Realizing Potential


“To see the fruit in the seed, this is genius.”
— Lao Tzu


To see the coming becoming
is to glimpse the future’s dark
Can you see the apex view
from the mountain’s base?
Visionary impulse
with critical thought
Picking among possible futures
and willing the one you want
While wanting the one you will
Still every seed has its own will
so a slow sculpture ensues
Working to achieve the vision presented
while acknowledging the process
and owning it.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Within the CrystalWithin the Crystal by G A Rosenberg


Forest ConjurorForest Conjuror by G A Rosenberg


Muddy Water Clearing – Fragments and Contemplations

“Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear.”
–Lao Tsu


Sitting here in the woods under the twisted snake tree. It’s been a day of contemplation, meditation, walking and getting necessities and reading “Time Fate and Spider Magic” by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule.
So far it’s been a pretty amazing contemplation on time, fate, archetypes, esoteric symbolism and many other things written well with
Style and wit. I find myself taking notes in a poetic style that veers off from the book.
These few days are for letting the mud settle tho or at least churning it a bit for different colour and flavour
I let my mind wander where it will and in meditation see clear roads ahead and a non distressed lady in distress lying in the dirt inviting aid or discourse. Such are dreams.
I mentioned poetic notes and here in hope that those who read will enjoy I include them in this rather stream if consciousness ramble.


Relative speeds
Of children and trees
Of hunger and needs
Of eggs and of seeds
Mediate and meditate
And spend the timeless moment
Stem the tides of nature


Spider web and serpent time
Fate weaving its web along snake’s twisted corridors


I play in shadow in the long woods
Ritual dance among the trees and growth
Fire water and air bring the others
Who dance amid my own castings


my thoughts continue to form but some nice family time is happening. Tomorrow perhaps the dirt will settle and my rambling snore clear.


IMG_2451-0.JPGA View from in Tent

IMG_2434.JPGthe serpent tree

IMG_2447.JPGCrane in the water


Quote of the Day – September 16 2012

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them ; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like”
–Lao Tsu


Sometimes I believe that the resistance to change that so many of us seem to have to be a game of sorts. I have seen nothing in life that stays the same. Small incremental changes, even ones that seem irrelevant at the time until we find ourselves on the surface at least as vastly different people doing vastly different things in very different ways than we ever thought possible. If we seem from a long view to be so consistently inconsistent than how can we expect anyone or anything else to stay static. By embracing change and engaging in the dance we grow and flourish. By trying to stand our ground and make of ourselves a fortress we lose.


Click on image to see full-sized
Mood indigo by G A Rosenberg

20120915-233312.jpgA New Friend

Quote of the Day – March 1 2012

From wonder into wonder existence opens.
Lao Tzu

Wow, Getting ready to travel and heavy conversations about the nature of existence and enlightenment. My head is spinning
That’s right tomorrow along with family, I am heading to London and Ireland for twenty days. I hope to keep up this blog with quotes and writing during that time tho and will try to average an entry a day at least. For awhile, there may be more photos then art tho I’ve saved a few up. I hope to explore some ideas this trip, making it like most good explorations, an internal as well as an external excursion. Blessings, G

click on image to see full-size

Tea-Stained Harlequinade by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 8 2011

“Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it.”

–Lao Tsu

Click on image to see full-size
Under the See by G A Rosenberg


Ripples of Love by G A Rosenberg