Notes on:  Four of Wands

(The Dance Begins)

Artist’s Notes:
The dance begins. Fresh prey has been brought in courtship. It will begin as a dance, as the Tigress sums up her mate and then will turn into battle and from there…new life may well begin. Yet each step is both instinct and intellect combined. Here there will be a consummation through first, each step must be complete.
About the Archetype:
Wands deal with force: creative, spiritual, and vital.
Fours express a stabilizing of, one might even say a containment of energy. Fire contained can be used to heat and cook and forge but it is not a hundred per cent natural. Fire longs to expand freely and so it is in the four of wands. Here is a moment where that energy and force are brought into usefulness. I often think of the four wands in the configuration as resembling a marriage canopy and there is something apt about the analogy. So much comes together in the union of two people before their community. It is a spiritual force whose intensity cannot be maintained yet for the moment is there.
This archetype can also be thought of as a stated intention. In the case of a marriage, a couple are stating the intention that they intend to stay together and face whatever challenges come as a unit. When two people hold hands on a walkway, they are stating that they are together.
Astrological Correspondent:
Astrological correspondence – Venus in Aries – Aries is not the most natural place for Venus. Aries tends to be very individualistic while Venus is a very sensual, love-oriented energy. When Venus is in Aries, what would normally be slow and contemplative becomes forced and rushed though still with enjoyment and purpose. There is a feeling of immense energy combined in a beautiful form, There is an attraction towards independence and self-expression, an attempt to contain that which can be held only momentarily.
In a Reading:
When the Four of Wands occurs in a reading, it is a time of joy and boundless energy. It is a time of freedom where things are stable and we can go after anything that we wish. The question that arises is what do we do with this energy? Where do we go from here?
When the Four of Wands shows up reversed in a reading, it is still a time of happiness but the happiness and energy may not be that apparent. It may also indicate that the success and containment of the Four of Wands upright may be applied in a very untypical and unorthodox way.
Fate’s Whisper:
His impulses are a trait the Tiger holds dear. To take eternity into a waltz only for it to end in a breakdancing contest is a talent all its own, but to live like that as a norm is truly insane, or genius as the line is thin, on a whole other level. He is the one who became the muse of art that dragons aspire to reach. To be truly mad beyond reason yet churn life so flawlessly.
Many fell for this and so came into being the first forms of music and controlled madness.
We all have a mad genius inside us be it an engineer, sculptor, or teacher. To embrace this part of us gives birth to great change around us. Our mortality may limit our time but it is the envy of those who can’t appreciate life. Take the reins of your skills and aspirations life is waiting.


Notes on: Three of Wands

(Chance’s Virtue)



Artist’s Notes:
I’ve been told that every story can be summed up even beyond Joseph Campbell’s monomyth by one of two lines. “A stranger comes to town” and “Someone leaves town” and sometimes it is both. There are those who are led situationally to follow an inner call that leads them from place to place, person to person and situation to situation. He may not know what lies before him but he knows he has the creativity, intelligence, vitality and the will to keep moving forward. As long as he acts in accordance with his own being (purity), he will resolve the situation that he walks into, change what he needs to and leave again to wherever he is meant to be. Is he sane, living this life? One being’s sanity is another’s bugfug insanity and to me, it is better to ask if he is functional. The answer is assuredly yes, even hyper-functional. Most of us are so used to living according to or in reaction to society’s laws to the extent that anyone being true to themselves will seem hopelessly insane. If today’s society is any measure, then sanity may be a much-overvalued commodity.
About the Archetype:
Wands deal with force; creative, spiritual, and vital.
Threes deal with accomplishment, maturity and transmission of the energy involved.
Combining these two energies, we have spiritual energy that is ready to transmit and receive. It is an accomplished force that energizes everything surrounding it. Looking at various versions of this card I am reminded of the beginning of Kahlil Gibran’s classic book The Prophet, where a man thought to be spiritually advanced and wise has been living on an island, teaching and inspiring people for a long period and now awaits the ship that will carry him home. Before he leaves he transmits the wisdom that has come into his care to give.
Here this is shown by the central figure’s focus on both where he is going and what is left behind yet holds his affection.
Even more, this card represents a sending out of energy while staying behind and then the reception of energy. Again the idea of transmission is manifested.
Astrological Correspondent:
Sun in Aries – This energy always involves moving and sending forward. It is always moving forward inspiring other energies to do the same, no matter where in their own situation they may find themselves.
In a Reading:
In a reading, the Three of Wands talks about acting in accordance with nature both personally and in a wider sense. The path is known now all that remains is to follow it. If the person getting the reading is asking about whether a decision of theirs is the correct one in a moral sense, this card would answer with a resounding yes and that the path they are on is the correct one.
When the Three of Wands is reversed or poorly aspected, it may mean that finding the right path and deciding on goals feels unreasonably blocked. That may very well be the keynote for the reversal of the Three of Wands, a blockage of energy.
Fate’s Whisper:
The Spark of Life in its early stages was considered to be suicide to hold. Out of a raven’s impulse, the tiger took to it immediately as it was the shiniest. At that moment it consumed him, only moments later he would come out unchanged. In fact in the words of his bias, “You can’t change what was already insane.”
This would give context that the gifts each pillar chose were nothing more than a natural extension of who they each were and how they operated. Presented with a new bigger picture it became a lesson their biases would never forget.
Just like the Pillars, we each represent something that seems much bigger than us. The gifts we hold are merely benefits of the transformations we have undergone. While some might seek these gifts for their benefit, the greater gift is when we simply use them as we please without the forced intent. So relax your gift is there all you have to do is take a breath and claim it.



