Tarot Post – Strength (Lust)


XI – Strengt / Lust (♌︎)

Strength Strength by G A Rosenberg


Surrender the struggle
to her passionate embrace
Strength found through release.


Give forth to every yearning
real and imagined
Let yourself go into ecstasy
Ride the Lion with Seven heads
with Bare abandon
Know me through pleasure
Yearn for satiation
yet care less to find it
Abandon yourself to all forms of debauch
and know me there

Drink deep from my grail
and loose yourself
beyond all reasoning.
Let me be whore and mistress
and giver of delight
for in passion’s heights I am found by all
in surrender to every desire
you will drink of my cup
and know madness
and union with my mysteries

True Strength comes not from repression
but through knowledge of the beast within
free yourself in my cup of pleasure .
— G A Rosenberg


What does it mean to master the inner self? Does it mean that we clamp down on our every wayward thought, habit and desire? I have met many people like that and they tend to resemble time bombs or pressure valves that will one day lead to a disastrous explosion. We cannot find that kind of inner control by repression. For one thing, it becomes way too easy to lose sight of that which we are suppressing in the first place and where our hungers lie.
True Strength comes from letting our feelings and hungers out and examining them in a loving and compassionate way. It means finding places and situations where we may do this safely. By giving reign to these passions, we learn to name them and work with them and use them. Our wants, desires and wounds that need to be healed are seldom the problem. It is the way we treat them that tends to make them into uncontrollable demons that terrify us. It takes strength and courage to face our demons and find that they may become our greatest allies.
In his Thoth deck Aleister Crowley calls this card Lust. Many people are afraid of the strengths of their lusts. They want or need things that they feel they have to keep secret and lose sight of why and how they lust. The satisfaction of our desires can lead to union with an ecstatic union with our inner selves if we allow them to. There are always ways to do this that do not involve harming others or ourself. In this way we come to wisdom and a greater self-confidence and mastery than any we have known before.

Astrological Correspondence-Leo(♌︎)-The Leo energy has immense self of itself and its power. It is as enthusiastic and courageous as its symbol the Lion. It is ruled by the sun and takes its pride of place in leadership and holds it through its sense of dignity and honour. The Leo energy is great for friendship but needs to know it has control. It likes to have the spotlight and can be very dramatic. Leo has an immense capacity for enjoyment of life in all of its forms but wants to both make it fun for everyone and wants everyone to know that it comes from its largesse. Leo is amazing at group dynamics especially when it is at the head of the pack. Leo is an innovative energy and dislikes few things as much as routine.


Runic Correspondence-Uruz(“Aurochs”)uruzUruz is the rune of sexuality and health. It is associated with the wild boar or aurochs. Uruz is unrestrained health, strength and energy and there is very little repressed about it. While the force of the rune may seem threatening, it offers an opportunity if one flows with it and learns to master the force through learning its ways. This is the rune of the warrior and also of the wanton. Other runes attributed to Strength are Wunjo and Sowilho


Path on the Tree of Life 19-Teth-The meaning of Teth is Serpent. It is known as the intelligence of the secrets of spiritual activity. It represents both control of wild animals and discourse with spiritual beings. Since the serpent is the serpent of wisdom, it does not represent a control of the control but rather control of the heart. It connects the sephiroth of Chesed (grace or mercy) and Geburah (Strength or Severity). It takes the devotion of Chesed to harness the strength of Geburah, a willingness to understand the wildness within rather than to try to surpress or repress it. Teth’s number is 9 and represents the feminine energy of the triple goddess.


When the Strength card turns up in a reading, it may indicate that it is in a time when we feel that the querent has things under control. Things that have been stressful have been mastered and the querent has confidence in their ability to deal with anything that may come up. The card may also indicate that there have been inner struggles that have been resolved not through brute force or through repression but with compassion towards themselves and others. Perhaps the querent is undergoing some form of inner test where they are attempting to master either an addiction or some perceived weakness. The Strength card could be leading them towards the hunger that the weakness is feeding and show that they have it within themselves to satiate the hunger without the addictive behaviour. This leads to true mastery of the situation rather than repression. If this is a present struggle than the querent can be assured that this mastery will come in time and that they will find the inner strength they need.The Strength card can also indicate that the querent needs to present a stronger more self assured face to the world.


Inversed the Strength card may show that the querent feels week and that they can no longer continue the struggle. They may feel like they are the victims of their inner demons and lack confidence. It may indicate addictive behaviour that has been triggered in some way or it may represent a long term struggle. The Strength card reversed may indicate that they are in a relationship that is destructive and where the passion is out of control in a negative sense. The querent may need to be reminded of struggles they have overcome in the past and mastered and need to be more compassionate towards themselves.


