Notes on: The Six of Swords

(Journey Through Strife)

Artist’s Notes:
This ship and the people on it have seen challenges aplenty on its trip through the harbour. Yet through all of its challenges, its captain manages to bring them in safely. It takes both confidence and faith in oneself to not shirk what needs to be done. That, and a willingness to adapt and think outside the box. Of course, sometimes the only way to think outside the box is to break it.
About the Archetype:
The suit of swords represents thoughts, ideas, plans, and conflicts. Sixes represent balance and harmony.
The energy of this card deals with healing from wounds, a guided journey away from where we were hurt to where we can heal and gain perspective over what has caused the wounds in the first place. Once grief has been acknowledged then we can begin the journey away from what has hurt us (carrying the memories, the swords for the lessons we have learned, with us but in a way that is now harmless to us.).
Astrological Correspondent:
Mercury in Aquarius – The Mercury in Aquarius energy is one of both objective logic and intuitive understanding. This gives an amazing ability to contextualize problems in order to begin to move past them. This form of thinking can often come into conflict with that of the status quo, especially where being helpless in the face of problems has become more and more in vogue.
In a Reading:
When the Six of Swords turns up in a reading, it can mean that the time has come to take stock of a situation and look at it objectively and move onwards. It may also denote a time of healing and moving forwards. In its most literal sense, it could mean a journey over water yet this depending on the other cards in the reading most likely will be in the context of leaving in order to heal. It may also mean that someone in the given situation is twisting their interpretation of the problem to suit their own ends.
Reversed or badly aspected, the Six of Swords can represent someone who either feels trapped in a situation or is trapped, unable to see where the escape route is. This could be because of rationalizations but it almost always signifies a need to take stoke of the situation and find some clarity. It can also represent something being offered that may seem like an escape route but will in truth only lead to greater problems.
Fate’s Whisper:
” Every empire will fall the same way it came to power.”
When the first passed and empires were in their beginning stages the Spider was stuck will endless visions of war through petty squabble. Having started the cycle of war it was then he decided to create this edict to ensure that war would only become as powerful as the foundation it could establish. This would later extend to the force many refer to as Karma. Named, jokingly as many think, The Law of Irony many began to create these loops of twisted demises as they sought to outwit Fate only to fall victim to their own with while those ignorant of this edict lived very fulfilling lives. Which are you the Fool or the Blind?


Notes on: The Queen of Cups

(Piercing the Depths)

Artist’s Notes:
It is not an accident that almost everyone will find their attention captured by something within the waters of this card yet the whole image may be difficult to fathom. Such are the depths and currents of water. We gaze into it and what we see is a reflection of ourselves. Yet that is only the surface and the depths continue well beyond our perception. We stir these waters at our peril and only if we wish to confront that which may be hidden within emotion or within time for a reason. Yet it is so peaceful, simply gazing at the card and contemplating allowing what may come.
When expressed by a person, this can often be someone who understands others intuitively and provides what they need while keeping her own feelings submerged and all but unknowable.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
The Queens are the receptive and nurturing form of energy.
As Water of Water in an elemental sense, the Queen of Cups takes everything in, giving the feeling that it is all received, understood, and appreciated in full. Somehow she conveys this without showing any outward sign of being affected by it. She has an amazing sense of aesthetics and will surround herself with beauty. This is as much a sense that she carries around with her more than acting from any need. She is a dreamer of beautiful dreams and she reflects back on everything we show her with a sense of love. Her depths are not easily fathomed and very few, if any, will get to see what’s beneath the surface. She is fair and generous towards all.
At her most negative tho, the love and honest reflection of what we show her is lost as even she has lost touch with her inner self. Instead, ever seeking that current, she will manipulate the emotions of those around her, provoking the emotional energy that she needs.
Astrological Correspondent:
21° Gemini – 20° Cancer
Elemental: Water of Water
The combination of the omnidirectional interest of Gemini and the sensitive intuitive home builder of Cancer shows someone who wishes everyone to be comfortable around them even at the expense of a mask of the deepest neutrality. They love to feel that they are helping and providing for others and make wonderful tho at times dictatorial hosts/hostesses. They may have an element of moodiness tho they will seldom show it except to those with whom they feel close.
In a Reading:
When the Queen of Cups shows up in a reading, there may be a call to be open and receptive to who or whatever comes your way. Remember being open to someone does not mean being in agreement or even siding with them, as much as it is to hear them out. The card may also refer to someone in our environment who is there for us in a maternal way, generous, caring, and social though possibly quite remote. This person feels like someone who will listen and make it all better or at least who will or can understand. This card may also represent ourselves and maybe tell us to be as open to what goes on beneath our surface as we are to the voices and cares of those around us.
When the Queen of Cups turns up reversed, it may be referring to someone who has become out of touch with the needs of others (consider the story commonly told about Marie Antoinette who when told that the peasants had no bread was believed to reply “Let them eat cake.”) This person may have let ambition get ahead of compassion and maybe manipulative and dishonest while portraying a gentle-hearted generous facade.
Fate’s Whisper:
Gaia sought to deliver the best love she could give to her children. Just as the Fish of time had raised her, she was stern but caring even at the worst of times. Those who crossed her family drowned in her intense emotions while knowing they messed up. Time taught that in order to become stronger sometimes you must take your emotions and use them to ensure what you care for is safe. Each child will wander but your gaze will never waver after all it is for their safety and your sanity.


