Tarot Post – King of Swords


King of Swords (Fire of Air)


King of Swords (Fixed)King of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Wisest of Judges–
You bravely make the choices
that others run from


Playing Chess with the King
Being taught the art of war
with no mercy
He shows me how the pieces move
and how to set the board
and maneuver
He suggests things to look for
and avoid
then defeats me each time
He lives for the battle
and the game.
Ever ready to compete
with full force

The suit of Swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts. Kings are the leaders, the shakers, the initiatory force or person that get things moving. The King of Swords is a great military commander and an insightful strategist. As shrewd as he is tho, he is a man of action and will often bring his full intensity to bear on whatever cause has most recently gathered his attention. His impulse is to act with thought as opposed to reflect and then act, an important distinction. He is a shrewd judge of character and offers great advice on practical matters such as business and law. He tends to have a strong moral code and does well as long as he does not find himself in a situation where he has to act contrary to it. Consider Javert in Les Miserables. As long as he is convinced that is is correct in his pursuit of Jean Valjean then he is able to continue his pursuit unceasingly. However when he is forced to question his own sense of right and wrong, he cannot survive it. The King of Swords also has strong debating skills with a mastery of language use.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Taurus – 20° Gemini Elemental: Fire of Air – Taurean rigidity and steadfastness mixed with Gemini’s sociability and interest in communication makes for a very dynamic combination. This individual will want to test himself against any new idea or concept that comes his way not because he is open to changing his viewpoint as to prove that what he believes can hold its own against any comers. He has a strong drive to succeed in every endeavour but to bring as many others along for the ride as possible. At his best he is a loyal and steadfast friend. At his worst he is a harsh martinet who will place his standards and moral code above that of friendship.


I Ching Correspondence: 32)Hêng-Duration

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The trigram for Thunder is over that of the Wind. Thunder and Wind are often thought of as going together and this hexagram likewise indicates a long enduring relationship. For something to endure it is important that priority is placed on the purpose and ideals on which the relationship was based from the beginning. When this is done, any conflicts become secondary. For a relationship to last there cannot be stagnation and something new must be continually brought to the table. While neither thunder nor wind may be thought of as subsisting for long, the weather patterns that bring them are continuous.


When the King of Swords occurs in a reading there may be a legal or business matter that we need advice on. It may represent any type of problem where a logical and analytical mind can help us see the right course of action. It is definitely a time when swift action is necessary. It may also represent a time when we need to take responsibility for choices that have been made even if the choice was to delegate the matter to someone else. The King of Swords may also represent someone who has come into ourlife who is both logical and somewhat autocratic. This person gives great advice when asked but we may often feel judged in this person’s presence.


When the King of Swords is reversed, then either we or someone in our environment may be having serious control issues. The reversed King of Swords likes to throw his weight around and fully expects people to fall into line and may be quite harsh and cutting when this does not happen. There is a strong streak of cruelty in the reversal of this card and control and arrogance is everything to this person at this time. The King of Swords reversed may also refer to someone who is looked upon as an authority who finds himself unable to make a decision. This may have happened because there is nothing in his rule book that has prepared him for present circumstances.


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Tarot Post – Page of Cups


Page / Princess of Cups (Earth of Water)


Page of CupsPage of Cups by G A Rosenberg


Sandbars at low tide
Summers spent in innocence
We drank of life’s joy


Inspired to dream
by a child’s questions
quite unexpected
my eyes opened to wonder
by innocence
my staid adulthood tamed
to submission
by wide eyes
and guileless charm
as answers fell into place
around me.
Private thoughts that made me smile
as to the senselessness of all
now came crystal clear
as I realized the joke was on me
All day our talk continued
histories shared,
Now the child is gone
and my life begun anew..



The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involve. Water is the medium for crystallization. When enough of a substance is combined with water it crystallizes and a new substance is born. The questions that come from an innocent mind can often form new realizations in even the most jaded of hearts.
The Page of Cups has many of the best qualities we associate with childhood. He or She is open-hearted and imaginative, sympathetic, seeking to understand and learn. Often they exhibit psychic abilities and can be very dreamlike. The archetype that springs immediately to mind is The Little Prince in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s book of the same name. There is much inspiration and realizations sparked by the questions and play of our inner child if we were to listen.


