Tarot Post – The Chariot


VII-The Chariot (Cancer ♋︎)


The Chariot The Chariot by G A Rosenberg


Triumphant Journey
Horses now pull in tandem
Their Master smiles.


I’ve taken control
of my life and circumstances
I have passed the tests
brutal and long.
I demolished all obstacles
that blocked me from my goal.
I stand ready to journey
Onlookers cheer as I ride by
at breakneck speed
in full control of my vehicle.
Well Armoured,
I know now what I can do
and will triumph
by the will of the all
no matter which way I am pulled
and no matter the dangers ahead
— G A Rosenberg


When we are ready to leave home and make our own way in the world we feel triumphant. We have made it through the trials of adolescence and feel unstoppable. In the best cases, we are armoured in the love and support of our family (or family of choice) and community and feel more than up to any challenges that life may throw us on a material level. This is an example of the Chariot force in action. The Chariot represents that feeling of taking charge in life through the use of will. The Driver does not need reigns to direct the two horses pulling his chariot. Even tho they may be drawn in two different directions, he controls his movement forward through the use of his will. He has confidence that he will succeed in his endeavours and that the world is his to make of it what he will. The victories that he has gained in developing this control give him knowledge that he can conquer anything in his path.
The Chariot also represents the vehicle in which we move. This could be considered on many levels whether it be our bodies, our cars or our spirit. Our vehicles serve as both protection and propulsion. They are how we move through the world and how we handle them can be a symbol for how we handle the externals in our life. We may be pulled in different directions as we experience the seeming contradictions of life (shown by the two horses facing different directions) but it is our will that directs our vehicle the way we wish it to go.


Astrological Correspondence-Cancer(♋︎)-The Cancer energy feels safest in its home environment. It is a nurturing and emotional energy tho prone to moodiness. Cancer’s planetary ruler is the Moon and its moods can be almost tidal in their nature. Cancer has a great drive to see things through but can withdraw into its own shell much like its symbol the crab. Also like the crab, Cancer can make a home for itself anywhere it goes without having to rely on others. It also has the ability to project that feeling of home to those around them to make a loving caring space for them. At its best (i.e. when it is feeling most secure) there is little that Cancer cannot accomplish.


Runic Correspondence-Kenaz (‘Torch’)kenaz-100x100Kenaz is a rune that symbolizes the harnessing of light for the use of heat and illumination. We can use this inner light to create and transform that which is around us. We fuel this light by acquiring the knowledge and materials that we need in order to move forward. We can then use this light in order to acquire new knowledge along the way so that we can accomplish even more. The rune can also represent Divine inspiration and rebirth through sacrifice. Other runes associated with The Chariot are Hagall and Algiz.


Path on the Tree of Life – Path 18 – Cheth-The meaning of Cheth is fence. It represents the fence of our home in which we gained the love we need to sustain us and extend to others. This can be in a familial sense in which (hopefully) we learn both unconditional love and the discipline it takes in order to sustain that loving environment. It also can refer to the more esoteric idea of divine love from the universe who’s love is ever flowing and in the name of that love provides us with the trials we require for spiritual growth. It connects the sephiroth of Binah (‘understanding’) and Geburah (‘severity’).


When the Chariot turns up in a reading it often indicates success in the matter at hand. A victory has been one and the querent has control of the situation. In matters of dispute it does not necessarily mean that all sides have reached full agreement as much as they have due to the querent’s efforts agreed to work together towards a common goal. Since so much of the victory depends on the querent’s own confidence and personality, he must continue to remain focused on the situation until it has reached its conclusion. The card may also refer to a current struggle for control that the querent finds themselves in. It may be one where there is a pull in several different directions and it is up to the querent to determine which solution is optimal and to sell it using their own confidence and personality. The Chariot may also refer to a need for the querent to reign in or learn to use their natural aggressiveness to better effect. It may also indicate an upcoming journey.


Inverted the Chariot can often mean that a situation has gotten out of the querent’s control. It may feel like they are being pulled by several different opposing forces and they cannot get it together to decide which way they want to go. It maybe that there natural charisma and force of personality is not working for them the way it has in the past and they need to learn a new way of pulling things together. It can often be a time where discipline and focus are being called for. The reversed chariot can also mean that the querent has to let go of the need to be in control of every situation. It maybe a time when they have to learn to let go and let someone else make the decisions for awhile.