Notes on: The Seven of Cups (i)

(Illusory Alternatives)

Artist’s Notes:
Every moment is a new opportunity to choose yet sometimes the menu is a rather limited one. There are all kinds of pressure from all different directions to choose what they want you to choose and are they all ever good at the sales pitch. “Do you want riches? We can give them to you. How about the house in the suburb with the wife, the car and friends who you BBQ with? You can have that with or without the stock options. You can be successful or maybe all you want is fear.” So many choices and so many voices leading you to choose their way. There is only one voice that matters and that is your own true nature. It knows the way that is right for you. All you have to do is know which of the voices is yours. Once we start doing that and manage to tune out the hucksters and the salesman who insist we live life on their terms and not ours, we may find that we can move beyond the illusion of happiness and choose joy.


About the Archetype:
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
Sevens represent our desires and wants and the paths and challenges we take to achieve them.
So often we feel a deep need to feel successful that we become willing to settle for the trappings of success. As long as we have a large income, a beautiful spouse, and a large home, does it matter that we still feel unfulfilled and unhappy? As long as we have the respect and love of our community does it matter that our marriage is falling apart and that our kids hate us? As long as we pursue spiritual and ontological understanding does it matter that we are homeless and cannot feed ourselves? In all three of the above cases, we pursue the illusion or appearance of success, depending on our description of it rather than working towards complete self-actualization and fulfilment.
In reality, all of these cups are ours to drink from and to bring together into the reality of success rather than the illusion
Astrological Correspondent:
Venus in Scorpio – Venus in Scorpio has magnetic and intense energy. It shows imagination and sensuality but reveals very little. It is a promise undelivered, an attractive tease that will show you every dark desire you have and indulge you in it fully and completely but ultimately will not in itself fulfilled. It is delight and delirium.
In a Reading:
When the Seven of Cups shows up in a reading, it can mean that several choices have appeared but that most are illusory promising a lot but offering little. There is one choice that may look less promising but it is a lot more real and will ultimately be more fulfilling. The card may also point out that what the querent is currently doing in their lives may be fun but may not be as worthwhile as they are pretending it is and that they may be concentrating on pleasure and instant gratification rather than joy. The Seven of Cups may also be referring to a false sense of confidence, a belief that we have won where our success may truly be an illusion because of something that we have overlooked.
When the Seven of Cups turns up reversed or badly aspected in a reading, it may mean that the querent has come to a time in their life where they realize that they have been settling for the quick fix rather than concentrating on what is really important and fulfilling to them. It may also refer to hidden problems or dangers revealing themselves after a time of complacency. It may also refer to a time when all the choices and opportunities that we fooled ourselves into thinking that we had are quickly vanishing and what remains is that which is essential to our being
Fate’s Whisper:
The ideas that tainted many immortals were primarily driven by their desire to ascend higher. Whether this is through war or defying death it didn’t change much. Many options presented to them seemed so viable. The path felt so real, even if it was a decade or more of pride nothing stopped them. Time would simply wait for them to crumble after all every skyscraper must eventually crumble.


