Curiouser and Curiouser

Wow, this week has been amazing.
All week I’ve been given these little insights that have been coming from within-The first, I wrote about here was: “Don’t run from your fear walk with it” The next night in a very similar manner, I was walking Rufus, enjoying the stillness of the evening and inside myself I heard “Give yourself permission to be awesome.” I was thunderstruck by this. I almost felt like I should have been transfixed by joy upon hearing it but it just seemed like a natural thing. Earlier in the week, I had been comparing myself to others and all my old insecurities about not being good enough and not measuring up went through me. All of a sudden with those words “Give yourself permission to be awesome” echoing through me, I came to the realization that I would not be able to recognize the qualities I saw in other people if I did not either have those qualities in myself or the capacity for those qualities.
Last night the message was short and sweet “You need not” and indeed there was nothing that I felt I needed. I felt complete in a way I haven’t in awhile

Tonight was perhaps the most intense. Earlier this evening I was reading the book Serpent of Light Beyond 2012 by Drunvalo Melchizedek and in it I read about the movement of the earth’s Kundalini energy from Tibet to its new home in Peru. According to Melchizedek the energy reached a blockage at the Panama Canal (a manmade break between North and South America). Native people of many tribes and nations came together to perform the Ceremony of The Eagle and The Condor (representing North and South America). This ceremony helped to free the blockage. This occurred in 2001 and was foretold in both the Hopi and Mayan calendars.
After reading about the ceremony, I researched it a bit online and watched a trailer for a film made about the ceremony (see below). I came away from this feeling strangely unblocked and liberated.
I then took Rufus for his walk 🙂 I felt this intense sense of the flow of the universe and my place in it. How vast it all was and how right it all was. and then i realized that on another level the vast universe I perceived was inside of me and felt this weird mental shift that was almost out of Lewis Carroll from feeling inside the universe to feeling the universe inside of me, back and forth. With it, came this feeling of joy.
Sometimes I question my sanity but it all feels right.

Death and Dying (redux)

To quote Spider Robinson, “God is an Iron”. The way Spider meant it in his brilliant funny novel Mindkiller is that if someone who commits gluttony is a glutton and someone who commits felony is a felon, then God is an iron.
Meaning that from our limited perspective, the universe works out in ironic ways. Just a few days, after writing here about how people handle change and death, I have kind of had my nose pushed into my own dealings with the subject.

Our son Zev has a wonderful grandmother. Biologically there is no relationship but she raised Zev from the time he came home from the hospital (at about 3 months old due to how premature he was) to when we adopted him at 3 yrs of age. In those days, Zev was tiny (when he was born he weighed about 1 lb and was probably about new born kitten size) and for the first two years it was touch and go whether he was going to make it and the fact that he did and is now alive and healthy is due in no small part to her
Carolynne Brown is an amazing woman, She has raised 3 of her own children, a few grandchildren, and over the years at least 25 foster kids. She adopted a girl (now a young woman) with severe mental and physical delays and has lovingly raised her. Her daughter Misty was Zev’s first babysitter, Misty, 32 with a 16 yr old daughter and 1 yr old son babysat Zev from the time he was 2 and then babysat him for us until he was about 5 on the few nights we got out.
Misty was Zev’s first play group teacher during the summer when he was 3. Today, as we came to pick up Zev from a night at his grandmother’s, Carolynne got a knock on the door from the Vancouver Police Department. Misty was dead.
I’m not sure of the circumstances. I suppose it doesn’t matter. I sent her light. I sent her gratitude. Carolynne is one of the strongest woman I know. With a house of kids, (4 of them between the ages of 1 and 5) Carolynne, shaken, started dealing with what she had to do. Refusing any help, just asking that we not say anything. We left, tho telling her that anything we could do, just let us know.
I think of Misty’s two childen, and all the other kids in the house, whom all adored Misty and they are in my prayers and dreams.
I have no idea what we are going to say to Zev. A few years back, a dog that Zev knew passed away. I learned something then. Kids latch on to death and morbid things, and try to figure them out. Hey so do we.
I am not afraid of dying myself. Physical death is part of how the universe works. I’m just not sure how to explain this to Zev. It will be tough. There will be tears and we will be present. I will answer his questions as best as i can and try to help him know that he is not alone. That feeling loss and grief when someone passes is normal and just love him. In the end what can you do. R.I.P. Misty.