I Ching Correspondence – 41) Sun – Decrease

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The trigram for the Mountain is over that of the Lake. As the lake evaporates, its moisture enlivens the mountains. Our childhood dreams and imagination spurs us on to the adults that we become. If we can hold on to that spark of open-heartedness then it can continue to inspire us no matter what period we have reached in our lives. At times we may need to dissolve some of the misconceptions that have arisen along the way and dip back into this pool of dreams in order to build anew.
This hexagram reminds us that everything comes in its time but to balance out both our inner needs and our outer experience. Just as the lake nourishes the mountain, the mountain also sustains the lake. To continue expanding as a person without stagnation, it benefits us to sustain our inner child.


When the Page of Cups is seen in a reading, it often tells us that we need to access the child within and to take time out to dream and play. It may also be telling us that we need to rely on our intuition and what’s more to trust it. The card may also be suggesting that it is time to gain a greater spiritual understanding either within the system we followed when we were younger or in a new direction that will re-spark our inner life. The Page of Cups may refer to a child coming into our lives who will reawaken our sense of wonder.


The Page of Cups reversed in a reading may refer to a time when we have let ourselves play a little too much. Perhaps we have confused our inner and outer realities and have caused discomfort to ourselves and others. We may be acting impulsively and ignoring some of the consequences of our actions. The card may also refer to either ourselves or someone around us becoming disturbed by psychic flashes or visions that they are having. It indicates that it is a good time for a reality check.


Tarot Post – Prince of Cups


Prince / Knight of Cups (Air of Water)


Prince of CupsPrince of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Dreaming in secret
Other hearts are open books
I can understand


while the world goes on around me
those I could love
and do
beyond but not in
the reality we share
no one knows my true nature
yet you could you know
here with me
but NO
in waking world
with no one understanding
but you could.
See what I’ve accomplished
no not here
but there in the future
I’ll take you there
Come with me
and learn what few do
or can
you feel my understanding
Together we can…
well in my dreams
you already have.
— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy.The transmission of emotion is seldom done through action but through words and expression. The Prince of Cups understands takes in the emotions, understands them and feels deeply yet he shows what he wishes others to see holding the rest inside until it becomes either necessary or desirable to let them out. He is often artistic, using his emotions as yet another palette on which to draw. He is able to elicit emotions from others and sees things that others do not.
Having such a deep internal life, it is often difficult to get the Prince of Cups to take action on a practical level. He has a deep sense of the aesthetic yet seldom wants to get his hands dirty. In these and so many other ways he is a study in contrasts. This is at least partly due to the fact that he often can see and hold two or more contradictory viewpoints or attributes. Due to this, he often ends up surprising even those closest to him by doing or espousing something radically different than what he had the day before.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Libra – 20° Scorpio Elemental: Air of Water – This combination of Libra’s communication skills, enjoyment of those considered friends and energy combined with Scorpio’s magnetism, secrecy and artistic flair yields an artist who loves to hide in plain site. He will work obsessively to convey ideas and visions that will leave people scratching their heads. They love people and are very romantic often giving much of themselves to those they love yet they demand as much in return and can become resentful at what they see as a lack of loyalty.


I Ching Correspondence -61) Kung Fu – Inner Truth

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The Hexagram for the Wind is over that of the Lake. The Wind stirs the water and affects it by getting inside, in other words by understanding. This hexagram much like it’s two open lines in the centre councils being open to all things true and to seek understanding of others by understanding one’s own relationship to the truth as it expresses inside of themselves. The hexagram also speaks about being open to finding the right approach to use with each being encountered (as opposed to settling for a one-size fits all cookie-cutter solution)so as best to express this inner truth.


When the Prince of Cups turns up in a reading, he may represent a person, interest or passion that while not practical sweeps you off your feet in a most romantic way. Someone may feel like the answer to all your dreams but are you sure you understand what their investment is? The force of this card may be addictive in its intensity. He may represent a lover (male or female) who has serious commitment issues as they wish to experience it all and feel it deeply. The Prince of Cups may also be suggesting that a time when it is necessary to address the balance between dreaming and taking action in our own lives. Both dreaming and acting on these dreams are important


Reversed the Prince of Cups often speaks of the desire to avoid responsibility. This may come as a reaction to feeling like there is too much expected or it may come out of a sense of disillusionment with the world. It may also refer to someone who is manipulative and who uses our emotions and attractions against us. This person will tend to value the effect of what he (or she) says over truth or honesty. The Reversed Prince of Cups may also mean that we feel not that there is too much expected of us but that there is too much for us at this time. The Prince reversed may also refer to a time when we are letting our emotions pull us in any given situation.


