To Turn Again


“There are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk.”
— Guy Gabriel Kay


Backtracking through my life and exploring roads not taken. There are so many lives where I see myself happy. There are others where I see myself dead. In some I have found fame. My art and writing are appreciated by many. That road does not always lead to happiness. In some, I have found solace in drugs and sex. I throw the cards up in the air and I pick and somehow I end up back where I started.
You see, there have been so many times in my life when I’ve been desperately unhappy. Sometimes the only thing that kept me going was wondering what could happen next.
I find myself approaching a crossroads. So much of my earlier life was about external changes. Now tho I have to focus on internal ones. Changing what I can so I have the ability to put myself on the path that I desire. I know that I have the strength to do it. It is just a matter of pulling it together.
I may be taking a break from this blog for a week or two soon so that I can focus on the road ahead and the turns that it may take.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


SekhmetSekhmet at Sunset by G A Rosenberg


Blue-Flamed WelcomeBlue Flamed Welcome by G A Rosenberg