The Road Not (Really) Taken


“What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?”
― Jack Kerouac


Our lives are determined by our choices. Large and small we come to crossroads daily, knowing that any decision we make may have lasting consequences. Years later we may reflect on life’s crossroads and wonder “What if?” We may spend time reflecting on what our lives would be like if we had only turned right rather than left.
Back in my younger days I used to try to cheat this. I’d stand in the crossroads trying to look down the roads of any possible choices as far as I could. I would then with loud HOORAHs choose a course go down it a short ways until something felt off and then would curry back to the centre thinking that NOW i would make my REAL choice. I did that for years with many many decisions and misfires. Eventually it dawned on me that those choices did count and the act of choosing them changed me so even when I went back to the centre, I was not the same one who had chosen the first time. For it is each choice that determines our life and our path is EVERYTHING that we do, even and perhaps especially the misfires.
Blessings, G


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Serpentine Web2Serpentine Web by G A Rosenberg


Gosamer DreamGossamer Dream by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 9 2013

“The way you live your day is a sentence in the story of your life. Each day you make the choice whether the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.”
― Steve Maraboli


I believe that each minute brings choices, perhaps they are words in our life’s sentence.  So many things call for our attention and so many people. We have only so much time and so many things to fill it with.  Lately I can totally relate to the line in Peaceful Warrior that “there is never nothing going on”. The question is to what do we give our focus? This week I have been doing the big push to finishing the tarot pictures. As of tonight’s card, I have four left to go and I would really like to get a start on editing them and putting them in some form of book or set. Of course, my son just went back to school and there are a number of things that require attention there as well as house, partner, pets and friends both online and off.  I find myself distractible  at the best of times and this is incredible but still what sentence do I wish to write and how do I intend it to contribute to the whole story? When it comes down to it, people are more important than things so while I may limit my involvement with the outside world until I’m finished, I will still be there for loved ones. I can’t wait to see what the next paragraph will bring. 🙂
Blessings, G


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The Lovers

Tarot Trump VI – The Lovers by G A Rosenberg


Star-Crossed by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 5 2013

“Magic lies in between things, between the day and the night, between yellow and blue, between any two things.”
— Charles de Lint


Live in the centre
All extremes lose their meanings
Perspective regained


I love in-between things. Dusk, Dawn, and noon and crossroads all enchant me. In between, life is neither like this or like that but partakes of something new totally its own.  If I had my way, I’d stay at the centre always and be able to partake of all things offered rather than choose one to the exclusion of all other. All of the above without being greedy will always be my choice.

Blessings, G


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Camp Site on an Alien World


Camp Out on an Alien World by G A Rosenberg
Purple - Blue0 Red CrossesSite-Seeing by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 22 2012

“Of course there are robots among us. There are also Magicians among us. I think we take turns playing each role, as a matter of fact. The Magician defines a reality-mesh and the robot lives in it. Grok?”
― Robert Anton Wilson


Most of the time I see reality as being the best playground imaginable.  We decide the boundaries. We choose what we allow ourselves to perceive out of a staggering amount of input to our senses and out of it we build what we think of as real. We then live in this reality often quite mechanically ignoring that which doesn’t fit and doing much the same things with what does. Occasionally something comes along that reveals that our take on things is merely a subset of all possibilities and our lives get turned upside down. We then get to choose another subset and start building again.


Occasionally some of us become aware that that is what we do and we start to intentionally choose the subset that works the best for us and we change it quite often. This insight also protects us from getting thrown by reality conflicts as we accept that reality is bigger than any concept we can have of it.  What reality have you chosen today?

Blessings, G


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Page of Cups


Tarot – Page of Cups by G A Rosenberg

Dimensional Calling Card


Inter-Dimensional Calling Card by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 7 2012

“I won’t tell you that the world matters nothing, or the world’s voice, or the voice of society. They matter a good deal. They matter far too much. But there are moments when one has to choose between living one’s own life, fully, entirely, completely—or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands. You have that moment now. Choose!”
― Oscar Wilde

Sometimes fortune smiles upon us. Here, because of the electoral nonsense happening down below in the land of my birth, I found the temptation to find a quote that talked about choice to be compelling. Luckily I found one that allows me to bypass discussing something that anyone sane has grown tired of long before this point. Of course as Oscar says, the things in the world matter or matter as much as we are willing to let them and of late, tho I render onto the world what is due and even feign interest, its amazing how few things I give matter to in my head. The kindness that one person shows another matters. Every instance of love and caring.. Every person going beyond their own heads, transcending who they were before in order to either help others, become something new or both, that matters.
Which sucker crazy enough to want to run a nation wins or what’s on television or what so and so is doing to such and such, not so much….
Blessings, G

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Opalescent Goddess by G A Rosenberg


Exploding Purple Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Two of Swords – Redux

The Wisdom of Not Choosing

Resolve not to resolve
I know the choices exist
yet choose not to look
lest I come to favour one
and thus negate the other

Within me, I contain universes
They exist in complicit balance
If I strive to want, to hold, to prefer
they pop like bubbles
leaving only that chosen.
Thus the box opens and one more
corpsified feline laid at my feet

Hamlet died by choices made
and choosing I disdain.

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Two of Swords by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 25 2012

“Liberty, according to my metaphysics is a self-determining power in an intellectual agent. It implies thought and choice and power.”
–John Adams

A friend of mine asked me what significance the card below, the seven of cups had to my life at this time. At first I told her that as a choice of card to do it was fairly random. I should have known better. Random is a pretty arbitrary term and I gave up believing in coincidence long ago.
The seven of cups is all about choices that are mostly illusory and reasons for those choices. Most of the time many of us choose according to our needs, whether love, fear, desire for safety or money..but ultimately we choose according to our nature and our needs.
This past week, I have been contemplating a difficult decision. I have looked at it from many different angles and argued several different points of view, driving my partner half crazy in the process. Ultimately tho no matter how much I agonize, no matter how dramatically I show that I hate deciding, there is no choice, I will act according to my nature. Knowing this, i can give it a rest and at least be sure of having some clarity.
How often do we put ourselves into this loop of anxiety over indecision? We tell ourselves we have the freedom to choose anything. Our own being ultimately decides. Trusting that, we can calm ourselves down quite a bit.
Blessings, G

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Seven of Cups by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 9 2011

“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”


Despise the compromise
yet despair the unyielding

Never so clear
so I follow my instinct
not what may be right ultimately
but right ‘right now’
i stay the path
as the decisions become harder
what good would be gaining my soul
yet losing my life
what’s the good in keeping my life intact
at the cost of my soul..

Funny thing about compromises, they tend to be inherently unstable. Pressures both within and without, knowing we don’t follow the highest standards for our spirit, our diet or our growth will eventually spur us on either to compromise more, perhaps make us insensate to our own inner wisdom, or compromise less, ever moving towards healthier diets and lifestyles even if it means sacrificing lives we have chosen.
People, such as the two of you tend to echo our own inner voices hastening the decision points.. Many can’t stand to listen.
Me, I tend to be appreciative so thanks.. Wow, a bit of a long-winded one here.
— G A Rosenberg

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Ancient Cave by G A Rosenberg

On Boxes

If all beliefs resemble boxes in which we enclose ourselves as David Icke states then we owe it to ourselves to exist in the largest most dimensionally transcendant box possible. Ones that encompass multitudes of possibilitied.

After all who wants to spend a lifetime in a shoebox made up of shoulds and should nots. Living like that may offer the ‘safety’ of limited much as a prison or other institution might but I can’t see a difference between living safely and living in fear. Here’s to taking chances with our lives and to living, thinking and being bold and free.
–G A Rosenberg