Notes on: The Six of Cups

(Golden Times)

Artist’s Notes :
Think back to a moment in your life when everything felt perfect. Chances are you can remember the feeling even if you didn’t know it at the time. Moments like this exist best in memory. We replay it to the point where only certain details are clear but hey we need those moments. Perhaps even this moment will be a snapshot moment later on for you.
About the Archetype:
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Sixes represent balance and harmony. Mix balance and harmony with love and you end up with one of those magic moments. You know, the kind that you want to remember and take out and replay in your mind because you know it will help keep you going through the rough times. Love is and you are and the universe is right and good and nothing can take these moments away. Memories of them can heal you during rough times. Knowing that they are possible can keep us going until the next one.
Astrological Correspondent:
Sun in Scorpio – This energy involves powerful sensual feeling and transcendence, One of its symbols is the phoenix rising from its own ashes. The energy is passionate, sexual, and consuming. Few things are as memorable as making passionate love with someone who has entered your heart. The Sun in Scorpio energy involves depth of experience and depth of learning and knowledge.
In a Reading:
When the Six of Cups turns up in a reading, it usually signifies an unusually happy time. The happiness of this period usually stems from a feeling of loving and being loved. This may have to do with past memories being rekindled tho it can also be a time for making new lasting memories depending on where the card falls in the reading and the other cards involved. This is a time that will be remembered for its feeling of peace and balance no matter how long it may last.
When the Six of Cups is reversed in a reading, it is possible that for various possible reasons, tho it is a happy period in our lives, we are unable to see it. It can refer to someone who is so focused on the future, that they forget to enjoy the present moment. The reversed Six of Cups may also refer to unpleasant associations from the past
Fate’s Whisper:
The past is a key part of how we tick. When we have a cherished moment that means a lot to us we tend to seek it as a standard. In the eyes of Time, many warriors found their passion in the heat of war. The drive and adrenaline made many memories imprinted us going forward. These moments may have moulded us but they were there because we needed them.
After the peak and passion, everything must decline. To define the good the bad must occur that way we appreciate those golden times. Persist and you will find your next peak just don’t let the past define how it should be.


Notes on: The Five of Cups

(Youth is Wasted)

Artist’s Notes:
The actress bemoans her lost youth. In her mind, all that’s left of her is her pale reflection in her makeup mirror. The fact that this shows a handsome woman of a certain age is lost in her fears and anguish of the years that have flown by her. The young ingenue in the picture beside the mirror has been lost to time. She drinks her wine in sorrow and solitude not knowing that with a slight change of attitude (and a bit less alcohol), the best years of her life may still lay ahead.
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
About the Archetype:
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
Fives stand for conflict, change, and breaking through to higher thought. If the four of cups talked about how we look at something new on the horizon and our expectations, then the five of cups show how we handle things when things don’t live up to those expectations and we end up meeting with disappointment. One may ask in colloquial terms what appointment is it we have made that has been dissed.
Most of the time when we enter into a new situation be it a relationship or a new social group or job, we can quickly size up where the problem areas lay and indeed with a little bit of reflection can see exactly how it will play out and yet even when the outcome is likely to be negative, we follow down the path anyway, perhaps because we realize we need the experience and accompanying lesson to be driven home. The biggest lesson of the five of cups is not that we have suffered setbacks because that is inevitable in life. What is it that we have gained in the process and what are we left with becomes paramount. Because quite often, if we are not wasting time ‘crying over spilt milk’, it is that which is the gift.
Astrological Correspondent:
Mars in Scorpio – The Mars in Scorpio energy loves to test itself. It throws itself into a situation head-on often overlooking the emotional ramifications of it. Quite often people with this energy can see through facades and manipulate others in any situation. Quite often this can result in manipulating and fooling themselves as well.
In a Reading:
When the five of cups turns up in a reading, it is usually referring to a recent loss or disappointment. Depending on other cards in the reading, the person may be ‘crying over spilt milk’, choosing to look at what has been lost rather than what they still have or what they may have gained from the situation.
When the five of cups is reversed or badly aspected, the person is looking at their loss with more equanimity. Perhaps they have friends who are talking them through it or perhaps they have discovered gratitude for that which they have left and that which they gained from the experience. It may also refer to remaining open and vulnerable to new experiences despite that which may have been lost in the past.
Fate’s Whisper:
History is littered with spoiled monarchs and ungrateful tyrants. The loss of power has caused some of the greatest temper tantrums. In the eyes of Time, every ruler and subject are no different. Both oppress when things don’t go their way. This has never really changed. Is it part of the balance that is up to the ones who read this. When you hear the word “no” how do you deal with that bitterness? Would you take responsibility or are you complaining about things that are better left alone?
Energy’s Will cares little for either response as both have a consequence. Even if you do what is “right” you still have to deal with the backlash. However, those who fight it tooth and nail to avoid it, well let’s say Time likes to ensure they fall. Entitlement turns to poverty in the blip of a passing decade, a once pure body is now tarnished in the eyes of the holder. Maybe then you will realize you are at fault for your actions.


