Quote of the Day – December 22 2012

“Of course there are robots among us. There are also Magicians among us. I think we take turns playing each role, as a matter of fact. The Magician defines a reality-mesh and the robot lives in it. Grok?”
― Robert Anton Wilson


Most of the time I see reality as being the best playground imaginable.  We decide the boundaries. We choose what we allow ourselves to perceive out of a staggering amount of input to our senses and out of it we build what we think of as real. We then live in this reality often quite mechanically ignoring that which doesn’t fit and doing much the same things with what does. Occasionally something comes along that reveals that our take on things is merely a subset of all possibilities and our lives get turned upside down. We then get to choose another subset and start building again.


Occasionally some of us become aware that that is what we do and we start to intentionally choose the subset that works the best for us and we change it quite often. This insight also protects us from getting thrown by reality conflicts as we accept that reality is bigger than any concept we can have of it.  What reality have you chosen today?

Blessings, G


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