XVII-The Star(♒︎)
The Star by G A Rosenberg
Hope from the heavens
Goddess’ bounty awakens
new inspiration
Illuminated by distant stars
her flowing waters restore me
healing my shrouded despair
and removing the waste
of old lies
I can feel inner truth flowing
knowing in new ways
renewed ways
in harmony with her tune
that I was too closed
to hear before
Wordless understanding
Now I can rebuild
my tools recovered
my being regained
my heart reopened.
onto and into Nu.
— G A Rosenberg
When we get hit by the Tower force, it is devastating. Much that we believed was true has turned out to be false and we don’t know what’s left. At our lowest point, we can hear a voice telling us that it’s going to be ok. We still have our essential selves and can rebuild. If we are open to it, we feel a sense of hope and renewal. Even if we have gone through fire, we can make it and come back stronger than ever. It is then that we feel the healing energy of the Star. It is known in many cultures as the idea of grace or hope and was the last thing left in Pandora’s box after she let loose the evils of mankind.
The Star inspires us when we are at our lowest. It puts us back in tune with our selves and allows us to feel once more a part of life. It is a feminine energy that liberates us from our despair and shows us that there are still positive and worthwhile things in life and that love is possible. At times we may feel resistant to the Star’s energy but it is always there.
Astrological Correspondence-Aquarius(♒︎)-Aquarius is the energy of social justice and change. It wants to make the world and the people in it better. Symbolized by the water bearer Aquarius wishes to pour its healing waters onto the earth, starting new discussions and finding new paradigms. Aquarius is very interested in group dynamics, realizing that while one person can make a difference, it takes a concerted effort to effect change.
The Aquarian energy may also be a stubborn one with little patience for opposing viewpoints and methods. It also becomes bored with anything that is routine or that has been done before. Aquarius would much rather innovate better methods to solve problems. Aquarius is unsell-conscious in its approaches to just about anything and wants nothing more than freedom of self-expression. This self-expression can be anything from physical nudity to visionary art to inventing new devices that will enable mankind in new ways.
Aquarius’s somewhat aloof manner may be off-putting to some but this comes from living mainly within its own very active head ever looking to strengthen the flow of new ideas and new intuitions.
The Star inspires us when we are at our lowest. It puts us back in tune with our selves and allows us to feel once more a part of life. It is a feminine energy that liberates us from our despair and shows us that there are still positive and worthwhile things in life and that love is possible. At times we may feel resistant to the Star’s energy but it is always there.
Astrological Correspondence-Aquarius(♒︎)-Aquarius is the energy of social justice and change. It wants to make the world and the people in it better. Symbolized by the water bearer Aquarius wishes to pour its healing waters onto the earth, starting new discussions and finding new paradigms. Aquarius is very interested in group dynamics, realizing that while one person can make a difference, it takes a concerted effort to effect change.
The Aquarian energy may also be a stubborn one with little patience for opposing viewpoints and methods. It also becomes bored with anything that is routine or that has been done before. Aquarius would much rather innovate better methods to solve problems. Aquarius is unsell-conscious in its approaches to just about anything and wants nothing more than freedom of self-expression. This self-expression can be anything from physical nudity to visionary art to inventing new devices that will enable mankind in new ways.
Aquarius’s somewhat aloof manner may be off-putting to some but this comes from living mainly within its own very active head ever looking to strengthen the flow of new ideas and new intuitions.
Runic Correspondence-Lagaz(‘water’)–Laguz means water or ocean and talks about the aftermath of a test or initiation. Through the test, we have been opened up to the waters of our subconscious and now there is a period of healing connection with the root of our being. We are cleansed and renewed by this force. We are attuned with the deeper waters of our being and able to be part of the flow that lies beneath all beings. Other runes associated with The Star are Isa, Ehwaz and Wunjo.
Path on the Tree of Life-Path 15-Heh-Heh translates as window. Where a door is used to enter and exit, a window is used to experience with our senses and to transmit, communicate, receive things. Heh in the tetragrammaton represents the feminine aspect of the universe, that liquid force which receives us and nourishes us in our need. It connects the sephiroth of Chokmah (Wisdom) and Tiphareth (Beauty)on the tree and is called variously the Stabilizing Consciousness (that which steadies us after a collapse) and the Constituting Intelligence.
When the Star turns up in a reading, it normally indicates a time of healing and renewal on all levels. It is often that this healing comes after a period of extreme turmoil as in the kind suggested by the Tower card. The Star is a card that signifies the grace of the universe and is a time when intuition is flowing and things look somehow better and brighter than they did before. The card can often signify a transformative time and a time of reinvention of oneself. The Star is often telling the querent to be open to the energies coming in and to the personal changes that one is making. It is all too easy to resist making the changes necessary but it will never be easier. It may also be telling the querent that they need to go back to basics or where they were before the previous upheavals happened in their lives. Take what they have and as long as they have their own being, they have quite a lot and build from there. The Star may also be telling the querent that they can turn things around before disaster strikes if they are willing to drop back and accept the needed lesson beforehand.
Inversed the healing energy of the Star is still present. The querent tho is blocking it for some reason. Possibly in their minds, they feel unworthy to receive this grace after because of their actions in the previous period. Perhaps they are so filled with bitterness and anger that they are not allowing the healing to happen. If anyone deserves another chance in their lives than everyone does and the healing of the goddess (or the universe if you will) is open to all. It may be that the querent fears beginning again, particularly in the aspect of opening themselves up to the possibility of new failure. The reversed Star may mean that the past with all of its disappointments has become more of a focus than the possibility of building a new future.