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Tarot Post – Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups (Water of Water)


Queen of Cups (N)Queen of Cups (Reimagined) by G A Rosenberg



She knows how I feel
Not touched by hand nor heart she
takes away my pain


Receive me O Queen
I know you understand
you take my pain and my pleasure
my words and my deeds
I may never fathom you
here in your beauty
yet you have found my depths
and shown me your silvered fineness
in return


“I walked with her to her apartment, She invited me in. We waked to her living room. She guided my steps as she followed close behind, her hand gently motioning the way.
It seemed she could listen for hours and understand my entire being as each part was accepted and absorbed into those deep grey eyes of hers.
Even tho I felt her comprehension, I had no knowledge of what she felt about it all, only that there were dephs there I could never fathom. Gazing at her was like looking into a mirror of my soul but who knew what lay behind that silvered glass.”
— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.Queens are the receptive and nurturing form of the energy. As Water of Water in an elemental sense they take everything in giving the feeling that it is all received, understood and appreciated in full. Somehow the Queen of Cups conveys this without showing any outward sign of being affected by it at all. She has an amazing sense of aesthetics and will surround herself with beauty and yet this is as much a sense that she carries around with her more than acting from any need. She is a dreamer of beautiful dreams and she reflects back everything we show her with a sense of love. Her depths are not easily fathomed and very few if any will get to see what’s beneath the surface. She is fair and generous towards all.
At her most negative tho, the the love and honest reflection of what we show her is lost given way to distortion and manipulation.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Gemini – 20° Cancer Elemental: Water of Water – The combination of the omnidirectional interest of Gemini and the sensitive intuitive home builder of Cancer shows someone who wishes everyone to be comfortable around them even at the expense of a mask of the deepest neutrality. They love to feel that they are helping and providing for others and make wonderful tho at times dictatorial hosts / hostesses. They may have an element of moodiness tho they will seldom show it except to those with whom they feel close.


I Ching Correspondence: 58)Tui – Joyfulness

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The trigram of the lake is doubled over itself. While the surface appears to be yielding, there is great strength within. Twice the strength of the lower two lines of the trigram express themselves in the gentleness of the yin line. There is a lot of reflection within this hexagram and the two lakes together can act much like two mirrors facing each other to reflect itself in an infinite picture of a still lake.


When the Queen of Cups shows up in a reading, there may be a call to be open and receptive to who or whatever comes your way. Remember being open to someone does not mean being in agreement or even siding with them as it is to hearing them out. The card may also refer to someone in our environment who is there for us in a maternal way, generous, caring and social tho possibly quite remote. This person feels like someone who will listen and make it all better or at least who will or can understand. This card may also represent ourselves and may be telling us to be as open to what goes on beneath our surface as we are to the voices and cares of those around us.


When the Queen of Cups turns up reversed, it may be referring to someone who has become out of touch with the needs of others (consider the story commonly told about Marie Antoinette who when told that the Peasants had no bread was believed to reply “Let them eat cake.”) This person may have let ambition get ahead of compassion and may be manipulative and dishonest while portraying a gentle hearted generous facade.


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Tarot Post – King of Cups


King of Cups (Fire of Water)


KIng of Cups (N)King of Cups (Reimagined by G A Rosenberg)


