The Ferryman by G A Rosenberg

The ferryman has been my most constant teacher. Lately he has been manifesting in my art when I have created something that contains a lesson that I need to learn. He watches, silently and understands everything that comes within his field of vision.

What does a ferryman do? He transports people across the water. He guides the ship through the rough parts deftly missing or sideswiping obstacles in his path.

He’s done that for me a lot of late. As I stand at each crossroads wondering which direction to take he stands with me. He offers neither advice nor suggestion yet somehow I know that he travels with me.  I wonder, knowing that water is a symbol of the unconscious, what shoals he sees in my path. He definitely seems to know a lot more about the destination than I do.

I have never seen his face. Even within my dreamscapes, his back is turned. Looking out at what is to come, silently understanding the path of the journey, the rough waters I will have to navigate, the beings I’ll encounter and the lessons I need to learn.  If he did turn to me, I do know exactly the face that I would see.