A Tidal Wave Upon the Land


“You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.”
— Alan Watts


I am a wave upon the water
and I crash into your land
I may destroy all of your buildings
and you’ll never understand.
That nothing lasts forever
but some last more than most
the ocean and the mountains
are the last to give up the ghost.

I am a redwood in the forest
and I’m growing towards the sky
Tho I’m a slow Galapagos turtle
and no one can see me cry
I am a force of nature
and I will never back down
So keep yourself protected
never know when I’ll come around.

I may tear your world apart
that was never my intent
I’m just doing what I’m living
and I’ll do it till I’m spent
but I’m feeling mighty lonely
as I continue on my trail
I know that you’re a force too
won’t you teach me how to feel?
— G A Rosenberg


Click on images to see full-sized:


Swamp SeedSwamp Seed by G A Rosenberg


Would You Fold on a Hand Like This?Would You Fold on a Hand Like This? by G A Rosenberg


Night Regrets


“The winds that awakened the stars
Are blowing through my blood.”
— W. B. Yeats


Winds blow through my night vision
and awaken my twilight dream.
I seek surcease for the weary
and an end to care.
Night Thunder sing the praise
of evening’s gone awry
Intentions avoiding action’s tongue
and sadness taking hold.
Lightning brightens the sky
and my words lay broken
Exposed and open to scrutiny
and my lips silent
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


38-HalphasHalphas (#38 in Goetia Series) By G A Rosenberg


WaitingWaiting by G A Rosenberg

Letting the Feelings Flow Through


“Nature is playful and terrible. Some see the playful side and dally with it and let it sparkle. Others see the horror and cover their heads and are more dead than alive. The way does not lead between both, but embraces both. It is both cheerful play and cold horror.”
— Carl Jung


Resist not your feelings
Your nature is wild and strong
The times that you are raging
you’re only withstanding the storm
Don’t hide your head neath the covers
feel them with all of your might
the storm that’s intense will pass by you
leaving behind peaceful night


Emotions are just like our weather
clear skies and cloudy mixed in
No use whining or complaining
by the time we’re done, a change has come in.


I once was an uptight bastard
bottling up all my rage
I felt like some wild creature
was trapped in my steel-headed cage
I finally got bored with my anger
my sorrow and feeling alone
I now let the feelings flow through me
not a one am I required to own.
— G A Rosenberg


A bit of doggerel on an evening where I have been awake too many hours with too little sleep. Tho feeling it a bit as a song. Jung’s quote talks about coexisting with nature rather than hiding from it. I have long seen my emotions as being similar to weather patterns. If I acknowledge the negative emotions that come up and let them pass through, it can be liberating. It’s when I try to clamp down on anger or hurt or sorrow that I start to feel trapped. Eventually I end up clamping down so far that I get a case of mental constipation, the shit has no way of coming out.
That doesn’t mean I have to lash out at anyone or punch walls, it just means that I have to acknowledge my anger or frustration. I witness it, witness how it manifests and then go on to other things. With practice, it becomes easier. Since I have started doing this, my stomach hurts less and I get way less stress and sinus headaches. I feel more clear-headed and can better handle whatever has caused the stress in the first place. Of course having my art as an outlet doesn’t hurt either.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Will Rise in FlamesWill Rise in Flames by G A Rosenberg


Holding It All TogetherHolding It All Together by G A Rosenberg


Losing Myself in Doggerel


The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost.”
— Henry David Thoreau


I want to lose myself
in nature’s boroughs
wander for hours
in forest and beach
I want to surrender
to where life takes me
from everyday life
I’ll be out of reach


I’m tired of life
in civilized byways
I’m weary of meetings
and coffee routine.
I find myself
daydreaming of travel
choatically lost
out there in the green


I want to find myself
some place that I’ve never
been in the journey’s
I’ve taken so far.
Perhaps I’ll start
leaving tomorrow
packing my backpack
selling my car.


Who knows where I’ll be
and how far I’ll travel
talking to strangers
maybe finding a friend
Getting myself in
all kinds of trouble
or perhaps find the person
I’ll be in the end.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Haagenti (Transforming Minotaur)Haagenti by G A Rosenberg


The Golden SpiralThe Golden Spiral by G A Rosenberg


The SummoningThe summoning by G A Rosenberg


Listening to Nature


“There is another alphabet, whispering from every leaf, singing from every river, shimmering from every sky.”
― Dejan Stojanovic


Nature is so easy to talk to
away from human ears
I can speak my heart
conveying in song and story
everything inside unfettered.
Much better tho
when in silence I listen
Everything speaks in its course
the wind whispers and roars
the ocean sings a song to the moon
while crickets provide rhythm
Birds screech and hoot and the leaves rustle
each advising me in their way
they harmonize in a way I’ve yet to learn.
As I hear the perfect expression of their being
I begin to act in kind.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


She SeesShe Sees by G A Rosenberg


Blue ArachnaeBlue Arachne by G A Rosenberg

My Place of Worship

“Why did men worship in churches, locking themselves away in the dark, when the world lay beyond its doors in all its real glory?”
― Charles de Lint

Walking through the woods towards the shore
I look out on the ocean
the first place of worship
and honour each step
Invocation of the spirits around me
In awe of the great mother the sea
and the sun
I reach a quiet receptive place
and receive the grace and power offered
with awareness and gratitude
for the existence I know.
It is a perfect moment
and one I know I can recapture
when I wish.
This shall be my place of worship
and in my heart a home.


Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


Ink Blot MandalaInk Blot Mandala by G A Rosenberg


Fractal Space MandalaFractal Space by G A Rosenberg