The Emperor’s New Paradox

“You have to systematically create confusion, it sets creativity free. Everything that is contradictory creates life”
― Salvador Dalí


I trust contradiction and paradox. It’s comforting to know that as soon as one point of view is expressed, an equal and opposite run arrives especially as we increase the scope of the question. When we are confused our mind becomes open to possibility and imagination.
Don’t get me wrong. I can enjoy and appreciate certainty. Some people wear it well and it seems to look good on them. Of course you look again and it starts looking like the Emperor’s new clothes… brilliant garments he was taught to believe existed when in reality he parades around naked…secure in the fact that no one will gainsay him. Yet children always know or those with the heart of a child. The child hears people admiring the Emperor’s clothes and gets more and more confused until he speaks out his confusion and people see that the Emperor’s clothes, his certainties never existed in the first place.
So I will continue speaking paradox and avoiding certainty. I may never get dressed but at least I’ll be creative.
Blessings, G


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Spinning ChaosSpinning Chaos by G A Rosenberg


Indigo TunnelIndigo Tunnel by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 4 2013

“If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come”
— Arapaho saying


I don’t understand it and yet I wonder at it quite a bit. Why are so many people reluctant to wonder? At what point in our lives do we stop questioning and start to fight valiantly way beyond cognitive dissonance to hold on to our current belief systems. I love discovering I was wrong about something because it gives me something new to explore. If I truly believe that at best we can only gain a BETTER perspective on truth and not an ABSOLUTE perspective (at least not while in these physical bodies) than it stops becoming a matter of right or wrong but a matter of how right an answer can we find? How close to universal principles? It also means that at any given time there is something that we are mistaken about. I wonder what it can be? But then the imagi-nation has always been my favourite country
Blessings, G


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Green Flame Dancing
Green Fire Dancing by G A Rosenberg


Getting ClearGetting Clear by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 16 2013

“If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!”
― Shel Silverstein


What tales shale we share tonight? Hitchhiking tales from the road? A story about raising children? Improbable stories of things that may have happened to beings that may have existed, or possibly only in my mind? Come in and tell me about your dream life, the one you would live if everything you wanted came true or perhaps your favourite nightmare creature that you carry around with you whenever your sleep has gotten too deep? I live for your tales and your dreams and I wish to give you this power, to dream stronger and to make the dream come true. After all, didn’t most of us get our start in dreams?
Blessings, G


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What Goes On Behind the Eyes


Behind His Eyes by G A Rosenberg
Construction by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 25 2012

“When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin

Dear Spirit of the Season (commonly known as Santa),
What an amazing year it’s been since we’ve last talked. Thank you so much for the magic that I found in my stocking last Christmas morning. It was a small thing but watered with Dreams and Intent grew into a wonderful fire of the imagination.
It allowed me to imagine myself inside the heads and hearts of others and taught me further lessons on the difference between sympathy and compassion and how to truly help others.
It taught me to see the world in different ways than I was raised to see it and how to break free of my conditioned upbringing and understand the world that much better..
It allowed me to stretch my mind to accept that many more views of how the world work and look at each of them critically
It gifted me with the ability to convey my visions in art and writing….
So for this and many gifts that came from that one seed of imagination
I can’t wait to see what comes this year…
Some requests:
Greater understanding felt by all. Sometimes feeling understood is all that’s needed to be able to give it to others.
That everyone at some time feel hugged and loved at least once a day.
That the world leaders smarten up and step down and the world’s followers realize that they don’t need leaders.
Most of all that we realize we’re all in this together
Blessings, G

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Solstice with the triple goddessSolstice Campfire With The Triple Goddess by G A Rosenberg
Journey Mandala
Journey Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 21 2012

“Poets do not go mad; but chess-players do. Mathematicians go mad, and cashiers; but creative artists very seldom. I am not, as will be seen, in any sense attacking logic: I only say that this danger does lie in logic, not in imagination.”
― G.K. Chesterton