Father of Wisdom
let me drink from your deep cup
and so, gain insight

The Cup King’s Lament

Another person helped.
They all speak to me
tell me their secrets
who they are
in their secret  hearts
They ask me ‘how?’
They ask me ‘why?’
and they ask me
‘what should I do?’
Most often when they talk
they tell me what they need to hear
I repeat it to them
and they leave
calling me wise
calling me understanding
calling me knowing
yet where are the words
I tell myself?
I listen and I understand
but I can’t act
tho the need for action compels me.
I consider and I feel
sometimes I even know
or understand
but what are the words
that will move me?
— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.Kings are the leaders, the shakers, the initiatory force or person that get things moving. The King of Cups is thus active in receptivity. He listens with patience and tolerance and is known for his wise council. He moves with grace and lives up to the Bruce Lee adage “Be Like Water”. He flows this way and that and finds many things he enjoys but few either deep or lasting. He is calm, honest and understanding and often is a healer or therapist. He also tends to be very self-contained. So contained in fact that tho he may feel the need to take action, he often finds it difficult to do so preferring his internal life. He may dream of a life of action but lives it vicariously through the help he gives to others.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Aquarius – 20° Pisces Elemental: Fire of Water – This combination of Aquarian and Piscean traits tends to be romantic and visionary tho may find things of a practical nature to be more of a challenge. They would have amazing insight tho be rather difficult to move when they do take a stance. There may be a tendency towards escapism with this combination as well, either in chemicals or alcohol or in the drugs of romance and sex. Because there is an aspect of their nature that is both attracting and attracted, they may find themselves often in romantic understandings. Still they have an intuitive knack for finding their way through difficult conversations with others.


I Ching Correspondence – 54) Kwei Mei – The Marrying Maiden

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The trigram for Thunder is over that of the Lake . The Lake is still, open to the stirrings of the Wind and the Thunder and yet mindful of how it is influenced by them. There is a need to balance the external force and fury with internal calm and forbearance and be fluid enough to bear whatever may be encountered while having his essential self unmoved by it. There is an intuitive grasp of relationships both internal and external and a realization how they may be affected by external forces.


When the King of Cups turns up in a reading, it may be speaking of someone who is looking to you for advice and objective council. It may also refer to someone who can advise you and who may be able to influence your situation for the better. The King of Cups may also refer to a time when you find yourself frustrated because you desire to take action but either cannot decide what action to take (especially in a romantic situation) or cannot bring yourself to do so. The card may also refer to a time when things are very romantically fluid for you.


The King of Cups reversed in a reading may be referring to someone in your environment who is unreliable and untrustworthy or very manipulative. While they may be quite charming they may also be quite moody. The card may also be speaking to someone who is being unfaithful or a time when we may have been unfaithful in our relationships. The reversed King of Cups may also involve a time in our lives when we or someone close to us are letting our emotions control rather than having any kind of equanimity.


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Tarot Post – Page of Wands


Page of Wands  (Earth of Fire)


Page of Wands (N)Page of Wands (Reimagined) by G A Rosenberg


“Let yourself be you
Love as an equal always”
echoes the youth’s laughter


The Magic of one day
as I dream myself anew
each future grander than before
and all of them befitting
I’ll be as unstoppable
as my dreams are now
They’ll all come to see
the realization
of my talent
Even now
I am unleashed
bringing news of the future
“There’s going to be one
and it WILL BE bright”
Express with me
what you desire
in your creativity
and your life
The breaks are off
and we’ll burn bright.
Let’s Go!
— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital and are associated with the element of Fire. Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involve. When we ground fire, we bring all the energy of the spirit into the physical. The Page of Wands burns brightly with an amazing enthusiasm that quickly becomes infectious. He or She is full of ideas of where they want to be and what they want to be doing and they are constantly on the move. They have very little in the way of filters and will say anything especially if it will get a rise out of their audience but this is done with total guilelessness. The Page of Wands due to their charm is able to pull off saying and doing almost anything and their behaviour is unique to themselves.


I Ching Correspondence – 27) Yi-Nourishing –

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The trigram for Thunder is under that of the Mountain. There is a constant abundance of nurturing energy that constantly comes to the surface. It is tempting to give way to a form of gluttony and to try to take it all in at once (an impossibility but one with possibly damaging consequences but it is better to absorb it as needing enjoying having all of one’s needs met.
The hexagram also talks about the importance of what and who we nurture with our energy. Do we save it all for ourselves, do we try to help all or do we throw our support towards people and organizations that can help more than we can on a person by person level? There is a sense of beginnings and youth in this hexagram and perhaps that is why it resembles in many ways an open mouth as we nurture best quite often with our words and ideas.


