The words came first silently
as if vibrated from within
Gradually though they increased in volume
“Listen to the flow of your will
and live to your purest instinct”
Looking around I saw nothing
Not quite true
I saw two birds flying overhead
Crows I thought or perhaps ravens
No, not flying in this dreamlike haze
But perched on the shoulders of a man
He was grey-bearded with a
blindly-twinkling eye
“Who?” I stammered
“Am I?” asked the man with a laugh
“Better to ask that of yourself
I am merely a traveller
while you have lost your way.
One bird cawed and I grew lost
In undistinguished memories
of life spent living the
despairing dreams of others
rather than discovering my own.
The other raven sounded
And I saw a road ahead
A difficult path where
I lost all that mattered little
Yet found my deepest self
The caw sounded again
And then stopped
The man and birds were gone
Did I awake with newfound clarity
with new purpose and meaning
or was it all some foolish fantasy
The answer came
with the falling of one black feather
and the release of inner chains.
Art: Ansuz (Rune Alchemy Oracle deck) by GAR