Waking Up To Something More


Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen.
— Peter Caroll


We each have so many calls to wake from the slumber of our every day lives. Many of us just hit the snooze button feeling that its too difficult or tedious to work towards self-realization. We go to our jobs or school, we have dinner with our families, maybe take in a movie or watch television and then go to our sleep. However if we but listen to our inner selves we realize that there is so much more to life than that. By pushing ourselves forward, we each have the potential to make a true difference in the world. All it takes is that first step of setting our intent and then following through. Oh there are times when we’ll falter and fall back into old habits but the alternative is one more day of sameness. It may be safe but ultimately how satisfying is it? So tell me what is it that you would like to do to make a difference? What are you doing now?
Blessings, G


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Sliding Down

Hungry Like the WolfHungry Like the Wolf by G A Rosenberg