Notes on: The Four of Cups

(Is That It?)

Artist’s Notes:
Having three of any of the material things we enjoy is a good thing for sure. Then we could have our best, our next best and our every day of that thing. Three cars can fit nicely between the car and the driveway after all and how many houses or sets of dishes do we need? After that, we may as well be a collector. Likewise, three drinks over the course of an evening may be pleasant but the fourth would make it difficult to drive home under one’s own power.
About the Archetype
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Fours express stability and the manifestation of the energy involved. In this case, our emotions are stabilized and at peace. Something new appears on the horizon. Do we accept it as one more thing or do we fully explore its potential? When we become too jaded to see each new thing that appears in our life, good and bad as a gift to be explored, appreciated, and integrated rather than something else to use and discard then we set ourselves up for frustration later on.
Astrological Correspondence:
Moon in Cancer – Cancer is the moon’s home and in this sign, each thing encountered makes its emotional impression and adds to the awareness. It is also an energy that is always looking for something more as the possible answer to its needs and can never be totally satisfied.
In a Reading:
When the four of cups occurs in a reading, it can indicate something new that has entered the life of the querent, usually of an emotional nature. It can be something as simple as advice. Will we listen to it or at least seek to understand how it may apply to us or will we throw it away as just one more in a series of things we have heard? Do we believe we have heard it all before or are we truly willing to listen?
When the four of cups shows reversed or badly aspected, it says that we have learned to use what is offered to us and to accept it in the spirit offered. It may also show that this has occurred out of necessity because everything that we have taken for granted has been seeping away.
Fate’s Whisper:
New boundaries formed while each faction began to set its roots. Powers that wanted influence sought to challenge each pillar. This would inevitably fail as they would see those who did far less gain their favour. Time was especially cruel in this. Great factions would be forced to watch as underdogs were turned into unfathomable monsters. Their numbers mattered little as they would be food for the ones they once oppressed.
Many of us see others overjoyed as they group up and travel together. It is only when we look away do they really have to face one of Time’s greatest lessons, Individuality vs Hive Mind. While we struggle to find ourselves we forget to realize that we have a will of our own. To have easy joy means it isn’t genuine. Who are you behind closed doors?


Notes on: The Three of Cups


Artist’s Notes:
Each of them had come here separately and each had their own purpose in mind. Yet they decided to share what they had and found themselves forming a bond of friendship. There was now a shared joy and shared missions between these beings that were not felt in solitude.
Threes deal with accomplishment, fulfilment, and transmission of energy. In this case, the love that has been expressed overflows into a feeling of abundance. Two together can accomplish a lot. They can balance each other out and yet too often can find themselves stalemated. Bringing a third companion in can avoid that problem and accomplish so much more. When we are in the company of those we enjoy who share our purpose, there is little that we cannot do.
As in most friendships, there are shared commonalities and issues, yet also the basis for many a conversation. The astrological correspondence for this card (Mercury in Cancer) highlights empathy and compassion and while it remembers past wounds, can see past them enabling understanding.
About the Archetype:
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Threes deal with accomplishment, fulfilment, and transmission of energy.
In this case, the love that has been expressed overflows into a feeling of abundance. So often we think of our lives in terms of scarcity, what is missing and what we may never have. In reality, in this world there is abundance, having that which is needed. Being in the company of those we love, and having a good time, we realize this abundance
Astrological Correspondence:
Mercury in Cancer – Mercury and Cancer both elicit very personal sides of our emotions. We seem in tune with not only what is on the emotional surface of those around us but the undercurrents as well. Mercury in Cancer carries the emotional memory of everything that happens in a relationship but since it is in tune with it, there is not so much the bitterness of the past, but empathy as well. It is one thing to be in the first blooms of a friendship and be blind to the faults of those around us. How much deeper is the feeling of love and abundance with those we have known at their best and their worst and still share that love and good feeling? That is true abundance.
In a Reading:
In a reading, the Three of Cups may mean a time of enjoying companionship with friends and a time when we feel ourselves in tune with others. This card means quite often that we are allowing ourselves to feel loved and at peace and able to appreciate what comes our way.
Reversed or badly aspected the Three of Cups can mean that this feeling of camaraderie has disappeared or been blocked. There may be some disappointment or feeling of betrayal by a friend or that trust has been broken
Chance’s Tail:
With the Dragon’s wisdom (the fish of time in Dragon form), the owl’s ability to journey between worlds and the pilgrim’s ability to pass among the masses, they could now help each other accomplish each other’s quest and thus lighten the load that each bore.


