It’s All Done With Internal Mirrors


“The difference between magick and therapy is that, for magick, truth lies in experience, whereas therapy is concerned with questions of “meaning” and “interpretation”. The therapist traces the meaning of symptoms back to the unconscious, over and over again. In other words, issues on the surface are exposed as being the product of issues hidden at a lower level. It is all “about” issues. Magick, on the other hand, enables us to experience issues directly as something else—as a “demon”, an “angel”; as something other.”
— Duncan Barford


Symbolic battles actualized
the gods battle outside
I side with demons
so I can understand their ways
and realize their nature’s illusion.
No sides exist but perspective
The energy is in the realization
I tear down my internal walls
and seek what lies beyond
as the universe spins me in place
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


Angel of the MorningAngel of the Morning by G A Rosenberg


Tesseract UnraveledTesseract Unraveled by G A Rosenberg