Notes on: Two of Wands

(Elemental Dominion)


Artist’s Notes:
This card has taken something of a strange turn. Two glowing poles representing a boundary separate a human wizard and a draconian wizard. The human wizard meets both types of energies that the dragon uses with his own counter energy. This picture could easily have been done from the opposite direction with the dragon holding his own against the impending attack of the human. It all depends upon perspective and choice yet in the end, it is at least the victor of the day who writes the account.
There are other perspectives by which we may view this card. Might we not be seeing two different versions of the same being from two different points in his stream? Could this not be a training exercise? Does that make it more consequential or less?
About the Archetype:
Wands deal with force in all of its forms, creative, spiritual, and vital. Twos deal with dualities and choices. When faced with the other do we fight it, love it, choose it or balance it? In the case of the two of wands, we have used our force and we have accomplished. Now we are faced with a choice. Do we go forward into something new or do we stay with what we have already accomplished? Which road should we take? With the two of wands, there is that frustration of needing the action that is denoted by the wands but facing the inaction of choosing.
Astrological Correspondence:
Mars in Aries – Mars in Aries is in its native sign and is all afire. It is a lot of quick energy seeking to take action and very impulsive. It will choose to do this, then this, then this, whether fighting, engaging in sex, or conquering, it wants to go, go..All kinds of energy to make things happen but not necessarily attentive to details… So it may start one thing, then another then… but which one to continue? AARRGGH, forget it let’s just start something new. What happens then when there is nothing left to start?
In a Reading:
When the two of wands comes up in a reading it normally refers to things going rather well for the querent tho there may be some serious question as to which path to take next. Making any choice in this situation is better than hesitating. Another way will always come up. It is better to go ahead now that you have momentum and energy on your side. And that you have in abundance
When the two of wands, is reversed or badly aspected, it can show that one is hesitating over making a decision out of fear or apathy. It can also mean that a choice has been made but the follow-up just is not happening.
Fate’s Whisper:
In one hand,  the tiger holds the joys and despair of life, while in the other is the chance something new. While his existence is filled with chaos,  he makes the best of it to create endless possibilities that no one else sees. Like a seed blooming he instils the slightest push to get us started. Any more effort would be too boring in his eyes.
As you manifest your life you are guaranteed to fall many times as you balance these forces. It is up to you to turn that fall into something worthwhile, otherwise, you will begin to stagnate. Like any great art piece, once the brush starts it never truly stops this painting is done. how long it takes you to make it all depends on whether you can make these forces your own.


Notes on: The Ace of Wands

(Seed of Chance and Fire)

Artist’s Notes:
In a place that is mainly undifferentiated in terms of shape colour or element, a tree appears. At the tree’s base is a tiger wearing a rather striking hat. Is this a primal tree of life from which everything else will appear or is it merely a magician’s wand writ large. Best to look around because the longest distance between two numbers is between 0 (non-existence) and 1 (something is there). If there is one thing then it can be expected that this will lead to more sooner rather than later. Wands don’t simply appear by chance or is that the only way they do?
About the Archetype:
Wands in general deal with creativity and spiritual force. Aces deal with beginnings and seeds. Here is the inspiration that starts a new cycle of everything that is to come. This is the seed of existence that contains everything that is to come. A new road has appeared. a spark of fire where there was only darkness. Go for it… Let the spark ignite you spiritually and creatively.
Astrological Correspondence:
The Aces hold a unique place astrologically in the tarot. Where the trumps each have their planet, sign, or element and the court cards have their combination of elements and sign attributes and even the pip cards (2-10) each have their correspondence, the aces don’t have specific correspondences. They, instead, contain the seed of the element and the potential for everything the element or suit has to offer. You may see them as a balance to the Pages or Princesses of the suit which are the manifestations of the suit in full flower.
In a Reading
In a reading when the Ace of Wands appears upright, maybe talking about a new start as it exists in potential. It is up to us to make use of the potential and to fan the spark into a flame…Take advantage of it
When there is a blockage to the energy (or the card appears reversed) then the spark can have died unfulfilled, a false beginning. Something is blocking you from taking advantage of the potential. The other cards in the spread may very well give you insight into what is blocking you.
Fate’s Whisper:
In a time before death inspired great movements immortals needed an extra push to act. Deeming the original immortals were the first signs of life after the pillars, living life had to start somewhere. It was the idea of the Tiger to induce the air with chaos just to see what would occur. This action becomes the first of many actions that would give the Tiger his first title, Master of Madness. For one whose bias was the purest form of transmutation he knew not predictability nor logic. Even among the pillars, his actions made little sense, though that is the reason he held the spark of life. For its fire needed endless fuel to ensure life could be had.
Like the madness, the Tiger sowed the Ace of Wands signifies a time when we need to manifest change. Unlike the other suit, this change must be born of passion and ambition alone. That spark of life resides in each of us so how will you make the flame of your life shine? Will it be born of boredom and dread? Or will it plant the seed of inspiration in those around you?