as a lack of loyalty.
In a Reading:
When the Prince of Cups turns up in a reading, he may represent a person, interest, or passion that while not practical sweeps you off your feet in a most romantic way. Someone may feel like the answer to all your dreams but are you sure you understand what their investment is? The force of this card may be addictive in its intensity.
He may represent a lover (male or female) who has serious commitment issues as they wish to experience it all and feel it deeply. The Prince of Cups may also be suggesting that a time when it is necessary to address the balance between dreaming and taking action in our own lives. Both dreaming and acting on these dreams are important
Reversed or Badly aspected, the Prince of Cups often speaks of the desire to avoid responsibility. This may come as a reaction to feeling like there is too much expected or it may come out of a sense of disillusionment with the world. It may also refer to someone who is manipulative and who uses our emotions and attractions against us. This person will tend to value the effect of what he (or she) says over truth or honesty. The Reversed Prince of Cups may also mean that we feel not that there is too much expected of us but that there is too much for us at this time. The Prince reversed may also refer to a time when we are letting our emotions pull us in any given situation.
Fate’s Whisper:
Many boast of travelling through time as if it is a great passion. While the concept of time seems ever elusive its presence is absolute in many ways. Thankfully time isn’t linear as that is what makes it so hard to grasp. Every possible will happen at some point whether is holds meaning is up to the beholder.
The moments that hold great meaning to us and our existence are meant to be cherished. The Order of Everflow was created to aid Time in ensuring that moment that made each person protected. Resolute and highly trained there is little record of their deeds. This is for the better after all those emotions we develop on the path are only one source of power we have.


Notes on: The Queen of Cups

(Piercing the Depths)

Artist’s Notes:
It is not an accident that almost everyone will find their attention captured by something within the waters of this card yet the whole image may be difficult to fathom. Such are the depths and currents of water. We gaze into it and what we see is a reflection of ourselves. Yet that is only the surface and the depths continue well beyond our perception. We stir these waters at our peril and only if we wish to confront that which may be hidden within emotion or within time for a reason. Yet it is so peaceful, simply gazing at the card and contemplating allowing what may come.
When expressed by a person, this can often be someone who understands others intuitively and provides what they need while keeping her own feelings submerged and all but unknowable.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
The Queens are the receptive and nurturing form of energy.
As Water of Water in an elemental sense, the Queen of Cups takes everything in, giving the feeling that it is all received, understood, and appreciated in full. Somehow she conveys this without showing any outward sign of being affected by it. She has an amazing sense of aesthetics and will surround herself with beauty. This is as much a sense that she carries around with her more than acting from any need. She is a dreamer of beautiful dreams and she reflects back on everything we show her with a sense of love. Her depths are not easily fathomed and very few, if any, will get to see what’s beneath the surface. She is fair and generous towards all.
At her most negative tho, the love and honest reflection of what we show her is lost as even she has lost touch with her inner self. Instead, ever seeking that current, she will manipulate the emotions of those around her, provoking the emotional energy that she needs.
Astrological Correspondent:
21° Gemini – 20° Cancer
Elemental: Water of Water
The combination of the omnidirectional interest of Gemini and the sensitive intuitive home builder of Cancer shows someone who wishes everyone to be comfortable around them even at the expense of a mask of the deepest neutrality. They love to feel that they are helping and providing for others and make wonderful tho at times dictatorial hosts/hostesses. They may have an element of moodiness tho they will seldom show it except to those with whom they feel close.
In a Reading:
When the Queen of Cups shows up in a reading, there may be a call to be open and receptive to who or whatever comes your way. Remember being open to someone does not mean being in agreement or even siding with them, as much as it is to hear them out. The card may also refer to someone in our environment who is there for us in a maternal way, generous, caring, and social though possibly quite remote. This person feels like someone who will listen and make it all better or at least who will or can understand. This card may also represent ourselves and maybe tell us to be as open to what goes on beneath our surface as we are to the voices and cares of those around us.
When the Queen of Cups turns up reversed, it may be referring to someone who has become out of touch with the needs of others (consider the story commonly told about Marie Antoinette who when told that the peasants had no bread was believed to reply “Let them eat cake.”) This person may have let ambition get ahead of compassion and maybe manipulative and dishonest while portraying a gentle-hearted generous facade.
Fate’s Whisper:
Gaia sought to deliver the best love she could give to her children. Just as the Fish of time had raised her, she was stern but caring even at the worst of times. Those who crossed her family drowned in her intense emotions while knowing they messed up. Time taught that in order to become stronger sometimes you must take your emotions and use them to ensure what you care for is safe. Each child will wander but your gaze will never waver after all it is for their safety and your sanity.