When the Page of Wands shows up in a reading, it may mean that a younger person with lots of energy and a winning personality has entered our life It may also represent a time in our lives when we feel adventurous and are ready to try anything and everything especially if it is new. It is a protected time and one of new beginnings and new found freedom so we should go for it with confidence. The Page of Wands may also refer to some good news that has come our way.


When the Page of Wands turns up reversed, it may mean that our steps towards exploring new possibilities have faltered a bit as we encounter some obstacles. It may represent a time of indecision and lack of confidence in ourselves. Perhaps the situation has proven to be a bit more complex than we led ourselves to believe and we need to cut back a bit and take simpler baby steps on our new route. It is important tho that we continue to keep moving forward however to avoid giving up on ourselves and our direction totally.
The Page of Wands reversed may also represent someone in our environment who is raging because they haven’t gotten his or her own way. This person may have much less depth than we thought and may be seeking to blame others for their difficulties as they find it impossible to believe that they could be at fault.

Tarot Post – Prince of Wands



Prince of Wands (Air of Fire)


Prince of WandsPrince of Wands (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Burning to create
His passion fueled by new thought
The eternal quest


Beholden to no one
I build my flame
and speed of movement
I devour everything in my path
yet do it with a love and passion
deeper than any you’ve known


Seducing your senses
I tell you reasons
that lie beyond madness
I dance swiftly body and mind
yet do it with logic and voice
sweeter than any you’ve known


All-Sides Seeing
Committed to Nothing
I argue any position
and take it in stride
I glow with brilliant intensity
yet do it with humour and jest
warmer than any you’ve known


The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital and are associated with the element of Fire. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy. He combines the spirituality intrinsic to Wands with the quality of intellect inherent to the Princes. He is generous and honourable yet mischievous and tormenting. He is swift in movement and in his interests and his energy can cover a lot of diverse ground very quickly. He has an amazing and constant sense of humour and sees the funny side to just about anything and while he may seem cruel in his jests he is seldom ill-intentioned. Due to his innate ability to read others, he can often sense just how far he can take the joke without going overboard. He is romantic and loves to be exposed to anything that is novel and new including cultures and beliefs. At his worst he will descend into cruelty and sadism and leave behind scorched wreckage in his wake.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Cancer – 20° Leo Elemental: Air of Fire – This combination of Cancer and Leo qualities could be seen as a mystical extrovert. Ever able to create spiritual connections and then communicate them outward. He would have a love and appreciation of beauty but due to his ability to see beyond the surface he would be able to perceive beauty where others would not. He may be seen to have many ideas that are extreme and unusual in nature tho due to his charismatic nature he will always have people who will listen to him.


I Ching – 56) Lu – The Wanderer

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The hexagram for Fire is over that of the Mountain. As fire spreads over the mountain swiftly, this hexagram speaks about constant movement as a way of continuing abundance. In this way more can be learned including the ways in which one must modify their behaviour when among strangers. Usually this hexagram speaks of things of short duration such as lawsuits but can also represent that once we have experienced what we have come to any particular place to experience then it is time to continue onward.


The Prince of Wands in a reading can often refer to a person or energy who is going to change your world oft times in a very literal sense. This card can often signify a change in residence or environment. It often refers to an energy that springs into your life with little or no warning. This energy is often difficult to resist so it is best to let ourselves get swept up into things so that they can be taken care of in the best way possible.The Prince of Wands can also refer to a new project that we should approach with lots of enthusiasm but not so much that we lose sight of the objectives. With this energy, honest and realistic communication oft becomes a necessity


When the Prince of Wands turns up reversed in a reading, it can mean that things have gone awry and are in a state of confusion. It may mean that we have been expecting things around us to fall into place and have become thrown when we have not met with the cooperation that we have been expecting. Usually this happens when we have failed to pay attention to details. The Reversed Prince of Wands may also mean that we find ourselves facing unexpected delays

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Tarot Post – Queen of Wands


Queen of Wands (Water of Fire)


Queen of WandsQueen of Wands (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Passionate Goddess
whose strength eases troubled souls
take me to new heights


I stand here guarding her heart
the heat almost more than I can stand
She contains the universe
and I hungrily await her command.