Notes On: Two of Cups

(Elemental Unity)

Artist’s Notes:
As we move through our lives, we meet other travellers, each with their own qualities. The qualities we are most likely to see in them however are the ones that most closely either reflect our own or those of our shadow self that most of us suppress. This may seem like pop psychology yet I have found there to be more than a kernel of truth therein.
Quite often those we are most attracted to either as friends or romantic partners are not those with whom we are compatible but rather those who can teach us the most. It’s too bad so many of us need to experience some pretty hard lessons. If the lessons needed are mutually learned, then the couple may continue to grow together as each exhibits new qualities. Way too often, one partner develops ahead of the other only to find themselves unhappy with a relationship that once shone brightly. It takes commitment to be willing to wait for someone to catch up so that once again you can challenge each other.
Venus in Cancer is the astrological correspondent. While the surface level of this placement means bringing that love and relationship into the home, it is also very cautious. It is a precarious harmony that does not like to rock the boat and new relationships are practically guaranteed to do that.
About the Archetype:
Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.
Twos deal with duality, subject and object. With the two of cups, another has appeared, the one has become two and together the two are greater than the sum of their parts.
This archetype is all about the harmonious energies that draw two beings together. s This card is about bringing together two opposites complete in themselves, who when combined can become something greater than the sum of its parts. Of course ultimately how they combine may depend on how well each is attached to his own being.
Astrological Correpondent:
Venus in Cancer –Venus in Cancer refers to the way many go into a love relationship. Even when it feels so right in so many ways, we get so traumatized by past misconnections that we feel cautious. Still, we wish to have this loving nurturing relationship and it is a strong one. Venus in Cancer wants to build a home together.
In a Reading:
In a reading, the Two of Cups often denotes a strong relationship that is usually at its beginning. If the relationship has been ongoing, it can mean a new beginning and strengthening of the relationship that wasn’t there before. It can also indicate meeting someone who has qualities that you are lacking in your own life that you need to learn to integrate. If it is in the past, it could mean that your relationship has moved beyond that fresh excitement of being new and shiny and now it is time for the work to begin
When the card shows up reversed or badly aspected in a reading, it can mean that something has gone wrong in the relationship that one is currently in. Distrust and Jealousy may have entered the picture and the partnership may be facing some challenges. Perhaps what each needed to learn from the other has played out or perhaps a new appreciation or beginning is needed.
Chance’s Tail:
Narcissus became so caught up in his reflection that everything else became unreal. He rooted himself and became a flower that all would admire but none would identify with. It’s often much more rewarding to look at our reflection in the eyes of another and see the Nor-I and learn what we can for in the long run, it is not really a matter of I and Not-I but a matter of I manifest and I in shadow. Let’s become each other’s shadow puppets together and so learn what we’re missing.


Notes on: Ace of Cups

(Seed of Time and Water)