Tarot Post – Justice (Adjustment)


VIII-Justice (Libra ♎︎)


Justice (F)Justice by G A Rosenberg


Silent but not blind,
teach me inner harmony
Holder of the scales


Poised between paths
seeking to balance
past choices made
to create my future.
Yet every choice
brings consequences
and every action
swings the pendulum
creating more need
for adjustment.
What is fair
in this existential balancing act?
I seek to be just
and blind myself to
black and white
I will act from guidance within
I have learned my place
in this world
and it is mine alone
to change what I can.
and leave alone
what I cannot.
feelings cannot sway me
nor can thought
for it is now what i want
but what I will
and the scales will be balanced.
— G A Rosenberg


When we find ourselves on our own in this world we are faced with a number of choices. Even the smallest decisions can have lasting ramifications on our life. Occasionally we will make ones that seem to damage us in some way. We choose the wrong job or partner or develop habit-forming indulgences. We end up having to face the consequences of these decisions either circumstantially, emotionally or mentally. Do we learn from our past missteps and take more responsibility for our choices armed with that knowledge? Do we overcompensate by choosing the exact opposite only to suffer a different set of consequences? How do we find balance between the two and take full charge of our lives? This is the lesson of the Justice card.
In the long run the decisions we make really don’t matter as much as our willingness to claim them. Life will work with whatever we give it to teach us the lessons we need and growth is unavoidable. The greater our ability to take on the responsibility for our own spiritual and emotional growth, the faster it will happen. By accepting what life has taught us so far and using that to govern our further actions we find that balance within ourselves.
There are certain things that will happen to us such as natural disasters, injury or sickness that we aren’t responsible for yet still have to deal with. Part of learning responsibility is realizing what is and isn’t our fault. While we might not be able to control these events, we can still control our response to them instead of falling into pits of self-pity or remorse. It is both in the act of response and how we respond to everything that we face in life that determines our growth. How fast can we adjust to the changes and regain our equilibrium.


Astrological Correspondence-Libra (♎︎)-Libra, symbolized by the scales, is the sign of harmony and balance. The Libra energy wants things to stay in balance and on an even keel and will do anything possible to reestablish things that have gone awry. Libra works best when it is in tandem with another. The Libra energy is intensely curious especially about others and can be extremely charming. At times tho there is a tendency towards gossip, perhaps causing a bit of disharmony that it can later balance out. Libra’s planetary ruler is Venus and love and beauty are strong motivators. The sign is the diplomat of the zodiac and works hard to find the best compromise between disputing factors. As an air sign communication is one of Libra’s gifts and it will talk its way out of difficulty.


Runic Correspondence-Tiwaz (“Tyr” or “Tiw”)tiwaz
Tiwaz is the rune of that symbolizes universal justice and the idea of sacrifice of the individual for the good of society. It governs the idea of fairness and compassion for the good of all. The Norse war god Tiw whom this rune represents was a warrior and diplomat. The rune represents the knowledge that justice will win out over adversity tho courage will be needed to see it through. Another rune that is attributed to Justice is Nyd.


Path on the Tree of Life-Path 22 Lamed-The Meaning of Lamed is ox-goad. If you remember the meaning of Aleph, the path represented by The Fool translates as Ox. Just as the ox goad will conjole the ox to stay on its path, the idea of universal justice and balance keeps us from straying too far off our paths in any direction. It connects the sephiroth of Geburah (“Severity) with Tipareth (“Beauty”). It is known as the ‘Faithful Intelligence’ as it does what is necessary, even tho it may seem severe to keep us in balance.


When Justice turns up in a reading it can often mean that things are working out in a fair and balanced way. The querent is facing the natural consequences both positive and negative of his actions. It would benefit them to realize exactly how their past choices have brought them to this point. It can also mean that the querent is facing a decision that will have both major and minor consequences for them and they need to be very conscious of the direction that they choose. Justice means that it is time to be honest with oneself and others and encourages the querent to be fair in their dealings. It is a great opportunity for self-knowledge. It can also mean that there are legal issues at hand for the querent and that the outcome will be a fair one.


Inversed, the Justice card may indicate that there are ways in which the querent is being dishonest with himself and others. It may mean that they are refusing to take responsibility for what is happening and seeking to place the blame elsewhere. It may mean tho that the querent is facing dishonesty or unfairness from an outside source and is trying to deal with it as best as possible. Reversed Justice can mean that they need to take the high ground and act honourably even if others around them aren’t. It may also mean a legal decision that is not in the querent’s favour.


