Quote of the Day – October 19 2012

“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart.
…live in the question.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke

Remain curious. I’ve been given that advice a lot lately in about four different contexts. When speaking to my teenage son, when he tries on teenage defiance, don’t get angry or frustrated, remain curious.
“What are you doing?” or “Where do you see this going?” or “What do you feel is standing in the way of you following these rules?”

Instead of challenging or responding angrily to the challenges of co-workers or people in discussion groups remain curious.
“Why do you believe that?” or “What do you hear me saying?” or “Where do you believe that conclusion comes from?”

Curiosity may or may not kill the cat but it definitely tends to be a good method of staying calm and polite. This works when I start getting frustrated with myself? “What made me react that way?”, “Exactly what button did that person press?”, “What is blocking me from meditation?” It’s amazing seeing what answers come up.
Blessings, G

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Watching by G A Rosenberg


Green Grid by G A Rosenberg