Tarot Post – Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups (Water of Water)


Queen of Cups (N)Queen of Cups (Reimagined) by G A Rosenberg



She knows how I feel
Not touched by hand nor heart she
takes away my pain


Receive me O Queen
I know you understand
you take my pain and my pleasure
my words and my deeds
I may never fathom you
here in your beauty
yet you have found my depths
and shown me your silvered fineness
in return


“I walked with her to her apartment, She invited me in. We waked to her living room. She guided my steps as she followed close behind, her hand gently motioning the way.
It seemed she could listen for hours and understand my entire being as each part was accepted and absorbed into those deep grey eyes of hers.
Even tho I felt her comprehension, I had no knowledge of what she felt about it all, only that there were dephs there I could never fathom. Gazing at her was like looking into a mirror of my soul but who knew what lay behind that silvered glass.”
— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.Queens are the receptive and nurturing form of the energy. As Water of Water in an elemental sense they take everything in giving the feeling that it is all received, understood and appreciated in full. Somehow the Queen of Cups conveys this without showing any outward sign of being affected by it at all. She has an amazing sense of aesthetics and will surround herself with beauty and yet this is as much a sense that she carries around with her more than acting from any need. She is a dreamer of beautiful dreams and she reflects back everything we show her with a sense of love. Her depths are not easily fathomed and very few if any will get to see what’s beneath the surface. She is fair and generous towards all.
At her most negative tho, the the love and honest reflection of what we show her is lost given way to distortion and manipulation.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Gemini – 20° Cancer Elemental: Water of Water – The combination of the omnidirectional interest of Gemini and the sensitive intuitive home builder of Cancer shows someone who wishes everyone to be comfortable around them even at the expense of a mask of the deepest neutrality. They love to feel that they are helping and providing for others and make wonderful tho at times dictatorial hosts / hostesses. They may have an element of moodiness tho they will seldom show it except to those with whom they feel close.


I Ching Correspondence: 58)Tui – Joyfulness

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The trigram of the lake is doubled over itself. While the surface appears to be yielding, there is great strength within. Twice the strength of the lower two lines of the trigram express themselves in the gentleness of the yin line. There is a lot of reflection within this hexagram and the two lakes together can act much like two mirrors facing each other to reflect itself in an infinite picture of a still lake.


When the Queen of Cups shows up in a reading, there may be a call to be open and receptive to who or whatever comes your way. Remember being open to someone does not mean being in agreement or even siding with them as it is to hearing them out. The card may also refer to someone in our environment who is there for us in a maternal way, generous, caring and social tho possibly quite remote. This person feels like someone who will listen and make it all better or at least who will or can understand. This card may also represent ourselves and may be telling us to be as open to what goes on beneath our surface as we are to the voices and cares of those around us.


When the Queen of Cups turns up reversed, it may be referring to someone who has become out of touch with the needs of others (consider the story commonly told about Marie Antoinette who when told that the Peasants had no bread was believed to reply “Let them eat cake.”) This person may have let ambition get ahead of compassion and may be manipulative and dishonest while portraying a gentle hearted generous facade.


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Tarot Post – Four of Cups

Four of Cups (Luxury)


Four of CupsFour of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg

When life seems the same

New experience can bring growth

Explore potential


There is something new to be had
I just know it
It comes into view and it will be better than
anything before
This new cup
This new game…
Have I said it before
of each of the others?
I mean it now…
I just know the next
dream come true
will make my dreams come true….


The Most amazing gift
a dream created
A seed that if cared for
will become real
if not, it can join this pile
of seeds over here


Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Fours express a stability and manifestation of the energy involved. In this case our emotions are stabilized and at peace. Something new appears on the horizon. Do we accept it as one more thing or do we fully explore its potential? When we become too jaded to see each new thing that appears in our life, good and bad as a gift to be explored, appreciated and integrated rather than something else to use and discard then we set ourselves up for frustration later on.


Astrological Correspondence – Moon in Cancer – Cancer is the moon’s home and in this sign, each thing encountered makes its emotional impression  and adds to the awareness. It is also an energy that is always looking for something more as the possible answer to its needs and can never be totally satisfied.


I Ching Correspondence – 3) Chun – “Difficulty at the Beginning”
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This hexagram is comprised of the trigram for water over that of thunder.  It has connotations of both a seed sprouting and pushing up above the earth and also that of a storm, rain and thunder combining to cause severe noise and tempestuousness. That same rain tho can make any seeds planted grow and will give much needed water to the biosphere. It needs to be appreciated for what it is. Everything especially in the first pangs of life struggles to find its way and how it will integrate new things into its environment


When the four of cups occurs in a reading, it can indicate something new that has entered the life of the querent, usually of an emotional nature. It can be something as simple as advice. Will we listen to it or at least seek to understand how it may apply to us or will we throw it away as just one more in a series of thing we have heard? Do we believe we have heard it all before or are we truly willing to listen?
When the four of cups shows reversed, it says that we have learned to use what is offered to us and to accept it in the spirit offered. It may also show that this has occurred out of necessity because everything that we have taken for granted has been seeping away.


