“The higher the sun ariseth, the less shadow doth he cast; even so the greater is the goodness, the less doth it covet praise; yet cannot avoid its rewards in honours.”
–Lao Tsu
Wow an entry that definitely doesn’t write itself. Feeling the sun energy or perhaps the need for it of late…Definitely a bit of Obscureness…The clouds are in the way. Not that I don’t have an underlying sense of the rightness of it all. Things unfold as they will yet knowing that and feeling it are two different things. Still meditate more and fret less or as a friend of mine says “Shut up and do your fucking yoga”. Almost always good advice I find…
Fractal clouds glowing
rainbow colours
set on fire by spirit sun
forms morphing
elemental kaleidoscope
the shapes i see
subject of my lens perception
showing me the symbols I need
to carry on…
— G A Rosenberg