Notes on: The King of Cups

(Royal Wisdom)


Artist’s Notes:
Here is a king whom you can sit and talk with. There is a calmness about him though that calm comes with an edge. He has seen quite a bit and will share it to help others in their journey towards wisdom. He inherently knows that any counsel he gives can be merely that for growing in knowledge is a matter of experience and time yet perhaps he will reach through the streams to find the one necessary message that his guest most needs to hear.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Kings are the leaders, the shakers, the initiatory force or person that get things moving. The King of Cups is thus active in receptivity. He listens with patience and tolerance and is known for his wise counsel. He moves with grace and lives up to the Bruce Lee adage “Be Like Water”. He flows this way and that and finds many things he enjoys but few either deep or lasting. He is calm, honest, and understanding and often is a healer or therapist. Thus he lends the fiery energy that is inherent in the Kings to the emotional watery nature of the cup suit.
He also tends to be very self-contained. So contained in the fact that though he may feel the need to take action, he often finds it difficult to do so preferring his internal life. He may dream of a life of action but lives it vicariously through the help he gives to others.
Astrological Correspondent:
21° Aquarius – 20° Pisces
Elemental: Fire of Water
This combination of Aquarian and Piscean traits tends to be romantic and visionary tho may find things of a practical nature to be more of a challenge. They would have amazing insight tho be rather difficult to move when they do take a stance. There may be a tendency towards escapism with this combination as well, either in chemicals or alcohol or in the drugs of romance and sex. Because there is an aspect of their nature that is both attractive and attracted, they may find themselves often in romantic understandings. Still, they have an intuitive knack for finding their way through difficult conversations with others.
In a reading:
When the King of Cups turns up in a reading, it may be speaking of someone who is looking to you for advice and objective council. It may also refer to someone who can advise you and who may be able to influence your situation for the better. The King of Cups may also refer to a time when you find yourself frustrated because you desire to take action but either cannot decide what action to take (especially in a romantic situation) or cannot bring yourself to do so. The card may also refer to a time when things are very romantically fluid for you.
The King of Cups reversed or badly aspected in a reading may be referring to someone in your environment who is unreliable and untrustworthy or very manipulative. While they may be quite charming they may also be quite moody. The card may also be speaking to someone who is being unfaithful or a time when we may have been unfaithful in our relationships. The reversed King of Cups may also involve a time in our lives when we or someone close to us are letting our emotions control rather than having any kind of equanimity.
Fate’s Whisper:
Time serves as the pillar that grants reality motion. There is a role to maintain this motion by driving this current without rest or reward. This process is cold to both its maker and the ones caught in it. To cherish the power we have and know one day it will wane. Time grants the power of emotion and how endless they truly can be. Mastered in every aspect it is a state of being to know and respect your place emotionally. Regardless of what happens, you know how you feel, even if you don’t know why. Take pride your emotions are in the right place.


Notes on: The Ten of Cups

(A Happy Conclusion)

Artist’s Notes:
The ten of cups is one of those that has always both intrigued and worried at me the most. I think of it most often as the ‘happy ever after’ card yet the way that the card is normally portrayed, there is a young family with kids and rainbows. Everyone has truly met a happy conclusion. Yet the question invariably comes up for me. What happens next? If this card, shows the pinnacle of happiness on the physical plane then surely any change is unlikely to be for the better. That does not mean I see unhappiness as much as the human need to grow and change and that leads to new issues. The story never ends and every ending leads invariably to a new beginning. This I symbolized by the caduceus with its two snakes looking longingly at each other in a way that is almost reminiscent of the aces even as the ten cups and the array of colours symbolizes the ending.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Tens show the ultimate completion of the energy involved leading ultimately to a new beginning. The Ten of Cups shows the complete fulfilment of our emotions. We have everything we may have wished for in our lives and everything that we believed would fulfil us in terms of family life and appreciation of the beauty around us. We feel as if we’ve been touched by grace. However, satisfaction in one area of our lives is not the same as self-actualization and there is that in us which strives for more than ‘Happily ever after’. Eventually, this satiation will yield to a hunger for something greater.
Astrological Correspondent:
Mars in Pisces – This energy is quiet almost passive seeming to have no wants and a willingness to go along with whatever it encounters. It’s not that it has no wants as its wants are fleeting things, momentary itches as opposed to burns and easily sublimated to the happiness of others around it. However if these desires are too often frustrated without any outlet, this energy may respond in a passive-aggressive manner. Quite often Mars in Pisces can be quite scattered if it does not have some form of higher purpose or deeper meaning inspiring it and giving it purpose. This energy quite often desires nothing more than a total merging with another.
In a Reading:
The Ten of Cups in a reading can show that this is a time of harmony and enjoyment, particularly in the areas of love, relationships, and family. This often comes as a culmination of a long series of events. This care may also hold the promise for this type of fulfilling relationship. The Ten of Cups may also indicate that there is a commitment and marriage in the offering. This card may indicate a need to take the surface enjoyment of love and family and use it as a springboard to a new level of awareness.
When the Ten of Cups turns up reversed in a reading, it can mean that something is blocking the happiness shown in the card. Perhaps we have developed a problem with how we related to our loved ones and family. Perhaps we feel like we have lost the ‘closeness’ we once had or that there is something lacking in our life that we need to pursue separately from the family unit. The card reversed may also mean that we are neglecting our family in pursuit of material or other goals. It is often a call to introspect and discover what our values are or have become.
Fate’s Whisper:
Life holds many meanings to many different people. There are those that seek to harm those who are rise while just as many reach their hand out to heal them. Regardless of how we get there we eventually reach the peak and will know the feeling of being at our best. Take your wing and fly after all a fall from this height would really hurt. Be warned though what comes after might humble you once more.
The peaks of the Havens are said to house a priceless relic. A scale of the Fish of time shines as a beacon to the lost. It marks a passage we must all endure one day. The power we once had held to bring us down. With wisdom, we seek to rise higher but know that will prove very difficult for our current selves. Cast your shell once more and make a new limit, Infinity awaits.