Quote of the Day – January 23 2012

“You can’t cross the sea merely by staring at the water”
–Rabindranath Tagore

For too long I have stood here, looking out, knowing that one day i need venture forth one more time and journey not only in the inner way that I’ve grown so good at but externally as well. Each moment the adventure awaits yet which of us has the courage to take that first step? If we speak honestly we admit that each moment has been part of the journey and this latest step yet another in line yet why do some steps seem so much more difficult than others? Yet very often those are the ones most worth taking. Part of it is also acknowledging where and who we are without resistance. Only by doing this can we get to where we’re going. Namaste, G

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Flying through Strange Landscapes by G A Rosenberg

Entering a New Dimension by G A Rosenberg

Random Poetic Ramblings… and some non-attributed quotes

What does it mean to be open to the miraculous?

its strange, how one day you can want to understand everything and then something clicks and you realize that you will understand when it is time
which doesn’t mean don’t open yourself to learning

it just means lose attachment at needing to know until you realize that you already do.


Finding the spot
not marked by an x
all kinds of emotions flowing through
clearing, cheering,

music that reaches for my pen and starts my heart to writing
ideas unnoticed yet wanting to be heard
soul’s echo in song
and expresses in colour

what words can i give that will help the click
i will take a hand in my own salvation
and set my sights on home


funny, how few concrete ideas come by
just whispers suggestions from life’s underside

feelings of heaviness…thoughts…still the joy is there yet clouds cover
learning more and more how much i have yet to learn

Can one be in a corrupt society and still evolve?


my being wanders down the corridors of certainty
finding nothing to keep it here
yet finding myself wistful
I see so many here who have made their home
Where i have questions, they KNOW
where my path meanders all over the place
a bit here, a bit there
they seem to have a vector course that races ahead
I know the destination’s the same
and yet…
my path remains a wandering one
one where I learn from all
giving what i can and accepting what is given
and when I lose my way
when I believe I lose my way (smiles)
its just shadows i cast obscuring
the path is still there
sticking closer than Peter Pan’s shadow
with much less need of needle and thread…
and as much as i kid myself
tell myself that little lie
until i half believe it
I do know


Unattributed quotes (mainly because I don’t know who said them) (Thanks to Shivaji and Bedouin)

“any particular state remains as long as one feeds it, as soon as one ceases to feed it it will then cease to be what one experiences to be ones own reality. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just doesn’t exist for you ”

“if we are too afraid to face the facts of the world we live in then we shall not transform ourselves while being a part of it”

‎”People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved, and people are being used.”

Thoughts on the Journey

It is always in progress

It is not a race. Our spirits all move towards actualization (full self-realization through lifetimes) at their own pace and we move towards knowledge of our spirit at our own pace. There is no prize for getting there first.

We do accelerate tho when we slow down to help out another. Indeed realizing that we’re all in this together seems to be a main realization point along the road…
By all means train if that is your inclination.. Training (meditation, energy manipulation, energy charging etc) is fun and useful. When it becomes something you have to do rather than something done in joy that doesn’t seem like training and can set you back…

There is no one path to get there. If anything, every aspect of spirit (each of us) has their own road. For moments or for lifetimes ( a less brief moment in eternity) our road may converge with other’s. Our higher selves (or inner master or Spirit guides, whatever guidance system you use or all of them) will tell us for how long or how far..

There is not one being whom we draw into our path whom we cannot learn something from. Likewise there is no being who cannot learn from us.. Be open to the lesson or lessons. Be open to when they’re over.

We are limitless… Any limits we feel are those we needed at some point in able to help us along…Don’t be afraid to exceed your self-imposed limitations.

Any words we use to describe ourselves, any definitions are by their nature limiting. We may be this for a time but we are so much more…

The journey never ends

Everything on this list may be wrong =)