Yesterday, I went with my friend Margie on a nature hike in North Vancouver. It was beautiful, forest land, a river that at various times either roared or babbled depending on where we were. The sun played hide and seek with clouds to that no area was lit the same for very long.
It was funny, Walking out there, I felt almost as if my spirit was tuning itself to the universe. Just like I tune a guitar, I found different things would come up, my focus would be readjusted and things would just feel..right.
By the end of the hike, I felt more in Harmony, attuned with nature.
Then as it often does, my mind started rambling…
Tuning, Attuning, A-tone-ing….
Yes, fitting in with the universe around me, my soul echoing its own unique tone, just one among the infinite, at one with it all
Day of Atonement — Yom Kippur — the day in the jewish calendar where every sin that has been or may have been committed by us in the last year is apologized for and (theoretically) dealt with,
One of my favorite writers, Spider Robinson, in several of his stories talks about that if telepathic communication is possible then first we have to get rid of all the shit in the communication room. Another way of becoming at-one with others. Or is it the same way?

Video(s) of the Day-Century Plant

One of my favorite songs that I’ve heard in the last year or two. In Stereo–One with Victoria Williams, who wrote the song. The Other from the movie Camp.


There is a cliche that the only thing constant in the universe is change. Like most, that has become cliche because it is largely true.
People get so freaked out about change. They try to tie themselves to whatever they consider the most stable thing around just to avoid getting tossed by the winds of change. If the universe is constantly in a state of flux, than is change a thing to be feared?
In the tarot, change is represented mainly by the 13th card in the major arcana Death. In the Rider-Waite deck, Death is shown as a skeleton in black armor on a white horse. A businessman and a king lay in the road trampled by Death. A Bishop stands next in the way, trying to keep Death away by prayer. It appears that he is the next to fall. A maiden with a ring of flowers in her hair kneels in Death’s path offering herself but with her head turned away in denial of her offer. A change comes our way do we cling to the status quo (like the businessmen and the king only to be trampled), Do we welcome it half-heartedly, only to have to process it later or do we welcome all, change and stability with open acceptance (the child)?
A lot of people seem to be either eagerly awaiting the upcoming cycle change in 2012 or fearing what it will bring. I don’t know (my favorite words) but it feels like we have been in the midst of major change for a long time now. I wonder whether the cycle change isn’t some really large event that will happen but a small event that ripples out like a stone that lands in the middle of a brook.


What does it mean to wake up? “I was asleep but I’m awake now” “Wake up! You’ll be late for / will miss/ are missing something.

Lately after what seems a far too long period of sleepwalking through my life, ignoring half of the things i know, keeping things as surface as possible, lost in the mundane, possibly working on my root stuff, i feel like I have awaken. There is definitely a new balance in the air. I am becoming aware of things that i have known but forgotten and perhaps things that I have never realized before. It is quite a trip.

Who am I?  Whoever the voice in your head says that I am. It might surprise both of us.

Books being read: Tarot for Writers by Kenner; In the Earth Abides the Flame by Russell Kirkpatrick

I seek to go where i haven’t before–to gain new stories to amuse myself and others. I wish to reflect and be reflected–to learn to teach–to exist-to entertain and to grow in love and the capacity to love but things happen when they are ready and i will not force the issue. 🙂 Walk with me, visit and we’ll share.

Video of the day — Nina Simone-Feelings (Montreux Jazz Festival)

This is intense but rather amazing.