Quote of the Day – November 23 2012

“Just as anyone who listens to the muse will hear, you can write out of your own intention or out of inspiration. There is such a thing. It comes up and talks. And those who have heard deeply the rhythms and hymns of the gods, can recite those hymns in such a way that the gods will be attracted.”
― Joseph Campbell

Invoke o man the deity
that speaks your souls desire
Invoke with passion
and with sound
Invoke with song
and with colour
Draw Sigils in the air
and on the ground
in water
Ignite your sign with fire
Use perfume pleasing to god or goddess
and know their presence
Worship with open mind and soul
and see purpose fulfilled
— G A Rosenberg


Repeat as needed for as many different aspects of the universe you wish to know and to integrate within. The hardest part I always find for myself becomes the channeling of intent tho I become better at it.
If you have difficulty believing in the efficacy of such a practice, try it. If the idea of invoking a deity offends you, try invoking an emotion, a feeling or perhaps a saint or angel, astrological sign or tarot card, whichever speaks to you. At the very least it may lead you to effective meditation and powerful prayer.
Blessings, G


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Knight of Swords by G A Rosenberg

Green Vortex by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – August 8 2012

“They have not forgotten the Mysteries,’ she said, ‘they have found them too difficult. They want a God who will care for them, who will not demand that they struggle for enlightenment, but who will accept them just as they are, with all their sins, and take away their sins with repentance. It is not so, it will never be so, but perhaps it is the only way the unenlightened can bear to think of their Gods.’

Lancelot smiled bitterly. ‘Perhaps a religion which demands that every man must work though lifetime after lifetime for his own salvation is too much for mankind. They want not to wait for God’s justice but to see it now. And that is the lure which this new breed of priests has promised them.’

Morgaine knew that he spoke truth, and bowed her head in anguish. ‘And since their view of a God is what shapes their reality, so it shall be–the Goddess was real while mankind still paid homage to her, and created her form for themselves. Now they will make for themselves the kind of God they think they want–the kind of God they deserve, perhaps.’

Well, so it must be, for as man saw reality, so it became.”
― Marion Zimmer Bradley


I love it when art and study comes together. As I was working on this picture I was deep in a conversation with a friend of mine about different aspects of the triple goddess figure that shows up among other places in Wiccan lore, in Greek and Roman mythology (The Three Graces, the three Fates and the three Furies (or Kindly Ones), in hebraic mythology (the three wives of Adam), Arthurian legend, Celtic mythology and countless others we find examples of the Crone, the Maiden and the Mother) representing three different forms of wisdom, giving and understanding. The picture was kind of synching with the conversation first in terms of three layers of form and fire in the centre, three layers of the face that blended into the triple figure and then the trees and the centre forming its own triplicity in one. It was a nice synching of art and conversation.
Blessings, G


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Spirit by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day October 10 2010

“I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planetswhich obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on earth.”

—  Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper,  Mercury 7

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Mountain Reveal by G A Rosenberg