Notes on: The Nine of Cups
(The Stuff of Dreams)
Artist’s Notes:
There’s a cheerful fellow. He has managed to have most of his desires realized and has dared to allow himself to be happy. There’s not another shoe that’s going to drop, his parade will not be rained out. No matter what may come he has found his joy. Isn’t that one of life’s secrets? Those who have the most joys, wins.
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. The Nines represent a coming to completion of the energy involved if not the completion itself.
Combine these energies and we have a moment of peak fulfilment with joy and pleasure near orgasmic. All of our wants are fulfilled, we feel bliss, and life is good. No matter how good this feeling is it cannot last. Change is constant and eventually, this pleasure too will pass, whether it be into a period of sustained joy or into new challenges ahead. Perhaps knowing this makes this moment all the better and the wine all the sweeter.
When I was first studying the tarot, this card was described as the wish card. The thing about getting your wish is that a) you get what you once wished for and b) there is almost always a price of some kind. How long our happiness lasts depends upon our willingness to pay the price even if that is carrying the decision to remain happy.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Cups deals with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. The Nines represent a coming to completion of the energy involved if not the completion itself.
Combine these energies and we have a moment of peak fulfilment with joy and pleasure that is near orgasmic. All of our wants are fulfilled, we feel bliss, and life is good. No matter how good this feeling is it cannot last. Change is constant and eventually, this pleasure too will pass, whether it be into a period of sustained joy or into new challenges ahead. Perhaps knowing this makes this moment all the better and the wine all the sweeter.
When I was first studying the tarot, this card was described as the wish card. The thing about getting your wish is that a) you get what you once wished for and b) there is almost always a price of some kind.
Astrological Correspondence:
Jupiter in Pisces – Jupiter in Pisces energy tends towards compassion and empathy. It has the ability to know intuitively what will make those around feel better and creates the situation accordingly. This is a very fun-loving energy that enjoys life the way a dolphin enjoys the sea. Piscean energy tends to pick up and amplify anything within range so when it amplifies Jupiter’s expansiveness, it wants to show up and be there for everyone. There is a tendency for this energy to become complacent and feel that the good times will last forever.
In a Reading:
In a reading, the Nine of Cups has commonly been called the wish card. Depending on its position it indicates forward motion in the subject at hand. This card means good fortune, happiness, and enjoyment. Because this card often refers to a breakthrough it can also indicate that there is a lot of celebrating going on, possibly to excess. This card can also mean that for a time weighty matters have been put aside and the simple pleasures of a warm bed, a full belly, and a ‘bottle in hand’ can now be enjoyed. This card can also mean that one has abandoned care and work to sit, enjoy and dream of future glory. Quite often with this card, we look for this enjoyment not only for ourselves but for our friends and teammates as well.
The Nine of Cups reversed or badly aspected in a reading may mean that we are not getting what we wish, possibly because we have been focusing more on the desire rather than the work needed in order to bring it to fruition. The reversed Nine of Cups may also mean that we are getting what we wanted but not finding it quite as satisfying as we thought it would be. Something seems to be missing. Perhaps we have only been working on fulfilling our own dreams rather than making sure that those around us are also getting their needs fulfilled. This card reversed may also mean that we have the satisfaction not only of our surface needs met but our deeper spiritual needs as well.
Fate’s Whisper:
Worlds formed off the stray thoughts of creators. Each vision comes to life in hopes they see more change come their way. Presented a single grain each creator must turn that grain of sand into their legacy. This infamous cycle continues as the hourglasses of time flips. What was once revered would become forgotten. When the world is in your hands one moment and the next you are its pawn how will you react? Energy is constantly shifting as is its influence so cherish your climb while you can. After all, the fall will come when the bill comes due.