Artist’s Notes:
How do we measure the beginning of time? This was before the separation of the waters and all was time’s river with past, present and future existing together as one complete undifferentiated energy. When this seed came into existence time began and the waters flowed in duration. The present moment forever springs from the past and leads into the future.
With time, the beings that existed began to feel. They felt either pride, regret or acceptance of the past and hope or despair for the future. They loved or hated, rejoiced or feared. Only with time can our emotional natures develop.
Cups carry the idea of communion and community. How we deal with others (those mirrors of ourselves) can be an indication of how we deal with our own desires and needs. An old friend once gave me the key to understanding the difference between wants and needs. When we want something we are uncompromising. “I want it and I want it now. I want it this way, not that way!” When we need something, on the other hand, we are willing to get it any way we can. “I need it, I’ll do anything. It’s ok if it’s tainted just give me some now” Knowing this distinction has helped me a lot in my journeys and it is pertinent in relation to this suit.
The Element associated with cups is water. The element of water represents our emotional natures. Our moods tend to be tidal in nature with a constant ebb and flow. They can be calm and reflective or as stormy as a Tsunami.
About the Archetype:
The suit of cups in the tarot represents love and our emotional natures. How open are we to receiving that which is offered? What conditions do we place on love and how are we in a relationship? The ace of cups (like the other aces) is a seed that contains within it all of the healing and renewal that love can bring. How ready for it are we? Can we drink deep from the cup offered or do we reject it either because we mistrust what is offered or we fear where this new road can lead? The Holy Grail in Arthurian legend healed the land until it was misused and taken for granted. How willing are we to be healed?
Astrological Correspondent:
The Cups are linked with the element of water which represents the medium and currents through which our beings flow. It is the part of us most malleable and able to adjust and shape itself to its environment and thus the aspect that is most easily influenced by those around us. It contains the ebb and flow of our beings and moods, our tides, our hunger, and our satiety, our scarcity and abundance, our love and our hate. The three water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
In a Reading:
When the Ace of cups, shows up in a reading, it may represent new love being offered. This can come from another or it can come from within. It often represents a new period of potential joy. It may also indicate new abundance or happiness coming into our lives.
When reversed or badly aspected, the Ace of Cups can indicate a blockage to this renewal. What is stopping us from accepting what is offered? What connection are we not allowing to happen?
Fate’s Whisper:
“The Fish of Time was formed right after the Dragon of Reality. She gave motion to a once-frozen frame. Though motion became her obsession none were as stubborn as her. She could heal any wound regardless of the form it took. Inevitably it is her motive to ensure reality evolved into something greater. Though that is where we stop for now after all you will heal in time regardless of which current you ride.”


Notes on : The Princess of Wands

(Chance’s Emanation)

Artist’s Notes
Early in our lives, we are open to wonder. The world is full of wonder and magic and we are exuberant. Somewhere around puberty most of us lose this ineffable quality though if we are lucky at various points, we regain it for brief moments and these moments spur us on through the adventurous times when we are willing to take a chance and experience something new.
Look at the Tiger Cubs and the silvery figure beside them and you will see this quality. Open yourself up to their words and their being and you may recapture that feeling as it prepares you for the next change in your life.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Wands deals with force-creative, spiritual, and vital and is associated with the element of Fire. Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involved. When we ground fire, we bring all the energy of the spirit into the physical.
The Page of Wands burns brightly with an amazing enthusiasm that quickly becomes infectious. He or She is full of ideas of where they want to be and what they want to be doing and they are constantly on the move. They have very little in the way of filters and will say anything especially if it will get a rise out of their audience but this is done with total guilelessness. The Page of Wands due to their charm is able to pull off saying and doing almost anything and their behaviour is unique to themselves.
Astrological Correspondent:
While the Aces are said to contain the seed of the element, the pages may be considered the medium in which the seed grows. Fire is spirit, inspiration and motivating force and is expressed through Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Aries gives the instinct to push ahead, forging onward, Leo is the steady flame that expresses outward much like the plants on the ground and Sagittarius would show the flame’s expansiveness ever searching new areas to spread and grow.
In a Reading:
When the Princess of Wands shows up in a reading, it may mean that a younger person with lots of energy and a winning personality has entered our life It may also represent a time in our lives when we feel adventurous and are ready to try anything and everything especially if it is new. It is a protected time and one of the new beginnings and newfound freedom so we should go for it with confidence. The Page of Wands may also refer to some good news that has come our way.
When the Page of Wands turns up reversed, it may mean that our steps towards exploring new possibilities have faltered a bit as we encounter some obstacles. It may represent a time of indecision and lack of confidence in ourselves. Perhaps the situation has proven to be a bit more complex than we led ourselves to believe and we need to cut back a bit and take simpler baby steps on our new route. It is important tho that we continue to keep moving forward however to avoid giving up on ourselves and our direction totally.
The Page of Wands reversed or badly aspected may also represent someone in our environment who is raging because they haven’t gotten his or her own way. This person may have much less depth than we thought and may be seeking to blame others for their difficulties as they find it impossible to believe that they could be at fault.
Fate’s Whisper:
When you are a child,  the Tiger you are taught early on how to harness madness. When drowning in the seas of insanity it is since or swim. Those who can’t hold paradox are the ones who are consumed while those who can are reborn with their aura of causality.
In our youth, there are times we are expected to uphold the values of the figure who raised us. Some drown and end up being labelled as failures, while others are held in the limelight for swimming. This does not define the pool as healthy or unhealthy though. You don’t always have to swim to be something. Failure teaches more than any amount of victory. So decide what values you want to swim in.