Tarot Card of the Day – August 30 2010

Four of Cups

Moon (☽) in Pisces (♓)

Geomancy: Via

There is something new to be had
I just know it
It comes into view and it will be better than
anything that has come before
This new cup
This new game…
Have I said it before
of each of the others?
I mean it now…
I just know the next
dream come true
will make my dreams come true….

Four of Cups  (Luxury) by G A Rosenberg

Moon in Cancer

Tho this is a natural place for the moon to be, there is an implication according to Aleister Crowley of abandonment to desire and weakness which introduces some rot into the manifestation of the emotion that comes with the four of cups…

Indeed in this card there is an implication of taking what you have for granted and wanting something ‘more’ no matter how fanciful…
No matter what you have, it is the new toy or gadget or game that will make us ‘complete’…
the next person we meet if that is there…the ennui
there arises a certain need to find inspiration from that which is around you….

Tarot Card of the Day – December 16 2009 – Prince (Knight) of Wands

Air of Fire
21° Cancer – 20° Leo

Beholden to no one
I build my flame
and speed of movement
I devour everything in my path
yet do it with a love and passion
deeper than any you’ve known

Seducing your senses
I tell you reasons
that lie beyond madness
I dance swiftly body and mind
yet do it with logic and voice
sweeter than any you’ve known

All-Sides Seeing
Committed to Nothing
I argue any position
and take it in stride
I glow with brilliant intensity
yet do it with humour and gest
warmer than any you’ve known

Prince of Wands for Thoth Deck

I Ching Hexagram: 42 Yî
____ ____
____ ____
____ ____

Sun The Gentle Wind
Chen Arousing Thnunder

This Hexagram is about one whose energy and movement can help save the world. Someone who gives himself feedback and improves therein.

The Knight of Wands inspires as he burns. Wind guides fire and the Knight of Wands is guided from within. Slow to decisions but quick to action. He is almost always in activity, mentally and spiritually. His own opinions are arrived at slowly but he will argue any position for the sake of the discussion itself. Charismatic, he draws people to his orbit, but they must keep offering him something new, as he grows bored quickly ever ready for the next adventure.

While Astrologically, the Knight of Wands has mainly Leo rulership , the last decan of Cancer brings in some interesting characteristics. A sense of timing, rhythm and creativity comes with this energy. The moon’s influence here can cause vacillation. If the Knight can avoid this vacillating, success can be possible, otherwise there may be much of the talkative spiritual dreamer about him.
Luckily the first decan of Leo lends some ‘staying’ power, pride and authority, stubborn yet people-pleasing.The second decan of Leo with its Jupiter influence also lends a well-developed sense of humour to the mix.

When this card shows up in a reading and it does not refer specifically to a person, chances are an adventure is in the offering, one that could involve things happening very quickly . What I refer to as rabbit-hole time
Reversed, there is a feeling of false starts possibly due to over-confidence. It can also be cautioning against being too cute for the room as in charm wearing thin

Card of the Day – December 4 2009 – Queen of Cups

I walked with her to her apartment, She invited me in. We waked to her living room. She guided my steps as she followed close behind, her hand gently motioning the way.
It seemed she could listen for hours and understand my entire being as each part was accepted and absorbed into those deep grey eyes of hers.
Even tho I felt her comprehension, I had no knowledge of what she felt about it all, only that there were dephs there I could never fathom. Gazing at her was like looking into a mirror of my soul but who knew what lay behind that silvered glass.

Water of Water
21° Gemini – 20° Cancet

Queen of Cups-Vertigo Tarot

I Ching Hexagram 58 – TUI
The Joyous Lake
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True joy rests on strength within — the top lines (this is a doubled trigram Tui, the lake on top of Tui the lake) yields to the inner stronger lines. Outward joy and gentleness must be based on steadfastness outwardly

Queen of Cups. So many different interpretations of that card and that fits because by her nature she mirrors what is in front of her at least on the surface. She will give you back what you show her and rarely let you see the depths below. Make no mistake they are there. She carries everything that she ever encountered. If she has been wounded she holds that beneath her surface and that may erupt. If she has known love, that is what you will find. Enormous strength almost always held in reserve, it is nearly impossible to deplete her tho she can feel used up.
Reversed you see someone as fickle as the sea and as potentially tempestuous, she has seen pain and returns it, she can be vindictive and relentless

The third decan of Gemini gives a socially innovative and trusting element to the card. Also one of purpose. The first two decans of Cancer add a strong touch of both Empathy and Unpredictability. Thus again going back to water, as there is a very fluid quality to all three of these decans, someone who can move socially within all circles, being able to pick up on other’s emotions often with unpredictable results.