Shadows Cast by a Glowing Crystal (Story Fragment)


“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
— Eleanor Brownn

Something a bit different tonight. Often when I create art, I feel inspired to write poetry or meditate. My pink crystal picture tonight came with a story or at least the beginnings of one…


The crystal that she held by its thin chain glowed pink and it cast strange shadows on the walls of the room. The crystal was fascinating. It seemed to contain faces within its facets and the faces held as many emotions as the crystal had facets. The faces like the light appeared on the wall. I could hear a strange droning noise. If I listened closely I could almost hear whispered voices. It was as if the faces  on the wall were speaking and each one was telling the tale of its life. I heard whispers of pain and joy and longing for an existence that had been denied to them for too long. As I walked towards the face that looked the most benevolent, its voice started supplanting the others so that I could hear it above the din and drone that was going on around me. “My name is Fred Thornton and when I first encountered the gem, I was on a trip to Athens….”


Blessings, G

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Shadows Cast by a Glowing CrystalShadows Cast by a Glowing Crystal by G A Rosenberg


The FeedingThe Feeding by G A Rosenberg


Sprouting the Seed 1

A few nights ago, on myspace and a few other places, I wrote a line that popped into my head that I thought was a great starting point for any one of a number of stories or poems and called it a story seed : “Today in my secret place I found a door”. As an exercise in writing and because it seems like fun, I decided that over the next while (days or weeks) I would sprout the seed in various ways and see where it might go. At the end of this I might take the sprout that I like best and transplant it , publishing it here after I feel it has come to full grownt . Feel free to comment and let me know which sprout you like best. First sprout:

Today in my secret place I found a door. Funny, after all this time coming here I thought I knew all of the ins and outs. Oh things shift around every now and then. After all who would want to live in a static reality? Still this spot had always been somewhat continual. To all appearances, it seems a warm cave with lighting that suits me bright enough to read in yet not so bright as to disturb meditation. The fire pit was there with wood that I restocked when I came and a carpet fragment to sit on, nice and soft, taken from a childhood memory. …