She is the fire that brings warmth
Creative urges ignite by her glance
Yet her eyes fall on others never me
Loyally I hold my stance


Still I dream of what could be
Our passions burning in the long night
My soul inspired by her touch
Her heat my being does ignite


My vision will remain just that
A goddess cares not for one knight’s passion
I stand her guarding her being
My fantasies left ashen..

  — G A Rosenberg  “Volcano Queen’s Knight”


Note: Tho I may use the words she and he when speaking of the court cards, a Queen can often refer to a man as a King or Prince a woman.
The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital and are associated with the element of Fire. Queens are the receptive and nurturing form of the energy. The Queen of Wands is a creative and enticing muse. She can adapt to almost anything and has an appreciation for life lived to its fullest. She is generous and kind tho she is very used to having her own way through sheer presence. When she is opposed she can become quite vicious especially once she has a chance to brood on it. She is great in crisis situations due to her unflappability and take charge attitude.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Pisces – 20° Aries Elemental: Water of Fire
The influence of the third decan of Pisces gives the Queen of Wands a visionary quality and the drive to be recognized tho a bit of cognitive dissonance between the world imagined and the world lived in.
The influence of the first two decans of Aries gives the drive to constantly push forward and be in the forefront. The Queen of Wands also gets the quality of attraction from this influence and a relentlessness for the world around her to acquiesce to her vision of it and a combination of dismissal and depression when it does not.
Like the combination of Water and Fire, that she is, the Queen of Wands may be a study in contrasts, generous and impatient, lively but with the tendency towards brooding and depression, good-humoured except when crossed.


I Ching Correspondence – 17) Sui – Following –

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The trigram of the Lake is over that of Thunder. This hexagram talks about learning to lead by following and persevering in what is right. By serving others (including our own impulses) we learn to pay attention to what is essential. This same attention to detail and steadfastness will help us achieve our goals which will result in others wishing to follow our success in order to achieve their own. Also by impressing others with the qualities we bring in our service to them, we inspire them to follow to learn how to develop these inner qualities in themselves. Sometimes when one has achieved success the only challenge that remains is inspiring others how to do the same.


When the Queen of Wands shows up in a reading, it possibly refers to someone who is willing to nurture us in our artistic and generative capacities. This may refer to someone who will either inspire us or give us good advice. It may refer to a time in our life when we are more inspiring than we are steadfast or loyal and our patience may possibly be tested by those around us. It may refer to a time of crisis in which we are keeping our heads and helping others or we have someone around willing to take charge for us


The Queen of Wands reversed in a reading may be speaking about someone who has been unfaithful to us. It can also refer to a time in our lives when we have had way too much put upon us and while normally good in a crisis, we are losing it out of frustration. This may refer not to ourselves but to someone in our environment. This card may also refer to someone who is possessive and controlling, vindictive and / or unable to trust.

Tarot Post – Nine of Pentacles


Nine of Pentacles (Gain)


Nine of PentaclesNine of Pentacles (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Residing in peace
Fulfillment well becomes you
On to the next thing


Once all your needs are fulfilled where will you go?
What new roads may you find in your garden?
New seeds sown and new thoughts planted
new paths sought
yet still the old beauty remains
Who else could have achieved this perfection?
Who else now to enjoy what you’ve earned?
Your hard work and  careful planning
inner beauty directed
and now the enjoyment begins.


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. The Nines represent a coming to completion of the energy involved if not the completion itself. The Nine of Pentacles shows us a time when we have achieved our material goals through a combination of discipline, hard work and harmonizing with our environment. We can now enjoy the products of our labour at our leisure. We can also share with others this bounty and enjoy their appreciation. However there is only so long that we can sit and reflect on what we have done. Old achievements may pale without new challenges to guide us onward and we may need to go beyond the world of the senses to find this challenge. All of this we contemplate while walking in the beautiful garden of our success.


Astrological Correspondence – Venus in Virgo – This energy is attentive in all ways large and small. Venus in Virgo is always willing to help in practical matters. It is not overly emotive but it loves beauty and harmony and order. Venus in Virgo tends away towards spontaneity, believing that steadfastness is a more important virtue. It does not need a partner to achieve success, balance or harmony. Through attention to detail, it knows how to do the little things that matters to another so much and will often seem to be several jumps ahead in any relationship it finds itself in.