Tarot Post – The Chariot


VII-The Chariot (Cancer ♋︎)


The Chariot The Chariot by G A Rosenberg


Triumphant Journey
Horses now pull in tandem
Their Master smiles.


I’ve taken control
of my life and circumstances
I have passed the tests
brutal and long.
I demolished all obstacles
that blocked me from my goal.
I stand ready to journey
Onlookers cheer as I ride by
at breakneck speed
in full control of my vehicle.
Well Armoured,
I know now what I can do
and will triumph
by the will of the all
no matter which way I am pulled
and no matter the dangers ahead
— G A Rosenberg


When we are ready to leave home and make our own way in the world we feel triumphant. We have made it through the trials of adolescence and feel unstoppable. In the best cases, we are armoured in the love and support of our family (or family of choice) and community and feel more than up to any challenges that life may throw us on a material level. This is an example of the Chariot force in action. The Chariot represents that feeling of taking charge in life through the use of will. The Driver does not need reigns to direct the two horses pulling his chariot. Even tho they may be drawn in two different directions, he controls his movement forward through the use of his will. He has confidence that he will succeed in his endeavours and that the world is his to make of it what he will. The victories that he has gained in developing this control give him knowledge that he can conquer anything in his path.
The Chariot also represents the vehicle in which we move. This could be considered on many levels whether it be our bodies, our cars or our spirit. Our vehicles serve as both protection and propulsion. They are how we move through the world and how we handle them can be a symbol for how we handle the externals in our life. We may be pulled in different directions as we experience the seeming contradictions of life (shown by the two horses facing different directions) but it is our will that directs our vehicle the way we wish it to go.


Astrological Correspondence-Cancer(♋︎)-The Cancer energy feels safest in its home environment. It is a nurturing and emotional energy tho prone to moodiness. Cancer’s planetary ruler is the Moon and its moods can be almost tidal in their nature. Cancer has a great drive to see things through but can withdraw into its own shell much like its symbol the crab. Also like the crab, Cancer can make a home for itself anywhere it goes without having to rely on others. It also has the ability to project that feeling of home to those around them to make a loving caring space for them. At its best (i.e. when it is feeling most secure) there is little that Cancer cannot accomplish.


Runic Correspondence-Kenaz (‘Torch’)kenaz-100x100Kenaz is a rune that symbolizes the harnessing of light for the use of heat and illumination. We can use this inner light to create and transform that which is around us. We fuel this light by acquiring the knowledge and materials that we need in order to move forward. We can then use this light in order to acquire new knowledge along the way so that we can accomplish even more. The rune can also represent Divine inspiration and rebirth through sacrifice. Other runes associated with The Chariot are Hagall and Algiz.


Path on the Tree of Life – Path 18 – Cheth-The meaning of Cheth is fence. It represents the fence of our home in which we gained the love we need to sustain us and extend to others. This can be in a familial sense in which (hopefully) we learn both unconditional love and the discipline it takes in order to sustain that loving environment. It also can refer to the more esoteric idea of divine love from the universe who’s love is ever flowing and in the name of that love provides us with the trials we require for spiritual growth. It connects the sephiroth of Binah (‘understanding’) and Geburah (‘severity’).


When the Chariot turns up in a reading it often indicates success in the matter at hand. A victory has been one and the querent has control of the situation. In matters of dispute it does not necessarily mean that all sides have reached full agreement as much as they have due to the querent’s efforts agreed to work together towards a common goal. Since so much of the victory depends on the querent’s own confidence and personality, he must continue to remain focused on the situation until it has reached its conclusion. The card may also refer to a current struggle for control that the querent finds themselves in. It may be one where there is a pull in several different directions and it is up to the querent to determine which solution is optimal and to sell it using their own confidence and personality. The Chariot may also refer to a need for the querent to reign in or learn to use their natural aggressiveness to better effect. It may also indicate an upcoming journey.


Inverted the Chariot can often mean that a situation has gotten out of the querent’s control. It may feel like they are being pulled by several different opposing forces and they cannot get it together to decide which way they want to go. It maybe that there natural charisma and force of personality is not working for them the way it has in the past and they need to learn a new way of pulling things together. It can often be a time where discipline and focus are being called for. The reversed chariot can also mean that the querent has to let go of the need to be in control of every situation. It maybe a time when they have to learn to let go and let someone else make the decisions for awhile.


