Facing the Unforgiving Moment…


“Time and I have quarrelled. All hours are midnight now. I had a clock and a watch, but I destroyed them both. I could not bear the way they mocked me.”
― Susanna Clarke


Time, the illusory teacher. Something that we use to make sense and order out of chaos. I feel so aware of its passage and how it keeps speeding up as I seem to be slowing down. I can’t argue the fact so I don’t feel mocked as such yet part of me still like Rudyard Kipling seeks to “fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run” yet my focus seems widespread at the best of times so in any given sixty seconds i am likely to be doing about 20 seconds of three different things. Yet quite honestly I prefer it that way. As much as I enjoy progress, I love skipping from task to task subject to subject like a stone. I still believe the focus will come as understanding deepens. Only time will tell 🙂
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Woman of Unique Vision Confronted by Faces of TimeWoman of Unique Vision Confronted by the Faces of Time by G A Rosenberg


Sapphire and FlameSapphire and Flame by G A Rosenberg

One Brief Moment


“That is where my dearest and brightest dreams have ranged — to hear for the duration of a heartbeat the universe and the totality of life in its mysterious, innate harmony.”
― Hermann Hesse, Gertrude


To hear for a moment
the universal chord
and to harmonize in an infinite instant…
to know that brief moment
then have it slip
bereft and longing
like seeing the sun
then locked in a closet
in my head


How do you regain a moment once had? How do you find your way back to where thanks to grace you’ve had a chance to be. To feel that moment of connectiveness. How does that moment change your life and what new quests does it send you on? It seems to me that one moment is both too long and way too short.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Moving Along in A Fractal LandscapeMoving along in a Surreal Landscape by G A Rosenberg


Minimalized Filtered BeachMinimalized Filtered Beach by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – King of Swords


King of Swords (Fire of Air)


King of Swords (Fixed)King of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Wisest of Judges–
You bravely make the choices
that others run from


Playing Chess with the King
Being taught the art of war
with no mercy
He shows me how the pieces move
and how to set the board
and maneuver
He suggests things to look for
and avoid
then defeats me each time
He lives for the battle
and the game.
Ever ready to compete
with full force

The suit of Swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts. Kings are the leaders, the shakers, the initiatory force or person that get things moving. The King of Swords is a great military commander and an insightful strategist. As shrewd as he is tho, he is a man of action and will often bring his full intensity to bear on whatever cause has most recently gathered his attention. His impulse is to act with thought as opposed to reflect and then act, an important distinction. He is a shrewd judge of character and offers great advice on practical matters such as business and law. He tends to have a strong moral code and does well as long as he does not find himself in a situation where he has to act contrary to it. Consider Javert in Les Miserables. As long as he is convinced that is is correct in his pursuit of Jean Valjean then he is able to continue his pursuit unceasingly. However when he is forced to question his own sense of right and wrong, he cannot survive it. The King of Swords also has strong debating skills with a mastery of language use.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Taurus – 20° Gemini Elemental: Fire of Air – Taurean rigidity and steadfastness mixed with Gemini’s sociability and interest in communication makes for a very dynamic combination. This individual will want to test himself against any new idea or concept that comes his way not because he is open to changing his viewpoint as to prove that what he believes can hold its own against any comers. He has a strong drive to succeed in every endeavour but to bring as many others along for the ride as possible. At his best he is a loyal and steadfast friend. At his worst he is a harsh martinet who will place his standards and moral code above that of friendship.


I Ching Correspondence: 32)Hêng-Duration

___ ___
___ ___
___ ___


The trigram for Thunder is over that of the Wind. Thunder and Wind are often thought of as going together and this hexagram likewise indicates a long enduring relationship. For something to endure it is important that priority is placed on the purpose and ideals on which the relationship was based from the beginning. When this is done, any conflicts become secondary. For a relationship to last there cannot be stagnation and something new must be continually brought to the table. While neither thunder nor wind may be thought of as subsisting for long, the weather patterns that bring them are continuous.


When the King of Swords occurs in a reading there may be a legal or business matter that we need advice on. It may represent any type of problem where a logical and analytical mind can help us see the right course of action. It is definitely a time when swift action is necessary. It may also represent a time when we need to take responsibility for choices that have been made even if the choice was to delegate the matter to someone else. The King of Swords may also represent someone who has come into ourlife who is both logical and somewhat autocratic. This person gives great advice when asked but we may often feel judged in this person’s presence.


When the King of Swords is reversed, then either we or someone in our environment may be having serious control issues. The reversed King of Swords likes to throw his weight around and fully expects people to fall into line and may be quite harsh and cutting when this does not happen. There is a strong streak of cruelty in the reversal of this card and control and arrogance is everything to this person at this time. The King of Swords reversed may also refer to someone who is looked upon as an authority who finds himself unable to make a decision. This may have happened because there is nothing in his rule book that has prepared him for present circumstances.


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