Nourishing Whispers, Controlled Folly and Lunar Echoes (February 2018)


Another Castaneda quote and a concept that I really resonate with:


A man of knowledge knows that his life will be over altogether too soon. He knows that he, as well as everybody else, is not going anywhere; he knows that nothing is more important than anything else. … Under these circumstances his only tie to his fellow men is his controlled folly. Thus a man of knowledge endeavors and sweats and puffs and, if one looks at him, he is just like any ordinary man, except that the folly of his life is under control. Nothing being more important than anything else, a man of knowledge chooses any act and acts it out as if it matters to him. His controlled folly makes him say that what he does matters and makes him act as if it did, and yet he knows that it doesn’t. So when he fulfills his acts, he retreats in peace and whether his acts were good or bad, or worked or didn’t, it is in no way part of his concern.
— Carlos Castaneda


How many of those reading this feels like they practice this concept of controlled folly in their own lives?


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Receiving Nourishment by GAR


Mysterious Pathways (redux) by GAR


Lunar Echoes by GAR


Gateless Under the Moon (February 2018)


Does anyone else feel like they’re getting their ass kicked by this particular full moon? While there doesn’t seem to be as much rancour as during the last one, there seems to be lots simmering below the surface for many, physical and emotional ailments exacerbated and just (for me anyway) a strong need to say fuck it. Tho March seems to bring out more of a desire for movement for me and the need to get things done. So perhaps the seeds, born of both gnosis and venom will materialize in interesting ways. Now that I am almost caught up with having all of my art on the blog I am trying to decide on a new direction and new look for it. I have been told that my art imparts gnosis and am wondering whether my words can as well. Onward to the beckoning becoming future. HDHM!


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A Location Dreamed (Redux) by GAR


Exotic Forest Dance by GAR


Gateless Gate by GAR


Using What Is Before You (February 2018)


Sip from the venomous cup
ingest its poisons
use the tools at your command
and summon strange gods
learn what they may teach you
tear the veil and step through
lose the all and gain the not
I’ll see you on the other side


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Envenomed Chalice by GAR


Magician – Alt (Redux) by GAR


Duality Ignition by GAR


Protection and the Hunt (January 2018)


Seeking the outer through the inner
recreating oneself anew
Using the warrior instinct
to find the way through
Girding oneself with shield and sword
keeping my talons sharp
not sure where this is taking me
my perceptions continue to warp
Conquering what is before me
keeping my will edge strong
for that is far more important
than a sense of right and wrong


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Eadha (Aspen) by GAR


Sea Kingdom (redux) by GAR


Night Hunt by GAR


A Variety of Experience (January 2018)


“I devotedly believe that the essence of my being – my spirit – is not truly a part of the universe, it is a part of Chaos. My spirit is a fragment of the Hidden God beyond the nutshell we call the cosmos; thus being trapped in a human body is only a prison in my eyes.”
― Vexior 218


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Vampyric Lantern by GAR


Kad-Nuk by GAR


Ur (Heather) by GAR


A Communication Method (January 2018)


Here is a way, depending on your intent, focus and outlook, to either improve the active imagination or to channel communication with various entities using either tarot cards or art:
A) Take a tarot card or piece of artwork depicting the entity with which you wish to communicate.
B) Study it and imagine that you are there in the picture with the spirit. In your mind’s eye, see them come alive.
C) Continue focusing, ask any questions you may have. Either hear their answers even if it is something that pops into your mind at the moment. Record these answers, either writing them down or speaking them into a recorder.
I am not suggesting that the answers you receive should be taken as a clear channeling. As with everything else, test the results, use whatever your preferred divinatory method is to
get further confirmation. As with any other practice, the more you practice it, the clearer the answers will come. Whether they come from the entity themselves, the version of them you carry with you, your imagination or some other source may be determined by you.


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Ailim (Silver Fir) by GAR


Egul-Cala by GAR


Night of Hekate by GAR


The Darker Spirits Have the Best Humour (January 2018)


If you can’t find the humour and enjoy the irony in life it is easy to get lost. At the moments of despair, I tend to hear a voice saying “these are the jokes, man” and that has helped keep me going. Not that those moments come often and less so the older I get because who has time for that noise?


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Ruis (Elder) by GAR


Aspects of Need (Redux) by GAR


Harbinger of a Darker Spirit by GAR


Living Art (January 2018)


As an artist, the best feeling I have had is when one of my pictures comes alive before me. There are pictures I’ve done (and they are mostly the ones depicting different forces) where I can see (in my mind’s eye) movement in the picture and can hold conversations with the beings on them. It can seem strange at times, walking through these gateways and yet necessary as in many ways they feed the art that is still to come as they feed the artist in another very real way


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Akahad-Azi by GAR


Anticipating the Future by GAR


Riding Out the Storm (redux) by GAR