“To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest.”
― Pema Chödrön
When I was younger I used to move around a lot. I believe the longest I lived anyplace from the time I was 16 when I moved from my mother’s house to my father’s until I was 26 was about eight months and my life after that point took another ten years to settle down. With each move came various amounts of disillusionment, relief, excitement with a bit of fear. Each one increased my awareness to some extent. I threw myself down more rabbit holes than Alice ever dreamed of and came out the other side until I finally learned it was possible to learn from life without a great upheaval in physical circumstances.
Each new insight that we gain has the ability to rock our internal worlds. If we are conscious every time we discover that the universe is more or other than we have been told or believed our universe changes. Since the most we can ever understand of universal truth is a fraction this can happen every day. We are eternal children ever discovering that the universe is bigger than we’ve known. And so our fractal awareness grows.
Blessings, G
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