Many of us like to have an ordered existence. Logic and practicality inform our day and take us from thing to thing, Not that I am against order and organization, tho my life (and office) seem resistant to it, but I have found that the more I rely on systems, the more I tend to feel helpless when the system breaks down. I believe that I am not alone in this.  I can handle almost anything that happens as long as I acknowledged that  potential. It is only when my life becomes over-scheduled that something unexpected can tip the apple cart. I’d rather have time and white space for chaotic endeavours to happen. After all who knows when that white rabbit with the pocket watch may run by or something equally unlikely and compelling.
Blessings, G


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Tarot – Knight of Wands by G A Rosenberg


Tangible Mandala by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – August 10 2012

“The imagination is the goal of history. I see culture as an effort to literally realize our collective dreams.”
― Terence McKenna

Activating the imagination…allowing people in my head on the monitor to flip through, like Alice knowing that you are all a deck of cards tho I include myself in that and the cards are tarot…combining possibilities and potentialities in archetypal memories…I was asked whether I am in an altered state when I create my art. Answers both yes and know… yes, altered from when I do my day to day living, a bit more drifty and meditative, know in that none of it is externally chemically induced — at least not chemicals i’ve taken in recent memory…Do certain parts of the psyche stay activated once they are turned on ever after able to come aglow not always at desired times but you can’t always get what you want but life tends to give you what you need. Does that work even for those suffering? To be honest I have no idea tho I hope and pray so to the depth of my being. May all beings be freed from suffering as the saying goes especially that which we tend to inflict on ourselves.
Interesting night, A friend is doing a project with the tarot cards and asked me for my input and its like an archetypal mafia, every time i get out i get dragged back in but we do tend to carry our dream images around with us dont we? Containing multitudes but none of us see these multitudes exactly the same way. Excuse the consciousness stream tonight but I decided to let whatever wanted to escape through my fingers escape tonight. Tomorrow perhaps I’ll be back to cogency but tonight we swim in the stream but don’t worry I’ve brought life preservers for the unweary and I vow to leave no man nor woman behind =)
Blessings, G

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In a God-a de Vida by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – February 4 2011

“All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination.”
–Carl Jung

Conceive, Believe, Achieve…I love conceptual space. Letting my mind run wild and child-like I reach and grab at any pretty or shiny thing that crosses my minds cape. Sometimes admiring and putting it to use, other times I let it go and wander onto the next thing, not too concerned about distractibility. If something wants to be created, it will be. Sometimes I can call it, other times not so much. Once an idea catches then it becomes times to play. I stretch it out to see if it visually stimulates or if it needs words, then I bend it, warp it, massage it, talk to it, commune and meditate, wrestle and negotiate,question and cogitate until it starts to manifest. Occasionally then a poem or a picture gets created. Other times just a line or two, or perhaps some pretty colours and patterns that will one day contribute to a picture. File it away for later use. Namaste, G

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Reaching Out by G A Rosenberg

Violet Diamond Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – February 3 2012

‎”In your waking dreams when you are hushed and listening to your deepest self, your thoughts, like snowflakes, fall and flutter and garment all the sounds of your spaces with white silence”
— Kahlil Gibran, Garden of the Prophet

The process of going within; letting my thoughts fall away, watching them gradually growing silent as i watch myself watching eventually the thoughts slow down their clamouring and i watch and listen, echoes of the well, answers to questions and moments of deepest still silence…
lately even when awake my thoughts rush here and there, why i love sometimes just letting my consciousness stream, Proust like and go where they will merely typing their flow onto the screen.
The truth flows in between the 1s and 0s of the computers binary consciousness. That I can agree with for yes and no seem far too limiting as choices. Einstein stated that God does not play dice with the universe. Are we to believe that he plays tic-tac-toe? As I type this, somewhat concurrently I find myself having a conversation with a friend on FaceBook where past and future, memory and imagination are set at a strange juxtaposition to each other. It was just implied to me that the two are one and the same if time is a factor. To me, this gives me interesting insight into my art… Makes manifestation, a child of the two.
Can we manifest without imagination and experience meeting somewhere? If manifestation could occur, then would we be able to perceive it. The mind boggles which in its own way generates silence. Namaste, G

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Blue and Gold by G A Rosenberg

Rivers by G A Rosenberg