I Ching Correspondence – 51) Jian – Gradual Development –

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The trigram of Wood is over that of the Mountain. This hexagram talks about a gradual growth and development until fullness is reached. Everything comes in its time and once it is reached then it can be truly enjoyed (appreciated in its fullness). If things are still for too long then stagnation can occur but as long as a steady progress continues then there is benefit. There is much in this hexagram that speaks of enjoying everything in its proper order and sequence including the end result.


The Nine of Pentacles in a reading may show that material success and enjoyment of this success is now a possibility in our lives. Through self-discipline and attention to detail we can now achieve our goals. This card may also mean that a project we have been working on is close to completion. The Nine of Pentacles in the past may refer to someone who ‘has it all’ but is not satisfied in their lives. They may need to seek something of a more spiritual nature to fulfill them.


When the Nine of Pentacles turns up reversed in a reading we may have reached a time when despite our best efforts, our work is not paying off. It can also refer to difficulty with learning to discipline ourselves and developing focus. This may be as a result of lack of confidence in ourself. Another meaning of the Nine of Pentacles reversed is that we have come to value spontaneity over careful planning and attention to detail.

Tarot Post – Nine Of Cups

Nine Of Cups (Happiness / Fortunate)

G`Nine of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Wishes have come true
Moments of pure enjoyment
Gratitude abounds.


Freeze the moment
ecstasy flowing
like the wine in my glass
almost as sweet
as your lips
in the grass
on my hips
on my ass
all over as my lips on you
the taste the scent
the joy
pure pleasure doesn’t get any better
we have it all
in this time
music so sweet
in motion the beat
the ocean our hearts
our bodies this wine
freeze this moments
of desires fulfilled
may this dream never pass.

— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. The Nines represent a coming to completion of the energy involved if not the completion itself. Combine these energies and we have a moment of peak fulfilment with joy and pleasure that is near orgasmic. All of our wants are fulfilled, we feel bliss and life is good. No matter how good this feeling is it cannot last. Change is constant and eventually this pleasure too will pass, whether it be into a period of sustained joy or into new challenges ahead.Perhaps knowing this makes this moment all the better and the wine all the sweeter.


Astrological Correspondence – Jupiter in Pisces – Jupiter in Pisces energy tends towards compassion and empathy. It has the ability to know intuitively what will make those around feel better and creates the situation accordingly. This is a very fun-loving energy that enjoys life the way a dolphin enjoys the sea. Piscean energy tends to pick up and amplify anything within range so when it amplifies Jupiter’s expansiveness, it wants to show up and be there for everyone. There is a tendency for this energy to become complacent and feel that the good times will last forever.


I Ching Correspondence – 48) Jing – Replenishing

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The Trigram for Water is over that of Wood. Water comes up from the well in an all but inexhaustible manner replenishing those who thirst. It is a time of celebration and enjoyment where all who are in need may be satiated. Water rises up to sustain the life of that above whether it be plants or people. Wells tend to be centres of population where people come to celebrate bounty.


Geomantic Correspondent – Laetitia

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The figure resembles an arch or a rainbow. It means upward movement and joy and almost always means a positive outcome in whatever question is being asked. It resembles an archway or fountain in appearance.


In a reading the Nine of Cups has commonly been called the wish card. Depending on its position it indicates forward motion in the subject at hand. This card means good fortune, happiness and enjoyment. Because this card often refers to a breakthrough it can also indicate that there is a lot of celebrating going on, possibly to excess. This card can also mean that for a time weighty matters have been put aside and the simple pleasures of a warm bed, a full belly and a ‘bottle in hand’ can now be enjoyed. This card can also mean that one has abandoned cares and work to sit, enjoy and dream of future glory. Quite often with this card we look for this enjoyment not only for ourselves but for our friends and teammates as well.


The Nine of Cups reversed in a reading may mean that we are not getting what we wish, possibly because we have been focusing more on the desire rather than the work needed in order to bring it to fruition. The reversed Nine of Cups may also mean that we are getting what we wanted but not finding it quite as satisfying as we thought it would be. Something seems to be missing. Perhaps we have only been working on fulfilling our own dreams rather than making sure that those around us are also getting their needs fulfilled. This card reversed may also mean that we have the satisfaction not only of our surface needs met but our deeper spiritual needs as well.