Forging / Creating / Being a Path

So something a little different tonight, I intend to take a comment i left on someone’s youtube video and expand on it since I kinda like where I seemed to be heading with it and want to expand a bit.
Anyway, one of my IF (internet friends) Lucas was talking in his video about being a shaman or developing as a shaman and how he feels that is his path (I paraphrase here so any distortion of his words I apologize and take responsibility for) and how he will have to get some kind of “mundane” (my word not his) job one of these days to keep him going but that would be one step on his path to helping people.
In the video he mentions some of the people who frequently comment on his (often thought or feeling provoking) videos. Anyway…to make a long story short (“Too Late”) here is the expanded version of my comment:

wow a shout out–now i almost feel like i have to say something profound—hmmm tho maybe pro-lost would be better because its when we lose ourselves or something we value whether it be our beliefs, our selves, our egos that we start seeking so yeah i feel pro-lost 🙂  On my best days that is.
i may be wrong (my standard refrain) but it seems to me that a shaman finds learning experiences and transformation in any endeavor no matter how mundane
(Wax on, whacks off????) 😀 little Karate Kid reference there but kind of shows my drift..that any job or place will further you on the path. 🙂 You could work at McDonalds and add a blessing to each cow-burger you put into a customer’s hand (extend this to any sales job). Physical labour can be spiritually enriching if you can turn it into a meditative practice. And of course there is also the practice of infusing everything you do with love. Of course, I think of these examples as things to strive for, meditation tends to be difficult when hung-over Sam makes sexist jokes at the top of his lungs standing two feet away and adding positive energy to someone’s laundry soap can feel pretty foolish when the customer, doused with perfume insults your intelligence. 🙂 Still dealing with the public does tend to give strong lessons in tolerance.

The Sorcerer / shaman Don Juan in Carlos Castaneda’s books said that any path could be a path with heart and these days I tend to believe this. Any activity, job, recreation or relationship  can be an avenue for growth if we set our intention that way. Of course that can be difficult to remember at the best of times. I also have found that we tend to stay with the job, relationship etc until we either learn what we need to learn (receive its gift) or pass the point where that remains possible.