Tarot Post – The Lovers


VI-The Lovers (Gemini ♊︎)


The Lovers The Lovers by G A Rosenberg


Two Streams combine, one
Opposites brought together
Love beckons refreshed


In a glade I met the other
and my dormant soul came alive
The differences between us were so clear
Here was a being
who might fill my empty spaces
and whom I could fill
in wonder, in prayer, in delight.
I didn’t understand
and could spend my existence trying
as we sought to combine in every way possible.
Yet doing this meant leaving the life I knew behind.
What did the child’s home matter
when I could find fulfilment
in the being of another?
Yet I was needed there.
Duty and comfort drew me back
Her being drew me forward.
To go to her would mean
losing my self, my blood, my life
yet gain meaning
in something larger.
i froze, caught between possibilities
I saw in her eyes
the same dilemma.
Moving forward, I made my choice
— G A Rosenberg


As children we are governed mainly by those around us whether it be our parents or the society in which we are raised. These are represented in the tarot by The Empress, The Emperor and the Hierophant. These influences act on us and give us a particular lens on the world. They tell us what is expected of us and almost everything we do is either in concordance or rebellion to these influences. Then one day we meet the other. We feel an intense attraction towards them. It may be either a sexual attraction towards someone of the opposite (or same) sex or just an intense interest. They were raised under a different lens than us with different influences. They are built differently and have different expectations of life. That can make everything we have believed up to this point come into question. Do we continue to endorse the viewpoints of our family and the society that raised us or do we embrace these new points of view? How can we continue to live in the manner that we are used to when we know that there is another, maybe a better way? We start to see the flaws in our parents’ outlooks and methods and challenge those who’s authority we have never challenged before. We have come to a point where we recognize the need to make our own choices. Ultimately this may mean leaving home and going out to the other. It may mean finding a way to encompass both.
This time of choice is represented by The Lovers card. In older versions of the tarot, the card showed a young man choosing between an older darker-haired woman and a fair-haired younger woman. This represented the choice between his family and his lover. In Waite’s deck, as well as the picture here, this card was shown to represent a mature man and woman standing together (suggesting Eden). Aleister Crowley’s Thoth deck depicts an alchemical wedding which is also at its simplest, a joining together with the other.


Astrological Attribution – Gemini (♊︎) – The Gemini influence is that of intellect and analysis. It loves to take things apart and discover what makes them work. Part of this is distinguishing one thing from another and Gemini is a very analytical sign. Gemini’s symbol is the twins and it can easily see both sides of a question and can vacillate between the two sides. Gemini’s Mercurial nature is shown by how quickly it moves from one subject to another, ever probing and learning more before it moves on to another. This may make it appear superficial tho with time Gemini’s understanding deepens. Gemini is quick to act and quick to react but no reaction no matter how infuriating is ever the last one.


Runic Attribution – Ehwaz (‘Horse’)EhwazThe horse stands in unique partnership to man. At its best a horse and his rider become in tune with each other moving as one. Ehwaz represents partnership, communication and swift movement forward. It also represents harmony in relationships. Other runes connected with the Lovers are Kenaz and Gebo.


Path on the tree of Life – Path 18-Zayin-The Meaning of Zayin is (‘sword’). A sword is used to separate and analyze determining how two things differ from each other. A sword can be used to separate or to unite (as in kingdoms). It can also represent the penis which also has the ability to separate or unite. Path 18 is the path that connects the sephiroth of Binah (“understanding”) and Tiphareth (“beauty”). It is referred to as the Disposing Intelligence. It is a path that crosses the abyss linking the lower seven sephiroth with the upper three. In order to bring understanding from beauty, one must analyze and then later synthesize the understanding.


When the Lovers card shows up in a reading it can definitely indicate a strong romance that is either ongoing or on the horizon. This relationship goes well beyond the physical and can mean the type of lessons in understanding and harmonizing with another that only such a relationship can give. It can also indicate a time of choice between two paths that are both compelling. This may be due to the prospect of such a relationship and can often mean choosing between the life that the querent is living now and a path totally new to them. The Lovers can indicate how important and essential your current relationship is to your life. The Lovers card may also represent any major choice that involves several layers of the querent’s life. Upright this often means they can chose confidently knowing that their decision will be the correct one. The card may indicate that the question is one of trusting in one’s partner.


Reversed, the Lovers can mean that the querent is doubting the choices that they have made or is being tempted to make a choice that will ultimately prove challenging if not damaging. It may mean disharmony and temptations to split up. This may be due to trust issues. It may mean that a partnership is splitting up because the people involved have lost sight of the things that have brought them together in the first place. In a position in the reading indicating the past, the Lovers may refer to bitterness over past relationships that are hurting the querent now.